Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for May 2024


Good morning,

STS Super Sets is done. I will go for a walk later.

Diane - great job on STS 2.0 Total Body Trisets upper only premix, 49 minutes,

I will be back later.
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Wow, May already! Yay!! One more month closer to summer break!

My upper shoulder blade is feeling ok today, not 100%, but better. I'm sore from yesterday's workout but not a bad sore.

This morning I did RAW Upper Sculpt/Lower Tone and I had an excellent workout. I used my 3# dumbbells for the upper sculpt, which was boxing moves and I used 5# ankle weights for the lower body part.

This was 50 seconds on/10 off although toward the end Kelly shortened it. This is how it went:

3# dumbbells - did right side, then left:
Upper Cuts
Speed Bag - These were hard with the 3# db

Standing legs using 5# ankle weights - did right side, then left:
Shin Blocks
Knee Pull
Back Kicks or Lifts

Above Jabs, hooks, upper cuts, speed bag but faster - first right then left side but I used my 1.5# egg weights since it was faster

Above Shin Blocks, Knee Pull, Back Kicks but faster - first right, then left side

Jab/Cross (each side separately) - 3# DB
Hook/Up (each side separately) - 3# DB

Leg work on the Floor:
Glute Kicks
Alternate Fire Hydrants

Above Jab/Cross and Hook/Ups but faster (used my 1.5# egg weights)

Leg work on the floor:
Up & Out
Leg back, heel up/Toe to floor raises

Jab, Hook, Upper, Squats - 3# DB
Repeat other side

Leg work on floor:
Cross Over, each side separately
Alt. Knee In
Hamstring Curls, each side separately
(I ended up doing bridges in different ways due to the strain on my upper body while on my elbows. I didn't want to overdo it. I also did two sets of Russian Twists with my 8# med ball)

Alt. Jabs, Hooks, Ups, Squat - 3# DB
Same without weights (cool down)

I seriously love this workout. Workout was 51 minutes, burned 313 calories, did 2555 steps and HR was 115/150.

Belinda - Yes, I knew I'd like the STS series when you all were saying it was slower and heavy. I can't wait to try the one body part workouts.

Roxie - OMG!!! I hope to God your house is still standing. Please keep us updated!!

Diane - I watched the String Along Cardio, it did look fun. Great job on your workout!! I need to print out your STS workouts so I can make my workout sheets. I'm glad you have them on our check in. I'll have to go back and look at them when you first started doing them. The one you did yesterday looks awesome!

Roselyn - Nice work with your leg day!!

Have a great one everyone!!
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I forgot to check in yesterday, I have too much on my mind. Today and yesterday I took the pup for a 3 mile walk through the hills and it felt good to be outside in the sun. Each walk I burned approximately 500 calories. Tomorrow my husband will walk the dog so I can get in a weight workout in the gym. I am loving the STS 2.0 series, I am seeing some serious results in gaining muscle in such a short time.

Debbie, great job with the workout today. I think your calorie burn was low for that workout, what do you think? Summer break is right around the corner, and you will have more time for your workouts! I bet you are excited.

Belinda, nice job on STS Super Sets workout today.

I hope you all have great workouts today.
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Good Morning,

Another round of severe weather is moving through this morning hoping it clears off before tonight so we can go to GS ball game. Sure Thing EMOM done just need to get in a walk. Everything was fine here at home but 2 people died in that tornado that was close to where we were a lot of damage was done they canceled school today so they could use it for shelter for those who needed it.
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Today's workout was STS 2.0 Total Body Trisets: Lower Body Only mix 24 minutes, 99 calories, heart rate 113/156. I followed with Raw String A Long Abs 16 minutes, 55 calories, heart rate 100/124. I finished with CDorner Recovery Stretch post workout, 30 minutes, 38 calories. Total time was 70 minutes, 192 calories. Thunderstorms really early this morning. I went and slept in my recliner so my husband could sleep and not be disturbed by my dog that hates thunder and lightning.

STS 2.0 Total Body Tri-sets Lower Body only premix
step with 4 risers for step ups and dumbbells. Light tubing for warm up

Squats #1 30# dbs 8 reps
Alternating rear lunge #1 20# dbs 8 reps
Close Grip Sumo Squat #1 45# db 8 reps
Squats #2 30# dbs 8 reps
Alternating rear lunge #2 20# dbs 8 reps
Close Grip Sumo Squat #2 45# db 8 reps

Step Ups #1 20# dbs 8 reps
Alternating Side lunges #1 20# db 8 reps
Double Tap Rear Lunge #1 20# dbs 8 reps
Step Ups #2 15# dbs 8 reps
Alternating Side lunges #2 20# db 8 reps
Double Tap Rear Lunge #2 20# dbs 8 reps

Raw String Alarm Abs (try to describe moves as Kelly did not necessarily give names to them)
5# dbs and a bench for 1 move
2 sets each move
holding db rocking horse twist(best I can do for a description)
crouching waver (bear crawl stance waving hips?)
arms overhead holding optional 5# dbs alternating side knee crunch
straddling step seated knee pulls hip lift feet hops off floor
low plank side to side hip drops
reverse crunch push to ceiling

Belinda, nice work on STS super sets today. Hope your walk is good.

Debbie, I am glad that your shoulder blade is feeling better. Nice job on Raw Upper Sculpt Lower Tone today.
Do you ever use the workout sheets that are in the Guide books for the workouts? I print up those and use them. The Mish Mosh ones I had to type up moves myself for some of the workouts as it was too complicated looking over the work sheets to find a particular move. I do like the two body part mish moshes though. I almost added on the String Along Glutes, but when I checked because she had a bench there, I decided to wait. I just was not up for thrusters today which is what she says the bench is for. Plus I wanted plenty of time for a good stretch.

Jolie, I am sure you have plenty on your mind. Great job on the walks. I hope you have a great weight workout tomorrow.

Roxie, more storms here today. That is sad that two people died in the storms. I am glad your home was okay. Nice work getting in Sure Thing EMOM today. Hope you get in a good walk today.

Roselyn, good job on the trampoline today.
Good morning,

Yesterday I also went for a nice long walk before my doc appointment. I can‘t remember if I mention it? Since a few weeks my knees be acting up again. When we picked up the RV in NY, I noticed not only pain in both my knees also pain in my ankles. So I started putting ice on my knees and walking more. When we arrived in Ohio visiting family, my knees and ankles started swelling so bad I figured it‘s from too much sitting. I did everything to bring the swelling down. At this point, I had trouble getting up, my knees locked up and it took me a few min just to move, the pain was unbearable. I also took meds I had on hand from my Rheumatologist which didn‘t do anything. When we drove home, I didn‘t regenized my ankles. I have never seen them so sollen up. While we driving, I was elevating/icing both my knees/ankles. I couldn‘t bring the swelling down to safe my life. I contacted my Rheumatologist last Friday to see if the swelling had something to do with RP considering my knees locked up, my entire body was getting so stiff? He wanted to evaluate me. The long term of prednisone is causing my body to retain so much fluids in my knees/ankles. He took an ultrasound of my knees/ankles, I had a lot of fluids especially in my right knee. He said he could me a shot in my knees to relieve the swelling/pain. He pulled so much fluid out of my right knee, he is sending it to the lap. He also upping the infusion, I still have flairs. My knees feeling better this morning already.

Today will go for a nice long walk.

Debbie - glad you love your new workout. I do love the workouts. Nice pace, I don‘t feel like I am rushed. Great job on your Raw Upper Sculpt/Lower Tone.

Jolie - great job on your walk yesterday. Glad you enjoy STS as well.

Roxie - stay safe! Great job on your walk and workout.

Roselyn- great job on your rebounder workout.

Diane - STS 2.0 Total Body Trisets: Lower Body Only mix,Raw String A Long Abs and Recovery Stretch post workout.

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I've been working my lower body quite a bit, my legs are looking pretty good. Glad because it's almost short season!!

This morning I did RAW TBTS Lower Body and Butts & Guts. Great workout combo, I really liked then together.

3 sets/10 reps

Deadlift/Squat Ups: 15's
Close Stance 3 Pulse Squats: 15#
Alternate Back Plie Squats: 12's (I did regular Plie's w/30#, I don't like the way Kelly does this exercise, feels dangerous to me)

RAW Butts & Guts

Tabata style of 20 on 10 off - 8 rounds:

Plie Squats
Froggie Squats
(alternate between the two so 4 rounds each)

Knee Crunch/Shin Block


Abs: Oblique work & lower abs

Bridges - used my pink cloth band

Full Crunch

This is a great workout that doesn't use weights, just body weight. It's a burner. I am still having a little pain in my upper back so I didn't want to hold onto weights for a 45 minutes workout. I just did these two together and it worked out great.

Total workout was 55 minutes, burned 363 calories, and HR was 114/155.

Jolie - I thought my calorie burn was low for that workout, too. That happens after I charge my watch all night, it seems to forget my HR stats until I wear it for 24 hours. Weird. Great job with your workout!

Roxie - Glad you guys are ok with all those storms coming by. I hope you continue to be lucky!!

Roselyn - Great job with the trampoline workout, I bet that was fun!

Diane - Where can I get the STS 2.0 worksheets? They didn't come with the DVD's. Is there somewhere I can download them? I'd like to see the rotation that goes with this series as well, I half expected to get all that with the DVD's. Quite expensive to not get them. I almost did String Along Glutes but didn't want to try something new that I didn't know and it looked like it had weights in it so I think I'll do that one next week. Great job with your workout!

Belinda - Wow, so sorry to hear about your knees and ankles! I sure hope you find relief soon, that is awful!! Glad you are feeling a bit of relief after the doctor took out some fluid.

Have a great day everyone!!
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Today I had a great workout. I started with a 22-minute run on my elliptical, traveled 2.3 miles on Interval Mode and burned 276 calories. I was dripping wet, that was tuff stuff! It feels so good to sweat, I like getting out toxins while I workout. My max heartrate got up to 171 while on the elliptical, it would have been very hard to talk at this point in the workout. Next, I did STS 2.0 Upper Body workout #2 and did really well with the weights. I am lifting 20's again for seated Overhead Presses, and this makes me happy. Also, I am up in weights in all of the exercises, so I am getting some good strength gains especially in the Biceps. I would really like to lose a few pounds before summer so I will walk and run on the elliptical prior or after my weight workouts. I will also start including my Max Trainer in some workouts too!

Debbie, great job on the low body workout today! I bet your legs look great! Mine, not so much :( Doing legs aggravates my knee so much that I will rely on cardio to work my legs since it does not bother my knees. The Max Trainer should do the trick, right? What day is your last day of school for summer break?

Diane Sue, sorry you had to sleep in the recliner chair due to the storms, that would kill my back. Great job on the workout yesterday, that was a good one! Stay safe in those storms, they are so destructive!

Belinda, I am so sorry to hear about your issues with your knees and ankles, that sounds like it would be difficult to walk. I bet walking is probably good for it if you take it easy, great job on getting in a walk today after getting your knees drained.

Roxie, stay safe in those storms!!! Good job on the workout.

Roselyn, way to go on the rebounder workout, those are great for your Lymphatic System!

Make it a great day.
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Debbie, here is the link to the user guides. They stopped sending printed user guides to the later workout sets. https://cathe.com/cathes-workout-series-users-guides/

Also if you go the workout manager dvds you can see the format of each workout and the premix content. I used it all of the time for checking things out.

User Guides is under the streaming heading at the top of the home page.
Today I did CDorner Cardio Aerobics all standing 80's/90's music, 41 minutes, 229 calories, heart rate 137/156, 4,232 steps. I then did Raw Cardio Crush stopping at the last two tabatas because I had to hurry, but wanted more cardio and a quick stretch. This was 18 minutes, 99 calories, 1,294 steps heart rate 131/153. Ended with Raw Stretch Finisher, 7 minutes, 14 calories. Total time was 66 minutes, 342 calories, 5,526 steps.

Belinda, I am so sorry that you are having those problems. I hope the injection helps a lot. Those meds can be rough on the body. I hope they can figure out something to help the flare ups and damage caused.

Debbie, great job on the TBTS Lower Body and Butts and Guts today. They are great combined together. I have the same problem with lower lifting. Those heavy weights cause tension in my upper back and shoulders no matter how careful I am with posture and the move. I could feel it yesterday when I did legs and this morning, I hurt so much I took an Excedrin after trying mobility and stretching for the area. I will probably do something with lighter weights tomorrow. I figure I will try String A Long Glutes tomorrow, but I did look at the start and she says use heavy weights. I think I can handle the thrusters. She says if you don't want to use the step do it on the floor.
Also on the workout sheets I write in the various options that can be made, changes in equipment , and at the top of the sheet I mark times for premixes so I can set up and plan more easily. I hate when I think I am all set and I missed something and have to pause.

Jolie, great job on the 20 minutes elliptical and STS 2.0 Upper Body 2 today. I doubt with my shoulder issues I will get back to 20's for overhead press. I have been able to do 15's though. I am afraid of hurting myself and having to have surgery again. That was the most painful surgery that I have had and long recovery. You are doing great. I use a lumbar pillow that comes with the recliner and it will go back flat so not too uncomfortable. My husband bought it for me when I had the shoulder surgery because it had a remote since the buttons on the other Lazy Boy were on the right and I could not reach across to lower the chair to get out and stuff. This one will dump me out on my feet.
This morning I did RAW String Along Cardio - which was really fun, I liked all the moves, and then I got on my treadnill and walked for about 25 minutes.

Total workout was 56 minutes, burned 396 calories, did 4189 steps, went 1.29 miles and HR was 133/165.

Jolie - Great job on your workout yesterday!! My last day is June 14. Can't wait!!

Diane - Thank you for the link, I will download all that. I will be happy to have the workout sheets so I can see what I am in for! LOL!! Can't wait for summer so I can do these workouts in their entirety. My upper back area is much etter and with a weekend of rest, I should be 100% by Monday. Heat really seems to help this issue, not sure why. In the past, heat used to inflame it and make it worse.

Hope you all have a great weekend and workouts!
Today I did Raw Balance & Strength from more than just strength, 37 minutes, 120 calories, heart rate 99/127. I then did Raw String Along Glutes, 23 minutes, 74 calories, heart rate 99/127. I ended with Raw Stretch Flow and a bit of lower foam rolling, 25 minutes, 47 calories. Total time Was 85 minutes, 241 minutes.

Raw String Along Glutes 20 minutes (Good music)
15's & 30#db 1 minute each move
Kickstand Dead lift
20# dbs Rt/Lt
Side to Side pass lunge 20# db
Landmine Squat 30# db
Plie/Curtsy 20# alternating left and right 20# db (Kelly struggled with which hold was comfortable)
Hip Thruster 20# db used step and can be done on the floor
Repeat all moves 1 time

Coffey Fit Raw Balance & Strength
Kelly starts with 15# and 10# dumbbell, and fabric loop band.
30 seconds work each move All moves are done three times

Squat loop band pressing out
Squat pulse loop band

Curl/overhead press balance right knee up
Curl/ overhead press balance left knee up

Front/back lunge balance holding 15# db on right shoulder
Front/back lunge balance holding 15# db on left shoulder

Bird Dog Row right 15# db
Bird Dog Row left 15# db

Single Arm fly/close grip press in bridge right 10# db
Single Arm Fly/close grip press in bridge left 10# db

stretch finisher balance
single leg scales right
single leg scales left

Standing right knee up rotate in and out
Standing left knee up rotate in and out
standing figure 4 right
standing figure 4 left

Roselyn nice work on STS Chest.

Debbie, great job on the String Along Cardio and treadmill walk. Those work sheets make things a lot easier. Plus the times etc for premixes is in the guide as well. I have been printing up all of the manuals and work sheets for each set of dvds and putting them in their own folder like Ice, Step Boss, Perfect 30 etc. Makes it easy when I am looking for a particular series.
Good evening,

No workout to report today. My birthday is tomorrow, DD scheduled a mom and daughter pampering day today. I got a facial, hair cut and a pedicure today. We also had dinner in DC tonight. I had such an amazing day today.

Tomorrow my DD and DH have something special planned? Still haven‘t figured out what they up too tomorrow, lol. I hope I get a workout in tomorrow, if not I will do something on Monday.

We are taking off with the RV on Monday. Looking forward to it.

Diane - thank you. Yes, meds can be rough on the body. My right knee and ankles are still swollen up, I do feel a lot better. I hope they can find something that will prevent RP from further damaging my body. Great job yesterday and today.

Debbie - my doctor took out a lot of fluid from my right knee, 2 big syringes full. I am still waiting for the results from the lab. I probably know more next week. Great job on your workout.

Jolie - thank you. It was difficult to walk. I tried to get the swelling down by moving around, ice more than I should..sitting was worst than moving. No matter what I tried, I couldn‘t get the swelling down. I am taking it easy. How is your dad doing?

Roselyn - great job on your workout.

Good night.
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Happy Birthday Belinda!

Yesterday's workout was a 1 hour walk, traveled 3.2 miles and burned 495 calories. Today I did CL # 351 Intense Upper body and had an excellent workout. I changed this workout up a bit so I could lift heavier weights. I paused between exercises and gave myself time to recover and I lifted much heavier weights than Cathe and I did 12 reps instead of 16 reps. I loved how the workout turned out; it was a lot like an STS 2.0 workout instead of the usual CL workout. I finished with no equipment STS 2.0 AB workout and liked it a lot. Total workout time was 1 hour and 14 minutes and I burned 545 calories. I think I am going to purchase the STS 2.0 series on DVD's so I can have the premixes. I am glad I got On Demand to try them first, I am loving them along with CL and I am going to start some RAW workouts again too.

I have been using my red-light therapy lamp, Far and Near Infared light and all of my inflammation is going away in my feet, knee, back and collarbone areas. I slept so well because I had no pain, the first time in a long time!

Great job on the workouts the last two days. I may be going to my parents' house tomorrow so if I do not check in, that is why.

Happy Saturday, I hope you weather is better than mine, we have overcast foggy weather and it is depressing.
Today I did CDorner Step Jackson Five #377, 31 minutes, 154 calories, heart rate 127/148. I then added on Raw TBTS Intervals, 12 minutes, 69 calories, heart rate 136/160. Total time was 43 minutes, 223 calories, 3,372 steps. I also did some stretching with someone on youtube that was supposed to be a costochondritis workout about 10 minutes, did not count it. The moves were really much like some of CDorner's upper body stuff. She massaged out the rib/chest area before some stretching.

Belinda, Happy Birthday. I hope you have a great time today.

Jolie, nice work on the walk yesterday and CL #351 Intense Upper Body. You are doing great with the heavy weight workouts. I like the no equipment abs from STS 2 too. Cathe does a good job on those ab workouts.
This morning I had an excellent workout. I did STS 2 Total Body Giant Sets and did the entire workout. I really liked it. I didn't go as heavy as I could but when I did the 3rd set with 8 reps, I did go higher with some of the moves.

10 reps doing these excises one time through with little rest:

Squats: 15's
Chest Press: 25's
Overhead Shoulder Press: 12's
Alternate Reverse Lunges: 15's
Deadlifts: 20's
Double Arm Rows: 20's
Side to Side Lunge:15#
Bicep Curls: 20's
Lying Triceps Extensions: 12's
Barbell Glute Raises: 30#

2 min. break, then this series of exercises:
Bulgarian Split Squats: 15#
Alternate Chest Press: 15's (could have gone heavier)
Alternate Shoulder Press: 12's
Reverse Lunges: 15's
One Legged Deads: 20#
One Arm Rows: 25#
Side Lunges: 15#
Single Arm Bicep Curl: 15's
Alternate Lying Triceps Ext: 12's
Barbell One Leg Glute Press: 20#

2 minute rest then go back to the first Giant Sets but doing them with 8 reps:
Squats: 20's
Chest Press: 25's
Overhead Shoulder Press: 15's
Alternate Rev. Lunge: 15's
Deads: 20's
Double Arm Row: 20's
Side to Side Lunges: 15#
Biceps Curl: 15's
Lying Triceps Ext: 12's
Barbell Glute Press: 30#

Workout was 54 minutes, burned 374 calories and HR was 119/157. I was sweating my ass off doing this.

No time for personals, hope you all have a great day!!

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