Morning Maniacs! Getting ready to do
Slim Series Shape it Up as soon as dh is done with his workout. We are both off work today.
Well, we set Rob free this morning! Our lil' guy (geez, it was kinda hard after all this time) hopped around on the porch and went in and out of his cage for a few min. and then he flew off and picked the biggest tree in the yard to land in

. It was nice that his first flight was pretty good and now we know how well he can fly. We will keep his cage out with food and water in case he needs it. We decided it was time, because last night 3 other Robins were getting really close to his cage and talking to him (one was mature and the other 2 looked alittle older than him) He was going nuts, he wanted to be with them so bad and they seemed concerned about him too. He seemed to be eating well on his own too.
Lora- Valerie has a new ab circuit workout out. You can get it by signing up for her club (it's free).
Char- I came to that exact conclusion about a year ago. I was lifting very heavy (for me) for a year or more, always trying to out do myself, and all it did was give me injuries (torn rotator cuff, tennis elbow, stiff neck, tight muscles overall). I'd then have to take time off to heal and I ended up in worse shape than if I'd just kept with a consistent lighter weight program. Plus, the injuries made everyday life miserable and it's just not worth it to me. Like you, I want to be healthy in the years to come and not broken down from old injuries, I'm working out to
prevent injuries here,

. I've also come to the conclusion after lifting lighter for this past year that I like the way I look and I feel good and I still feel strong everyday. It was tough at first to lighten up, you know, had to up the reps and all, felt like a whimp at times, but my body is so much happier and doesn't look any worse for wear.

I don't know if I'll ever go back. Also, I absolutely don't want to say that I think others aren't being smart lifting so heavy, everybody is different and need to do what they are comfortable with. Gosh that was long...
Linda- We will be here to hold you accountable!

You can do this.
Teddy- I haven't done that workout in ages! Great job!