HI - Yesterday kind of got away from me. Was in a rush cuz I had to go to Denver and pick up DS. We got back late-ish last night. Very good to have him home. The drive back flew by because we (mostly he) talked non-stop. It was really nice
I did do the Gauntlet on Wednesday (ode to Cheryl
). Yesterday, I did Hiit 40/20 and then one wave from the double wave pyramid. I was pushing it for time and barely got a shower in before I had to go. Both workout's went really well. No idea why - I'm pretty worn out
Maybe I've been running on a certain amount of adrenalin. That's not very good for you after awhile, I know -- time to settle down and get back on a more normal schedule. Not sure (even as I write this) what I'm doing for a workout today. This evening I'll take some time to work out a September rotation.
Debbie - Congratulations. Another full journey through STS
. Vacations almost always leave me feeling a little worn out -- usually feel like I need a vacation AFTER my vacation.
Roselyn - I've been revisiting some STS workouts too (as well as Diane Sue). Pretty intense, hooking one up with a hiit - nice work
Theresa - GREAT workout. I checked out that site. It is now in my 'favorites.' Thanks
Diane Sue - Thanks for including your workout's breakdown -- a very good, very tough one. Wow on your cal burn.
I am just ... groggy. One can't get jet lag from driving I don't suppose, but still
I had chest shoulders and triceps sheduled for today -- and some cardio. I'll try to go with that I guess. Have a great Friday.