Today I did Kelly Coffey Meltdown mix dumbbell meltdown which was the kettlebell swings with the upper dumbbell work in 3 rounds and workout boxing/heavybag 2 rnds after each set of upper for 3 rounds of weights and boxing. I liked this and it seemed to keep my heart rate up as well. 45 minutes, 278 calories, heart rate avg. 123/ max 172. I then did Fit Tower Total Body which took extra time to write down things and adjust things, 59 minutes, 242 calories. Total time 1 hour 44 minutes , 520 calories.
Meltdown dumbbells3 rounds with two boxing segments after each moves are around 1 minute each
kettlebell or dumbbell swings 15#, 25# 25#kettlebell
seated overhead press with feet off floor moving from one hand to the other 15# all 3 rounds
seated row and biceps curls 15's all 3 rounds
bench press skull crushers 15's all 3 rounds
boxing 2 rounds repeat two more times
Total body
uneven squats 25# 16 rep
deadlifts 55#
elevated lunges 15's16 reps/15 reps pulses
bench press 45# barbell 16 reps /second set different count
close grip bench press barbell 35# 16 reps,/ 2nd set different count
chest flys 15's 2 sets
drop set push ups bar height 3/2/1 12,10,8 reps
triceps dips 32 reps 2 sets
triceps kickbacks with band straight arm then kickbacks 32 reps 2 sets
static lunge lateral raise 10# set 1, 8# set 2
bonus band pull 120 reps
dumbbell touchdown overhead press 15# 12/12/
shoulders biarbell push press complex 30# 4 sets of the whole complex
biceps curls 35# barbell different counts and holds
bicep curl/W curl front leg raise 15# 12 reps 2 sets
single leg push down dips using bar and dumbbell 15# 16/ 15 low end pulse
crossback lunge 20# 15,7,7,3,3,3,3,8 reps
one arm row 25# 12 reps 2 sets I thought I may have done 16 reps the first set
seated lat pull down blue heavy band 32 reps
pull ups with tower 10 reps 2 sets
verticle pull ups 2/2 count then 2 singles 5 times
Deb, i always like the hangung curls in 4 Day Split.
Jolie , i hope that you get somebrest and feel better soon.
Roselyn, nice job with livevand STS.
Meltdown dumbbells3 rounds with two boxing segments after each moves are around 1 minute each
kettlebell or dumbbell swings 15#, 25# 25#kettlebell
seated overhead press with feet off floor moving from one hand to the other 15# all 3 rounds
seated row and biceps curls 15's all 3 rounds
bench press skull crushers 15's all 3 rounds
boxing 2 rounds repeat two more times
Total body
uneven squats 25# 16 rep
deadlifts 55#
elevated lunges 15's16 reps/15 reps pulses
bench press 45# barbell 16 reps /second set different count
close grip bench press barbell 35# 16 reps,/ 2nd set different count
chest flys 15's 2 sets
drop set push ups bar height 3/2/1 12,10,8 reps
triceps dips 32 reps 2 sets
triceps kickbacks with band straight arm then kickbacks 32 reps 2 sets
static lunge lateral raise 10# set 1, 8# set 2
bonus band pull 120 reps
dumbbell touchdown overhead press 15# 12/12/
shoulders biarbell push press complex 30# 4 sets of the whole complex
biceps curls 35# barbell different counts and holds
bicep curl/W curl front leg raise 15# 12 reps 2 sets
single leg push down dips using bar and dumbbell 15# 16/ 15 low end pulse
crossback lunge 20# 15,7,7,3,3,3,3,8 reps
one arm row 25# 12 reps 2 sets I thought I may have done 16 reps the first set
seated lat pull down blue heavy band 32 reps
pull ups with tower 10 reps 2 sets
verticle pull ups 2/2 count then 2 singles 5 times
Deb, i always like the hangung curls in 4 Day Split.
Jolie , i hope that you get somebrest and feel better soon.
Roselyn, nice job with livevand STS.