I have been running around all day This morning I did Body Max 2 Cardio Blast premix and the all 4 blasts from LIC, then I did Tracey Staehle's core conditioning and finished off with the 10 min yoga portion of Cardio X and the cooldown stretch. Now I need to make dinner. Got most of my errands run because tomorrow we will have workers here installing new garage doors and openers so I will stay home and clean. Thursday is my annual mammogram and they are doing a dexascan at the same time as I have not had one in several years.
Tomorrow is Muscle & Fitness Hers rotation. I have shortened the length of my cardio a little. Last week I did 2 hrs less than usual. I need to go back and read everyones posts. I kind of skimmed them.
Janie, post everything you do. We all have to work at our own level. When I started I got great gains with much lighter weights.
Definitely don't push so hard that you injure yourself. We all have different level. Charlotte does biceps way heavier than me. I think my elbows and arms would be in some serious pain if I attempted what she does. Same with Debbie. I can do some pretty heavy work in some areas but others I am not at the level some of the others are.
Charlotte, I am sure having to work around a houseguest is probably geting old. Hopefully your fil finds someplace soon.
Amber, I am glad to hear that your doctor thinks it is something that you can clear up.
Meaghan, I know sometimes I workout a long time and feel like I did not do enough.
I will check back later after I get dinner over with:9
Tomorrow is Muscle & Fitness Hers rotation. I have shortened the length of my cardio a little. Last week I did 2 hrs less than usual. I need to go back and read everyones posts. I kind of skimmed them.
Janie, post everything you do. We all have to work at our own level. When I started I got great gains with much lighter weights.
Definitely don't push so hard that you injure yourself. We all have different level. Charlotte does biceps way heavier than me. I think my elbows and arms would be in some serious pain if I attempted what she does. Same with Debbie. I can do some pretty heavy work in some areas but others I am not at the level some of the others are.
Charlotte, I am sure having to work around a houseguest is probably geting old. Hopefully your fil finds someplace soon.
Amber, I am glad to hear that your doctor thinks it is something that you can clear up.
Meaghan, I know sometimes I workout a long time and feel like I did not do enough.
I will check back later after I get dinner over with:9