Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Tues Jun 6

Hey Dallas Lora got the same ones I have she ordered hers from amazon, and paid the same... I got mine at a champion store. They are the everlast ones.

Susan I missed Cathe on GMA today:-( So what book did she recommend?? Sorry to hear about your FIL!! I will keep you all in my prayers.

Debbie I did 300 yesterday??? Am I crazy or what???? Ya I am crazy about those boys of mine:7 ha ha Myarm and shoulders are not what are sore..... It is my back!! I have heard moms of pitchers say they use back muscles for pitching.....Now I KNOW what they are talking about, and so I am thinking this will be a wonderful add on for my workouts}(

Marietta yes I am so happy I can do things like that with my boys!! They think it is so cool. My DD6 goes to a morning reading program from 7am-noon, and so I get up and take her and then me and the boys head for the batting cages..... I am so glad they have a net that I can kinda of stay behind because those hardballs coming my way :eek:

Diane Sue the TJ are so much fun.... You have been doing them longer.... Which one is your favorite??? I have not done all mine yet, but I really like cardio party 3, and today I did booty sculpt.... that was fun!!

Sandy as I mentioned to Debbie above I am surpised that it is not my arm, but my back??? I will be taking a motrin tonight.... So I will be ready in am:)

Well better get going!!! I am cleaning out my bathroom closet :eek: And let me tell you I have thrown out ALOT.....Terri are you reading this ha ha.

Nicole - was it 200 or 300? LOL! Whatever! Its still alot!

This evening I tried Mindy's All About Abs workout, I did the one with the stability ball. I wonder how much weight her ball is? I used 5 lbs. but mine is a squishy ball and it was really hard doing the planks with it. If I decide to keep the workout I'll have to get a harder med ball. I liked the workout ok, it was weird and Mindy is so wired compared to what I'm use to. I felt a different type of workout for my abs than usual but it wasn't hard at all. I'll do the stability ball one soon and see how I like it.

I also did the ab work from CTX Kickbox. Love the planks in that workout!

Have a great night!
Debbie - I'm with ya on the "wired" Mindy! I wanted to do the Bootcamp workout this morning cuz it's a really good aerobic....but I wasn't in the mood for her! LOL. I haven't really done my ab one a whole lot, mostly cuz of all of the planks, etc. I'm not really supposed to be doing planks with these injections I've been getting.

Charlotte - BUCKCHERRY just got rescheduled for Cleveland on 7-18! If nobody can go, I'm gonna be so upset! They're playing in this tiny place that's a dive though.......but I don't care. I just wanna rock.
Good evening,
This afternoon I did the Yoga Shatki Lunar section and Core Max# 2. I then spent a while trying to get my new television hooked up to the treadmill so I can use the iFIT workouts that I have. I still have to get something worked out to hook my mp3 player through the television. That is what I did with the old one and I could listen without earphones. Oh did I say the tv has a dvd player as well? I can have two dvd's ready to go at the same time like before. I have the 5 disc one but I am lazy about spending time programming it. Tomorrow I plan on doing IMAX Extreme Interval Blast +legs and Turbo Jam Booty Sculpt + abs.

Marietta, I just looked at the thread on open discussion. Now I am smiling big time. Thanks.

Debbie, I was wondering about Mindy's all about abs. I have her Awesome strength and she does some of those planks and core work with an 8# medicine ball. It is hard even with that. She does push ups off of it. I could not imagine doing it on a squishy ball.

Nicole, it is hard to have a favorite on the Turbo Jams. I really like Fat Blaster a lot. I think I use it the most often. I have used Punch Kick & Jam a lot too. Then the Cardio Party Remix I just got has a great Turbo session at the end. I like them all. I like Booty Sculpt better that 3T I think. I like the slower pace she uses on the upper body moves.

Sandy, great job with Body Max. That is one long hard workout. I really like the Power Hour+ dvd. It is good for mixing and matching segments of the different workouts.

I hope everyone is having a great evening,
Diane Sue
Hi everyone,

Here I am again, just got done with work and a bike ride and it's already time for bed. How's a girl going to socialize properly? I did read all your posts and am always inspired. I'm maybe even going to plan a rotation soon...

Did 15 miles on my road bike tonite with my HRM on. Kept it really low key, just spun the lactic out of my legs and they feel pretty good now. Hopefully by Thursday they will be up to pushing hard again. Today's ride was nice, stopped and visited with my folks who live a few miles away, looked at the horses and colts along the way, smelled the fresh mown hay, of course there's always a dead deer that you have to get a good whiff of too. Kept my HR around 117-121 as much as possible (Zone 1 recovery). I'm also having to acclimate to riding in heat again. It's always tough at the start of the warm weather season.

I'm sorry, but I don't have time to do personals, though I really want to.;(

Diane Sue, I'm the same way about wasting time on the computer on my days off. I go to do something else, but then come back and check to see what's new!

Will check in in the morning, much easier for me to write then, but then I can't see the post from the day before and go back and forth (hope you understand this).

Must run,

Hey Everyone,
Well just going to get lunch for the kids and then we are going to the batting cages again. The boys each have a game tonight at the same time:-(

Not sure what workout I am going to do today???

Susan so sorry to hear the passing of your FIL!! I know this must be really hard on your dh. I will keep you all in my prayers!!

Terri I am still working on the bathroom getting rid of junk... Can't believe all the stuff I have amassed??? Feels good clearing it out though. I am going to keep working on projects like this all summer. So PLEASE feel free to join me:) Btw Terri I think you would really like the weighted gloves!!

Diane Sue I did Cardio party remix yesterday along with booty sculpt and I agree!! I really like the last part of cpr.....If only I could more of the moves imbetween LOL.... Oh well that was the first time so I know next time will be better!!

Netta wish I could go out to lunch with you!! I LOVE mexican!!

Debbie my friend has a pull up bar and I could only do one:+ So my hat is off to ya!!

Sandy that is so nice you can workout with your dh!! Have a good workout tonight!! YOu show him how its done;) haha

Charlotte so sorry to hear your vacation plans don't seem to be working out! wish you Dh a Happy Birthday from us Maniacs!! That ought to cheer him up LOL:7

Dallas my back is feeling a little bit better:) but since I am still pitching fast balls to them......it is still sore. I need to really work on pitching left handed.....LOL so then I could get the left side of my back:7 Did ya see I am dejunking :)

Well gotta go Hello to everyone else


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