I finished my workout and ran my errands. Took way to long. Two banks, Target and Walmart. I left Walmart awhile ago and I was so hungry. I ate a childrens cliff bar before I left but it wore off. I stopped at Schlotskys and picked up a salad. Hardly anything on it. I got the chicken ceasar one planning on using my own dressing. Came home and added more cheese and some spinach w/ my fat free dressing. I ate the crackers and croutons in the car. I usually throw them out. I did the lower 4 day split premix and lifted heavier than the last time. Felt I got in a good workout. I then did Yoga Booty Ballet Yoga Core. I liked it pretty well. Planks, 1 arm planks and other core moves along with some pilates and yoga.
Wts were
w/up set squats I held 15# dumbbells
barbell front squats 65# 12 reps 2 sets
deadlifts on step 35# dumbbells 8 reps 2 sets
plie squats using high step 45# dumbbell 16 reps 2 sets
leg press 35# dumbbell 12 reps 2 sets
low plane lunges 25# dumbbells 2 sets 10 reps
leg press outer thigh with 5 # ankle weights 25# dumbbell
outer thigh with dynaband silver band
barbell squats various reps and speeds 75#
Calves 25# dumbbell first two sets, finished rest with both 25# dumbbells
Lora, I just am not good at eating till I am finished with things so I can relax. I do think the stomach shrinks down some when a person doesn't eat large volumes of food. I am not recommending it though. You probably need to eat. I do believe a lot of sugars can cause an increase in appetite too. I love the Aisian dressing on that salad.
Charlotte, I am sorry you had to put up with that. That was not right for your boss to talk to you like that.
Got to run back to the other end of town to pick up my grandchildren. BBL