
I have basically accepted an unexpected rest week as I have ongoing GI issues. I have an appt today to get checked out. And to top it off ttotm starts this week so I am just going to do the best I can and listen to my body on workouts

I slept in so am just getting ready to go do my workout. Tomorrow I will be back to getting up early. I had my grandchildren over this weekend and enjoyed my time with them. Last night I did Tony's One on One Patience is a Hummingbird Yoga. I liked the workout, but I really didn't quite care for Tony's personality so much in this one. Not sure why. Also he gets quiet when he switches sides and unless I looked at the tv I didn't know when he was switching the pose. But once I do it a couple of times I should be fine. I like the length which is around 36 minutes. Today I STS Meso 3 week 1. I wll doing this mesocycle for 2 weeks.

Theresa, I hope you get the help you need when you see the doctor. To bad the dhe doctor was out last week.
thanks Diane Sue and I'm sorry to be such a complainer, but I have never had stomach/GI issues last this long. My doc is still out so I will be seeing a fill in, but it should be ok.
Also, is the Tracey Long step worth it? I have never done any of her workouts, what is she like?

Well, I've decided to take another week off. I can't believe I just said that. I still have pain in my hip flexor, it was pretty bad yesterday. I still can't sleep on my left side and it gets really tight when I sit too long. I'm hoping with another week off it will get a little better. If it doesn't, I've decided that I'm going to make an appointment to get x-rays and see if it's bone related or if it is the muscle. Has me really worried. Especially since I did absolutely nothing for the last week.

Theresa - Yes, listen to your body. That is the best thing you can do.

Diane Sue - When you say Tony - do you mean Tony who does P90X? Does he have another yoga workout out? Or is it a different Tony?
Debbie-I'm sorry the rest week didn't get you back to 100%. Can you schedule yourself for a massage this week? It may help plus it's a nice treat :D
Good Morning!

I am still trying to fight this cold, so I am taking another rest day. Hoping maybe I will feel up to doing something light tomorrow. I slept better last night, so that's good.

Also, since I don't always do as I am suppose to and have not worn my brace 7 days week 24 hours a day, I think I may have done something to it becuase it has been hurting the past few days. Guess I will get yelled at next Monday by the Doctor.

- Sorry you are still having issues. Hope the doc can help you today.

- Sounds like you are feeling better.

- I am so sorry that your hip flexor is still bugging you. I know how you feel. I am beginning to think I need to see a doctor about my shoulder. Doing MMA:Boxing bothered it and I didn't even go all out because I was sick.:(:(:(
didn't want to get out of bed today due to pain. I did Body By Jake Rock Hard Body (from Exercise TV) 40 minute weight/cardio circuit. Workout was 60" with my own w/u and c/d and I burned 419 calories. I did some stretching over the stability ball for my back and side, but I'm miserable. I don't know how I'm gonn...a stand at work for 9 hours today.

RE: work - here's what's going on that's stressing me. Some of you may know that I have to sell so much per hour to keep my job. I had no idea I was doing so well until recently when I was told that I almost made Pacesetter. Pacesetters are the top sales peeps in the company. You have to sell $175,000 per year to qualify. Apparently, I made it, but when they factored in my returns from Christmas, I fell short and did not make it.

So - at the store meeting the other day, the store manager named the Pacesetters and then he named my name saying that I missed it by $2000.

Now - all of these 2-faced women I work with know this and there is much animosity, jealousy, etc. They are trying to steal my sales and being totally rude to me. Nobody is willing to lift a finger to help me with my Clarins assignment and they are all saying really negative things about me being placed over there. They also don't think it's fair that I should get to sell Fragrance & makeup since this has never been done before. I've spoken with my manager about this (but she's friends with all of them and won't do anything). She only tells me that I'll be fine and don't listen to them and that the big guy (store manager) wanted to do this for me to help boost my sales since I did so good my first year in the store.

Anyway....hope that's not too much rambling for one day.....but I'm a hypersensitive person and I can't take the stress of all of this drama. Plus, I'm getting used to working with a new coworker (who is a freak - and I'm having issues with her) and I'm feeling very inexperienced and stressed about my upcoming event at work that I have to do facials and makeup at without any prior practice.

.....talk about a complainer, huh?

Theresa - good luck at the doc's.

Have great workouts everyone.
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Linda-Sorry you are still fighting the cold. Wow we are all falling apart here :rolleyes:
I meant to tell you about Indian Clubs-I was not sure if you've heard of them before. They are one pound weights sort of in the shape of a bowling pin and they work w/ shoulder mobility. I got them because the guy on AOS said one of his female trainers had major shoulder issues and this helped. Also, a pro ultimate fighter used them after a torn rotator cuff and shoulder jam. I used them the other day and they get a nice burn going plus it helps stretch the chest. Perform Better sells them and a DVD. Just an FYI :D You can check out some of the moves on youtube if you are interested.
Theresa, I think that Tracey Longs workout is good. It is not hard choreography and more of a steady state workout. I am not sure how much it costs as I got it from Lora.

Debbie, if you go to Beach Body Tony has the One on One workouts. These are unedited workouts and it is just Tony. You can buy them individually if you scroll to the bottom of the page. I had been thinking of purchasing this one for awhile now. I have his Road Warrior tubing workout as well. I am sorry you are still having problems. It sure doesn't hurt to get it checked out. Then you will know how to deal with it.

Linda, I am feeling better. I took Zicam all weekend(they now have chewable ones that are better than the lozenges) You need to take cares of that . Sorry you are still having problems. That is good that you slept better. I slept great last night. No coughing or anything.
My dd always tells me to start the Zicam as soon as I start getting the cold and she also recommends Mucinex D.
Workout today was STS Mesocycle 3 week 1 chest and back 68 min and I burned 338 calories, then I did Gym Style Calves using 25# and Tibialis toe pulls 7 min 27 caloreis, I started doing Taebo Fat Blasting Cardio but didn't realize that I needed two matching pieces of tubing ( tried just standing on one of mine and I tried holding 3# dumbbells I stopped at 17 min and burned 101 calories, I put in Tracey's Kickbox Challenge and did the upper Mix 36 minutes and burned 251 calories Max HR was 157(this was after I realized the reason my hr probably didn't seem to be getting up there was the strap had loosened doing weights and was sliding down) Total calories burned was 717 and workout was 2 hrs and 8 min..
Hi Ladies, it sounds like a lot of you need some resting up! You all are used to taking care of your bodies by working so hard, but sometimes we do have to take care of our bodies by resting, too, and I know it's tough cuz you are all used to being so active! I'm a bit under the weather myself, but nothing that's even close to a big deal...just starting to get a little scratch in the throat. I went to yoga class today anyway, which was the day's workout. This particular yoga teacher seems to be a bit lighter, so it fit how I was feeing.

Lora, congrats on doing so well at your job! Try to block out the negative people as much as you can and just concentrate on doing a great job. I'm sorry you have to deal with that jealously and meanness, though. =(

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