Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Fri 10-30


Morning Maniacs -

I'm up early...working the early shift today. I have been having so much trouble sleeping with these stupid shifts! My motivation has gone South! Did NOT want to roll out of bed this morning or workout, but I forced myself. I did Val's AHB Build 1. I used pretty heavy weights, kickboxed thru a couple of the breaks and then skipped a few breaks. I did the stretch twice, as I'm tight. Workout was 50" and I burned 333 calories.

So far I've done all of the workouts from AHB. Now that I have a feel for them, I can up the intensity appropriately. I like them, but they aren't as hard as I'd hoped they would be. I have no problem upping the intensity though. My only complaint with them is that the warm up could be a bit more active to get the HR up and the stretch could be longer.....but otherwise, I really like them. I'm not getting so sore from them any more. I did at first.

Have great workouts everyone.
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No workout yesterday other than taking the dog for a walk. I am crampy, cranky, and exhausted. today is hill sprints.

Lora-nice work. I'm sure that working out when it is pitch black outside doesn't do anything for motiviation either. Also, from yesterday, I call it "my other life" also, weird. I feel like a cat on my 3rd one. DH and I quit smoking together also. We were not nice to each other for the first week, but it got better. The only thing that bothers me is we quit 8 months ago and he still uses the nicotine gum. It's kinda driving me crazy....

Diane Sue-I get checked next month and I got a new OB/GYN, the last one I was not crazy about. I am going to ask to have my hormone levels checked and my thyroid. The adrenals, thyroid, and female reproductive system are closely tied to each other in females. So we really are driven by hormones :D Great.

Now I may have to check out Rumble, you all are such enablers :D

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Theresa - if you love Amy (like I do) you MUST get Rumble. It's so easy to follow. Usually Amy is so frustrating to follow! I did Rumble with my DH one day and made him use hand weights and I kicked his butt! It was funny. I actually even kicked my own butt that day.....as I remember I was particularly sore. I really do get INTO my punches when I'm frustrated. It's like I get a chance to beat the crap out of someone and sometimes that's exactly what I need...........since I can't REALLY do that to the peeps who take advantage of me, right? Yes, my other life....LOL! I should have been dead long ago the way I used to live. That's one of the reasons I think I cried the morning of my 50th birthday. I felt like I wasted so much of my life being that other person and I feel like I'm on the way down the other side of the hill now. I'm VERY vain....and I don't want to age.....thus I'm having a severe mid-life crisis! Hang in there with the smoking. Tell you DH to throw that freakin' nicotine gum out. He's just replacing one addiction with another! I used the patch when I quit, but only for 2 weeks, as I did not want to become addicted to that either. off to get ready for work.

ETA: Theresa - just wanted to add that Kundalini Yoga is really good for working the adrenal glands. Have you ever tried any Ravi & Ana Kundalini yoga? It is a very bizarre form of yoga (if you're not familiar with it). If you have an open mind, check out the reviews on Amazon. It is the one form of yoga that actually almost makes me get a buzz....so to speak. One day, my DH did it with me and he was like "why haven't you told me about this before?"....and I laughed......as he used to watch me do it and make fun of me.....and now he knows why I like it. Which reminds me, I need to pull out a Ravi & Ana video soon. Anyway, Kundalini yoga works the glands and organs more directly than any other form of yoga. I really like the breathwork in it.

Deb - are you still watching GH??? What's Sonny gonna do? Is he gonna shoot that B#$ch!!!????? LOL
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Ok, today start week 3 of Meso 3 and it the workout you go your heaviest. I did extremely well. I not only hit my 100# bench goal, I exceeded it by 5#! I am so happy about this, I never thought I'd be benching this again due to my shoulder. My shoulder has been fine through this whole STS rotation. Makes me very happy. Don't get me wrong, it still hurts when I move it in certain directions - like putting on deodorant - it hurts when I do that for some reason. But as long as I stay in control of the movements of exercise, it seems to be doing well.

So today was Meso 3, Week 3, Disc 31, Chest & Back. Had a BLAST with this one! I feel awesome right now.

Flat Barbell Bench Press - 65#/12 reps
Flat Barbell Bench Press - 70#/12 reps

1st set
Flat Barbell Bench Press - 100#/6 reps
Barbell Rows - 85#/6 reps

2nd, 3rd & 4th sets
Flat Barbell Bench Press - 105#/6 reps
Barbell Rows - 90#/6 reps
***Felt extremely strong here. I should have tried 110# but I didn't want to push my luck. LOL!

1st set
Flat Bench Chest Flys - 37's/6 reps
One Arm Row - 45#/6 reps

2nd, 3rd & 4th sets
Flat Bench Chest Flys - 40's/6 reps
One Arm Row - 45#/6 reps
***Was shocked as hell that I did flyes with 40# dumbbells. I don't think I've ever done that before.

1st Set
Incline Barbell Bench Press -95#/6 reps
Barbell Deadlifts - 85#/6 reps

2nd, 3rd & 4th sets
Incline Barbell Bench Press -100#/6 reps
Barbell Deadlifts - 85#/6 reps
***The inclines felt awesome. Last set the 6th rep was almost to failure.

1st set
Incline Chest Flyes - 40's/6 reps
One Arm Horizontal Row - 40#/6 reps

2nd, 3rd & 4th sets
Incline Chest Flyes - 40's/6 reps
One Arm Horizontal Row - 42#/6 reps
***Probably could have used 45# for the horizontal rows but this exercises tends to hurt my right shoulder

I am psyched! This was one fun, excellent workout for me. :eek:

Lora - Oh yea, I'm still watching GH! I cannot wait to see today's show! I have no clue what Sonny will do, but he will do something. I'm sure of it!

Well, it's my Friday - shopping day. I don't have time for personals today but thanks to all about the reviews on Rumble. I will definitely do it next week. I hope you all have excellent workouts! It's suppose to be in the 70's today, but rain. Figures. But I'll take the 70 degrees! :)

Have a great day everyone!
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I will do a quick check in right now and come back for personals and weights. DH and I are going out to lunch.
I sis STS meso 3 week 1 biceps, shoulders, and triceps using the BOwflex for all exercises, then I did 4 sets of 25 kneeling Bowflex crunches with 160#, 1 set 16 reps seated crunch 100# (for some reason this hurt my elbows), 4 sets 16 reps 15# med ball rocket shoots. I finished off with Itrain stretch19 Grace Lazenby yoga core and yoga cool 23 minutes.
Calories burned today was 633 55%fat.
Hey Maniacs. Thought I'd drop in and wish everyone a HAPPY FRIDAY! :D

Deb....whoo hoo on reaching the 105# again! That is where I am at right now with my bench press but def looking to increase weight over the next 3 months with my bulking.

Theresa...sorry about all the female problems....I had a partial hysterectomy about 5 years ago. I also have hashimotos disease (thyroid). Hope things get better for you!

Ok there was so much talk about Rumble I think I might have to purcahse it....or that would be a good idea for a Christmas gift! ;) Speaking of gifts....did I tell you guys my DH bought me a tennis bracelet and gave it to me the day of my comp? He said he was so proud of me and that I deserved it for all my hard work and dedication! Gotta love him!
I also got my professional pics back from the comp and will post a few later. (at work right now)

Speaking of pics.....Dang Suz you are putting on some major muscle!!!!! You rock girl! Love your posing partner!

Linda....I think you need to post some progress pics. You have been lifting some serious weight the last few months. I bet you look incredible!

Hi Diane Sue! Here's my meals...just for you! :p
Low carb day...
M2: protein shake/power crunch bar (not really in my diet but they are soooo yummy!...and only 10 carbs!)
M6: chicken w/veggies
M7: protein shake/almonds

Today is a rest day because we are going to DS football game out of town tonight. Hope everyone is enjoying their day!
OK, no food yet. DH is on the phone so I thought that I would go ahead and post workout weights.
This is with the Bowflex and it took me an incredibly long time to make weight adjustments. Some I did and went back and redid because I was not sure what weight I wanted.
standing-barbell front press reps 15,12,8 reps my weights were 30's,40's,50's
Barbell Curl-50'S each hand 8 rep 4 sets
Tricep extensions 50# 4 sets, 8 reps
lateral raise-40#, 8 reps 4 sets
Incline curls-50#,8 reps, 4 sets
seated tricep extensions one arm- 50#, 8 reps, 4 sets
seated lateral raise 8 reps, 4 sets.
seated concentration curls Bowflex-70#, 8 reps, 4 sets
lying cross body kickbacks Bowflex-50# 4 sets 8 reps
seated concentration curlls70- sets 8 reps
cross body kickbacks-50# 4 sets 8 reps
sonya-what led them to decide you had Hasimoto's? May I ask what symptoms you had? I can't tell if that may be something that is going on or if it's related to excessive estrogen. The problem: I have enough medical knowledge to be a danger to myself and others, and I hate going to the doctor, I'm a wait-and-see type of person.

Lora-thanks for the info on the yoga. I will definitely check that out.

Diane Sue-I hope you have a nice lunch and nice workout.

Debbie-have a good Friday

sonya-what led them to decide you had Hasimoto's? May I ask what symptoms you had? I can't tell if that may be something that is going on or if it's related to excessive estrogen. The problem: I have enough medical knowledge to be a danger to myself and others, and I hate going to the doctor, I'm a wait-and-see type of person.

Theresa...I actually got it after the birth of my son 16 years ago! I didn't even know I had it. I had taken DS for a check-up at his pediatrician she asked me if I had thyroid issues? I told her "not that I know of" She asked if I was tired....uh, yeah I have a 6 month old! :) But she just noticed it was enlarged and recommended I get it checked. So I did....and the rest is history.
Morning Maniacs -

I have been having so much trouble sleeping with these stupid shifts! My motivation has gone South! Did NOT want to roll out of bed this morning or workout, but I forced myself.

Lora - I bet that constantly changing schedule is really messing up your sleep! Sorry things have to be so crazy!

I am crampy, cranky, and exhausted. today is hill sprints.


Theresa - Ohh, hill sprints when you are crampy, cranky and exhausted? Sounds like fun!:p

Ok, today start week 3 of Meso 3 and it the workout you go your heaviest. I did extremely well. I not only hit my 100# bench goal, I exceeded it by 5#!

Debbie - Congratulations on exceeding your goal on the Bench Press!!! ^^^^55555ssss

I also have hashimotos disease (thyroid).

Linda ....I think you need to post some progress pics. You have been lifting some serious weight the last few months. I bet you look incredible!

- Wow, that body with a thyroid disorder? Most women I know with thyroid problems are fat and they blame it all on the thyroid.
And there won't be any progress pictures until I get some pounds off, especially not with you and Suz posting your pictures. I am not putting mine pictures up anywhere near yours!:p:p:p

- Whoa, 50# for crossbody kickbacks?

Today was Workout B from Turbulance Training.

Superset 1
8/8/8 - 50#
DB Floor Press
8/8/6 - 40's (got more reps this time, but not all of them and last year at this point I did 46's and all the reps:mad::confused:)

Superset 2
Chin Ups
5/3, 5/3, 4/4 (first number unassisted, second assisted)
DB Incline Press
8/8/8 - 36's

Superset 3
Inverted Rows
15/14/12 - BW
Decline Pushups

12/12/12 - BW

Then did HIIT running suicides, doing eight rounds of 30 second work with 60 second rest. Workout was 55 minutes and I burned 401 calories.
Sonya, that was so sweet of your dh to buy you the tennis bracelet. Glad he realizes he knew how much you put into the competition. Thanks for sharing your eats. I need to have more of those low carb days. So far today not to bad. Although they put 2 times the chicken on my salad and boiled eggs.
Well, I started to read the posts and got side tracked :D

Linda, I had to assist those last few reps on those cross body kickbacks. By the 4th set I was starting to struggle. Took me a bit to figure what weights to use on the Bowflex.

Debbie, congrats on passing your 100# goal :D

Theresa, I hope the new doctor can help you. You really should try Rumble. It is so easy to follow. No complicated stuff.

Lora, you are a true maniac though because you always get those workouts in despite the different shifts and lack of sleep.

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