Hey Dallas Lora got the same ones I have she ordered hers from amazon, and paid the same... I got mine at a champion store. They are the everlast ones.
Susan I missed Cathe on GMA today:-( So what book did she recommend?? Sorry to hear about your FIL!! I will keep you all in my prayers.
Debbie I did 300 yesterday??? Am I crazy or what???? Ya I am crazy about those boys of mine:7 ha ha Myarm and shoulders are not what are sore..... It is my back!! I have heard moms of pitchers say they use back muscles for pitching.....Now I KNOW what they are talking about, and so I am thinking this will be a wonderful add on for my workouts}(
Marietta yes I am so happy I can do things like that with my boys!! They think it is so cool. My DD6 goes to a morning reading program from 7am-noon, and so I get up and take her and then me and the boys head for the batting cages..... I am so glad they have a net that I can kinda of stay behind because those hardballs coming my way
Diane Sue the TJ are so much fun.... You have been doing them longer.... Which one is your favorite??? I have not done all mine yet, but I really like cardio party 3, and today I did booty sculpt.... that was fun!!
Sandy as I mentioned to Debbie above I am surpised that it is not my arm, but my back??? I will be taking a motrin tonight.... So I will be ready in am
Well better get going!!! I am cleaning out my bathroom closet
And let me tell you I have thrown out ALOT.....Terri are you reading this ha ha.
Susan I missed Cathe on GMA today:-( So what book did she recommend?? Sorry to hear about your FIL!! I will keep you all in my prayers.
Debbie I did 300 yesterday??? Am I crazy or what???? Ya I am crazy about those boys of mine:7 ha ha Myarm and shoulders are not what are sore..... It is my back!! I have heard moms of pitchers say they use back muscles for pitching.....Now I KNOW what they are talking about, and so I am thinking this will be a wonderful add on for my workouts}(
Marietta yes I am so happy I can do things like that with my boys!! They think it is so cool. My DD6 goes to a morning reading program from 7am-noon, and so I get up and take her and then me and the boys head for the batting cages..... I am so glad they have a net that I can kinda of stay behind because those hardballs coming my way
Diane Sue the TJ are so much fun.... You have been doing them longer.... Which one is your favorite??? I have not done all mine yet, but I really like cardio party 3, and today I did booty sculpt.... that was fun!!
Sandy as I mentioned to Debbie above I am surpised that it is not my arm, but my back??? I will be taking a motrin tonight.... So I will be ready in am
Well better get going!!! I am cleaning out my bathroom closet