Hardcore Fitness Maniacs - Monday June 21


Morning Maniacs - This morning I did Fit In Your Jeans by Friday - Upper Body & Abs with Kim Kardashian & Jen Galardi. Workout was 60" and I burned 477 calories. Max HR was 153. I added on a couple sets of wall squats, lunges and squats to get a bit of leg work in there.

While I was stretching, I popped in the Bob Strength workout. OMG that annoying girl was going to town with her grimacing and groaning & moaning. I think I'll end up doing these dvds while jamming some Papa Roach. I never recall seeing anyone in a workout video ever doing that!

Work has been DEAD. I am so stressed and bored at the same time. My numbers are taking a severe nose dive. The weather is gorgeous and nobody wants to be at the mall. I only had 2 sales on Saturday and a few yesterday. Work today and then I'm off for 2 days! Woot. Day 3 of my migraine. Hope it lets up soon.

ETA: Oh ...,and I talked my DH out of quitting his job for one more day.....and thus I am the BAD wife. He's mad at me. I think he should have another job lined up before he quits and he is miserable and just wants to quit. If you quit, you can't collect unemployment.
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Good Morning Everyone!

Lora - Sorry that things have not been going well for you. I will keep you and DH in my prayers. :(

It took me a while but I read the posts from the past weekend. You ladies were certainly busy this weekend! I was fairly active at camp, but gained 2.5 lbs from too much celebrating.....ARGH. I did Muscle Max this morning - good workout and I even completed the ENTIRE workout. :rolleyes:

Debbie - I hear you on the lack of motivation. I didn't do any "formal" exercise over the past weekend either. I just was not in my groove last week but hope to get serious this week.

Argh...I have patients so I will have to try to get back to everyone else a little later. :(

Hey Maniacs, I am so, so sorry I have been MIA. About a week and a half before my trip, DH looked at me and said his DAD (who was paying for everything) was expecting us to arrive at Disney with a plan. Especially since we arrived on a Monday and Left on Friday, not much time. So I jumped into overdrive researching all the Disney parks and what they had to offer and at the same time continued working on getting my pool project done. Needless to say it was all I did.

Trip was great but very very busy we opened every park and never got to bed before 11-12pm. We pushed the kids hard, by Friday all they wanted was to go to the hotel pool. Disney is not a four day trip.

The pool is up a running. FINALLY! :D:D:D:D I got it up just last Thursday.

Saw the actual surgeon on Thursday instead of the PA. I have to have surgery. :( There is a tear in my rotator cuff, but instead of the normal tear which lifts up and away, mine has a split in it right over the insertion over the long head of my biceps. And there is something going on with the attachment of the long head of the biceps. They were gonna schedule my surgery for the next week or two but I have decided to delay it until September, because it's summer the kids are home and I can't sit not able to do anything.

It is now June 21st and I need to get my pt recertification by June 30th and I have not even started.:confused: So I will be once again be crazy busy for the next week. :confused:

Okay I think that's all.

Oh I still have been working out following Debbie's Get ready for Summer Rotation. And I will probably started again when I finish, because the lighter weights is all I can handle these days with my shoulder.
Today was Meso 1, Week 4, Disc 10, Chest, Shoulders & Biceps. I have to say, I'm glad I'm done with the pushups in this series. They are getting OLD! And I'm glad I'm almost done with the endurance part of this rotation. I'm looking forward to Meso 2.

Pyramid Up Pushups - 4 reps - 4/4 cnt
Pyramid Up Pushups - 8 reps - 2/2 cnt
Pyramid Up Pushups - 16 reps - single cnt
***10 second rest between each pyramid set.
Superset Seated Lateral Raise & Seated Rear Flyes - 8's/10 reps for raises; 15's/10 reps for rear flyes
Standing Dumbbell Curl - 20's/10 reps
Standing Dumbbell Curl - 15's/10 reps
Standing Dumbbell Curl - 12's/10 reps
***10 second rest between each drop set. Should have used 17's for the 2nd set and 15's for the 3rd.
Incline Chest Flyes - 25's/15 reps
Seated Rear Flyes - 15's/15 reps
Bonus Band Pulls - Green band/15 3 cnt. reps
***These work the rotator cuff. They burn really bad!
Alternating Incline Curl w/Twist - 20's/15 reps
Pushups - Wide, Standard, Narrow - 18 total reps
***Start out with wide pushups, do 3 reps; go to standard pushups, 3 reps; go to narrow pushups, 3 reps. Then do narrow pushpus, 3 reps; standard pushups, 3 reps; wide pushups, 3 reps. Burner!
Incline Side Raise on Stability Ball - 6#/15 reps each side
***This really hurts my right shoulder. I can go a bit higher but risk injuring it again.
Seated Barbell Isolation Curls - 35#/15 reps
***Was surprised I could do this with 35#. I figured that might be too heavy. Probably could have gone heavier.
Chest Flyes on Stability Ball - 22's/15 reps
Lateral Side to Front Combo- 5's/8 reps
***Should have gone heavier but these catch up to you after about the 6th time through.
Incline Band Hammer Curls - Green band/32 reps
Core Pushups - Bootcamp Style - 16 reps
Seated Barbell Front Press 1.5's - 35#/12 reps
***Was surprised I could do this with 35#. Got hard with the last two reps.
Reverse Dumbbell Curl - 17's/16 reps
***These burned my forearms big time.
Stability Ball Pushups - 24 reps
***Started with ball on thights, did 8 reps; ball on shins, 8 reps; ball on toes, 8 reps.
Functional Overhead Press - 5's/7 reps
***Wanted to go heavier here but these catch up to you around rep 5.
Barbell Curls w/Band - 35# w/green band/15 reps
***These were really hard! I'm always afraid my band is going to snap.
Prone Pushups on Stability Ball - 20 reps
***First 4 reps were 4/4 count, rest were singles.
Seated Lateral Raise - High Ends - 6#/6 reps
***These burn like a mofo.
Alternating Seated Curls + Both Arms - 17's/16 reps then 8 reps with both arms
***Wow, this one I really felt. 17's about killed me.
Pushups - 21's
***Did 7 low ends on knees, 7 high ends on toes, 7 full on toes. By this point I was just done with pushups.
Standing Barbell Front Press - 37#/21's
***Did 7 low end reps, 7 high end reps, 7 full reps. Tough!
Narrow Grip Barbell Curl - 37#/21's
***Same as above.
Staggered Pushups - 16 reps
***8 with left hand up, right hand back, then switched and did 8 with right hand up, left hand back.
Standing Dumbbell Overhead Press - 15's/10 reps
Standing Dumbbell Overhead Press - 12's/10 reps
Standing Dumbbell Overhead Press - 10's/10 reps
***10 second rest between each drop set. Was burning by the end.
Preacher Curl on Stability Ball - 15's/15 reps
***Did these on my preacher bench. Don't like doing them on SB.

I'm glad this workout is over. No more pushups! Woo hoo!!!!
I had to stop my workout a little early because the painter arrived and I didn't want to have him come to the door in the middle of my workout.
I started my workout with Bob Harper's Pure Burn/Pure Strength workout 1 which is 1 hour 8 minutes of strength work that does raise the hr some. I burned 369 calories HR was between 114 and 151. I think he said something about up to 12lb so I picked up 15's at first. Soon dropped weight. I used 12's a lot but there were areas I dropped to 10 and 8 lb. The shoulder work was killer. Especially when he did the iso holds. Also near the end when he hit the plank work, push ups, side planks and then held the side plank I ended up using 8's. I then did Bob's Yoga for the Warrior workout 2 which is yoga abs. This was a burner and when he hit plank work again my arms were shaking. This workout was 17 minutes and I burned 53 calories. Total workout time was 1 hr 26 minutes and calories burned was 422. I think both workouts were good. I started the shoulder work with 10's but dropped to 8's because it moves fast and I could feel it in the side of my neck and left shoulder a lot. Overall I liked the workouts.
Debbie, yea for being done with push ups:D

Linda, good to hear from you. I am sorry you have to have surgury. That is quite awhile to wait, but I understand. Sounds like you have a full schedule.

Cheryl, good for you getting in all of Muscle Max this morning.
Diane - At first I thought waiting until September sounded like a far off time to, but the more I think about it - it's going to be here before I know it. I just can't it here in this house all summer and not be able to do anything with my kids. At least in September they both go to school and I can sit home by myself and whine.:p
Lora - Love the name of your workout today. That's funny. If only it were that simple! I hope your dh can find a decent job somewhere. I'm amazed he found one so easily. Tell him to hang in there.

Cheryl - Nice going with MM! Love that workout. I'm seriously considering taking the entire weekend off every week. I just have no desire to workout on weekends and I love my time in the mornings when I can get them. I don't think 2 days of rest will do me any harm and if I notice more weight gain, I'll just go back to it. For right now, I'm giving myself permission to have a 2 day rest week. :D

Linda - I'm so sorry to hear you have to have surgery. I was really hoping it would heal in time. Is the tear on the inside of the shoulder or the outside? I'm thinking if it's near the bicep then its on the inside of the shoulder. Weird. I wonder how that even happened? I don't blame you for waiting until fall to get it done, I think that's a good move. It's too hard to be laid up in the summer. Glad you had a good time at Disney! Sounds like you guys did nothing but run around.

Diane Sue - You sure did do a lot of plank work this morning. Wow. I have a hard time doing them in a short workout that Cathe does. LOL! Nice job. And yes, I'm glad all those pushups are over with!!! :eek:
Hey Debbie, the tear is in the front of my shoulder. As both the PA & the surgeon describe it "it looks like I tried to dislocate my shoulder". I'll just have to be careful until then. I have have a couple more weeks left on you Summer rotation, then I figure I'll just restart it and that will get me to surgery time.:confused: How are you? Have all your aches healed yet?
Linda - so sorry you have to have surgery on your shoulder.

Where's our lovely Lori today?

Anyone interested in these extra DVDs I have?

I have the preview disc for Turbo Fire from my One on One Subscription and I just got the entire set...so I no longer need it. It's just a 15 minute HIIT workout.

I also have Cool It Off Express & Cardio Sculpt Express. They are each 30 minutes long. One is a nice stretch workout and the other is cardio & high rep weights. I got dupes of these, so I don't need them.
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Linda - Very happy to see your post!!! Glad you're back :D Ugghhh about the shoulder -it's good they've at least clarified the problem(s) and healing is in sight. This has sure drug on a long time for you :confused:

Cheryl - It's hard not to have ups and downs - you've been pushing yourself - going at it full force with all the activity at camp and stuff. Maybe your body just Needed you to back off a little bit? Sounds like you're hitting it hard again, though. MM is a goody. One of my favorites (using parts of it right now in a split). Be good to yourself :)

Diane Sue - I've had to cut short/postpone my workouts for the same reason a couple times lately. Well - not a painter, but someone working on the house. Sounds like a tough workout - glad you enjoyed it - and thanks for the details about it - I've had my eye on those workouts since you mentioned them :)

Debbie - I was ready to be done with Meso 1 by the last week too. The first time I did STS, I used the 5 1/2 mo. rotation :eek: Became exceedingly tired of push ups (but much better at them too). Good for you in taking weekends off if you want to. A lot of people would be happy getting "just 5 days" in a week. You have a good balance. Sometimes enough really is ... enough. I am working to learn and practice that more in my own world.

Lora - I like Papa Roach (DS loves them). I laughed at the workout name too. What did you think of it? Good/tough/fun??? I noticed that you added in some of your own stuff - I know you do that, but was it lacking otherwise? Woot is right! Glad you have some time off so you can enjoy the weather instead of being vexed by its stealing of your customers :confused: Sorry things are so tough for your DH at work. Your thinking makes sense to me, though. I hope he can stick it out. Also hope your day goes smoothly and your numbers go up AND your migraine goes away (may as well make the wish list thorough ;) )

Theresa - Miss your posts - hope you're good :D

I'm about to go workout (finally). It's been a LONG, tough day. Just - stuff. Don't know how much steam I have, but I'm heading into my workout room to just do ... something.

Thanks for inspiring me ;)

Lora, I would love to have the Turbo Fire preview disc. I am sort of interested in these but do not want to pay Beach Body prices for the workouts unless I think that I am really going to like them. I have the others though. Let me know how much??
Hello Ladies-

I am just now getting around here, sorry for the delay. This no internet at work thing is KILLING me, how sad is that :rolleyes: I am debating on getting a blackberry so I can use it at work. I have also just realized what a junky I am about the web :p

It looks like everyone is having great workouts, sorry I don't have time for much in the way of personals.

Linda-sorry to hear about the shoulder surgery, I wonder if it was when you fell down the hill in the winter (I may be a bit off but it was something similar to that, yes?)

I'll stop back by tomorrow. TTFN
Lora - Didn't see your post earlier asking where I was (thanks :) made me smile). I've been wondering that myself today :confused: I've been "teary" - for no accountable reason really. I think perhaps I need more of a life outside of parenting working working out cleaning studying ... all good things - but lacking. Having you guys helps, but I don't have much (a.k.a. basically, none) real interaction with live, 3 dimensional grown-ups. Kids and animals, yes. Phone and written correspondence, yes. But ... :confused: So, I went and visited my neighbor. DS went to see his dad and she's always asking me to stop by - so I did. She is hysterically funny - very dry wit. It was nice just to hang out and do that. Sometimes the little things help a lot.

Theresa - You need a blackberry. It's just that simple. I am not even sure what it is (techno idiot, I know), but if it means you could check in during the day ... you need it :p

I did get something in. A good shoulder workout (MM and APX combo) and short cardio. That will have to do.

Have a good evening.


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