Morning Maniacs -
This morning I did Kenpo X+ followed by part of P90 Fat Burner workout. I tried to kick up the intensity a bit by really getting down into the punches and did running with high knees during the cardio breaks on the Rebounder. Workout was 62" and I burned 545 calories.
I'm feeling so tired right now........haven't been able to sleep all week due to PMS and it's catching up with me. I also think the pushups are irritating my my pain is flaring.....but my pain usually flares with PMS I'll probably try continuing with this rotation for another week or so before I give up. I think I'll sub tomorrow's workout which is supposed to be Core Synergestics since I'm getting sick of it and I think it's also on the schedule for next week. I might start adding in some P90 Masters after this upcoming Recovery Week for variety.
Have great workouts everyone.
Toasty -are you having any luck selling your oils? I haven't been able to sell anything lately! Everyone must be really broke!
This morning I did Kenpo X+ followed by part of P90 Fat Burner workout. I tried to kick up the intensity a bit by really getting down into the punches and did running with high knees during the cardio breaks on the Rebounder. Workout was 62" and I burned 545 calories.
I'm feeling so tired right now........haven't been able to sleep all week due to PMS and it's catching up with me. I also think the pushups are irritating my my pain is flaring.....but my pain usually flares with PMS I'll probably try continuing with this rotation for another week or so before I give up. I think I'll sub tomorrow's workout which is supposed to be Core Synergestics since I'm getting sick of it and I think it's also on the schedule for next week. I might start adding in some P90 Masters after this upcoming Recovery Week for variety.
Have great workouts everyone.
Toasty -are you having any luck selling your oils? I haven't been able to sell anything lately! Everyone must be really broke!