Somebody please help, I am going crazy. Due to some lingering cold symptoms I am not ready to return to Insanity. I can't lift weights due to my hand. I wasn't in the mood to do travel fit again. So what lefts ...aerobics , and I can't even really do kickboxing as it bothers my shoulders. I so did not want to workout today as there was nothing in my workout room that I wanted to do. Everything I wanted to do I can't do!
Ugh! I went to the hand specialist this morning and I have ANOTHER 3 weeks!
Okay sorry, rant over. I did manage to finally do Turbo Jam Fat Blaster.
You know what: Here's the link to the band circuit work. There are two seperate routines, both of which alternate band work w/ cardio bursts.
Linda - I'm so sorry to hear this, I know how frustrating it is. I'm going to suggest something but I doubt you'll like it.
Take the next two weeks off. Seriously. It will help you immensley with all your ailments. Two weeks is nothing, I did it and was able to lift just about as heavy as I usually would this morning, I was just holding back for fear of DOMS tomorrow. My knee doesn't hurt anymore, my shoulder doesn't hurt anymore and I no longer have knots in my upper back. I feel completely rejuvinated and I do not regret one second of my time off.
I know you don't want to hear it and probably won't do it, but that's my suggestion. {{{HUGS}}}
Debbie - I just might take that suggestion. Since I can't do Insanity right now all I want to do is go down and pump some iron and I am so mad that I can't. Other than that I've been thinking what the hell to the intense workouts matter when I can't even get my eating under control!