I did weights this morning! YES I DID! No cardio. Just weights. I did biceps, triceps and abs. I did bicep curls, hammer curls, tricep pulldowns on the Smith machine and overhead tricep extentions - 3 sets of 15 reps for each. Once again I stayed up too late (finished hemming my dress so I'm finished - yay!!!) so I didn't get up early enough to do a Cathe workout, hence no cardio.
Today our cafeteria is having a Thanksgiving dinner for $7.99 so we are all participating. We do it every year. I'll try not to eat too much pumpkin pie, although my boss told me yesterday I need to gain weight because it's not good for my heart. He told me to start drinking Ensure.

DH said if I want to gain weight I'll just start eating Ding Dongs! :9 Of course this is the same boss who told me 5 years ago that I could lose 20 pounds, which is the weight I was when I started my weight loss in March (in my Mexico pictures - not like I was a whale!). So now I do and he tells me I should gain weight. He's funny about weight - very slender but thinks he needs to lose 4 pounds. Whatever!
So...tell me about these Lush products. I might have to get some soaps because I can use them in the shower, right? I could never get anything to use in the tub because we have a jetted tub and DH always said that the oils and things would clog it up. And now that we have a hot tub we don't use our jetted tub. But if they are soaps I would LOVE that! You all are such enablers!!!
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France