Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Thurs May 25

Sandy - Somehow I missed your post this morning. Sorry! Congrats on getting up and working out. Now don't you feel better? :) And you're right - you do make great friends through working out. And look out - I see you're asking about yoga. That's what they did to me too and now I own my second yoga workout (the first was by accident). I think this thread is a secret yoga cult.

Charlotte - I second what Terri said. And I'm glad you'll say something if it were to happen again. You are right - you're no doormat and you deserve to be treated with respect. Too many people (like me) don't stand up for themselves. And like Terri, I NEVER yell at my employee and a half either. :)

Ohhhh Marietttttttaaaaaa - where are youuuuuuuuu???????? We all miss you!!!

Debbie - congrats on your Ebay win! Don't you just love that feeling of winning a new workout on Ebay? I can't even watch at the end of the auction. I have to leave DH with it. Yes, I'm weird. :p


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Count me in on the people that don't stand up for themselves. I've always been a lover, not a fighter. I hate conflict and soemtimes I don't feel like wasting my breath. Also, in my past life...I was a pretty mean little b#@! always fighting with everyone. To each his own I guess. My DH is very agressive and sometimes he makes me stand up and fight....but I don't like it.

Sandy - I gotta run...I'll answer you later about yoga.
I just wanted to report that I officially have DOMS in my biceps and shoulders...isn't that cool? :p On the down side, I noticed I am starting with the beginnings of spider veins on the top of my right thigh and I think I know why....from curling off the preacher bench with the heavy weight and my leg comes up some and presses on the underside of the bench really hard. Got to stop that. That is not good. Also, gonna start doing my squats with alittle lighter weights so I can go deeper. My legs and butt have lost some fat, but have not sculpted as much as I like and it is my fault cuz I should have been going deeper all along.

Awesome Charlotte! I love having DOMS! I have it in my shoulders today from my workout yesterday. Its hard for me to get my shoulders to be sore so I'm a happy camper!
Debbie - Have you ever had a Mindy DVD before? She takes a little getting used to. She's sort of hyper and real chipper. I do think she is advanced though. I haven't yet done that DVD. I was just previewing it the other day and it has a of planks in one segment.

Sandy - regarding the yoga. I started doing it mainly for stretching, as I wasn't really allowed to do downdogs and chatarangas due to my injury. I spoke with Mark Blanchard via email and he suggested I start slowly and try to work up to doing them because yoga is very healing. I already knew yoga was good for the internal organs and I was curious to see what internal organs corresponded to my favorite poses. That is when I discovered that downdogs are good for your sinuses. After that, I started working my way up to holding the poses longer and longer and now I've been doing pretty good at it. Almost full capacity. I have horrible sinus problems and am told I need extensive surgery. I couldn't smell for months. Since practicing the yoga and downdogs for a couple months, my sinuses are starting to get better. I'm starting to be able to do downdogs without geting the severe pain in my shoulders that I used to get when I first tried doing them. It also helps me to feel thoroughly stretched out. I usually get a spasm in my right piriformis from high impact aerobics and I no longer get that. I noticed my strength and endurance have increased with weight lifting also and I am able to do a lot more high impact aerobics without having a lot of back pain. Hope this helps answer your question.

Charlotte - way to go with the DOMS.
Good afternoon,
It has been a busy day so far and I have to leave in 45 minutes to pick up the grandchildren. I was hoping to fly through the house with the vacuum cleaner before I leave. This morning I did Turbo Jam Punch kick & Jam stopping at the cooldown, then Cardio Party 1no w/u or c/d str. Then I did Bowflex legs & calves and followed with abs. Lower was 1 w/u set of Barbell squats 65#, then Bowflex suats 4 sets 200# 10 reps, Bowflex leg extensions 160# 10 reps 4 sets, Bowflex Hamstring curls 90# 10 reps 4 sets(last week I did these with 80#) Bowflex cable work Hip Extensions, Abbduction and adduction 50# 20 reps each and 2 sets. One leg squats off a bench with 40# 15 reps 2 sets. Abs I did 3 sets of 20 reps leg raise off tower, 50 BOwflex resisted crunches, and Stability Ball oblique chops with the medicine ball. I went through the 3 moves and then repeated it. When I was finished I did the core segment of Yoga Shakti. At first I thought it was easy but soon learned I need to work on this. She did those levitation holds using 2 yoga blocks for easier version, followed by more balancing stuff that requires a lot of strength in the core and arms. I used push up bars. I went to the store awhile ago and bought another yoga block as I only had one. It came with some straps. Now I am not that familiar with yoga so I have no clue what the straps are for. Maybe sometime I will figure it out.

Lora, yes I think a split would we the way to go since you have not done that one in awhile. I did think that the Basic moves were simple but not to easy. I did go on and try moves from the next workout. These were harder. I think you can make this as hard as you want with the different moves provided. I am hoping to do one of the longer ones tomorrow along with my cardio. TJ Fat blaster done 2X is an excellent quick cardio. It looks like you got in a good workout today.

I had better run. I wasn't kidding about flying through with the vacuum:) I'll check back later.

Hi to everyone
Diane Sue
Lora - I've never done a Mindy workout but have heard she is chatty. I hope I can deal with that. Cathe spoils me.

Interesting about the info on Cathe's new workouts, I don't think she has even released a date through this forum yet?
Lora - Thanks for the yoga info. I'm gonna get my tapes that I have out and try a little each week, would you suggest doing yoga once a week? Is the downdog the same stretch that Cathe does in some of her cooldowns? I love that stretch. I really didn't know that yoga was good for our internal organs. I keep learning something new here everyday! I'm glad I joined up with you guys!

Suz - yeah, I'm really gonna try to keep working out in the a.m. That does help me eat better throughout the day!

Diane Sue - WOW! You are amazing! That's a lot of weight, maybe one day I can get to that range in weight and sets! Thats great!

Oh, yeah I looked at the link Lora and there are quite a few dvd's that interest me that are coming out. Of course I pre-ordered the 4 new dvd's of Cathe's and can't wait for them to ship!!! Like Debbie I haven't seen an announcement from Cathe on a release date let alone a film date. Hopefully she's continuing to get better and can start soon. :)

Hope everyone has a good afternoon.
I guess someone posted that Collage clip on the ask Cathe forum and CAthe said she had to look into it.....so I don't know if it's accurate info. At least we know that some day they will be here.

Sandy - yes, keep at those morning workouts. I really like getting mine done in the morning cuz then nothing interferes with your workout...like if you have to stop at the store or the doctor on the way home from work. Now I just need to find a bit of time in the evenings to fit in some pilates. I'm trying to get more balanced and my lower abs can use some flattening! Yes, yoga massages your internal organs. This is why it's totally different than any other kind of exercise. All of the twisting you do is good for digestion and getting into all of those postures with all of those twists, etc. is how your internal organs get massaged. All of the while, you are doing the deep breathing and sending fresh oxygen throughout your body. After all of that work, a lot of practices like to finish with inversions....because the theory is that all of that freshly oxygenated blood then gets inverted back down into your system thru the inverted posture. For some reason, when I do a lot of twisting and forward bends followed by inversions, I feel so good. Not to go off on a tangent here about yoga (cuz I know not everyone likes it), but Rainbeau Mars is another of my fave instructors. Her stuff is more beginner. You might like it. My favorite DVD of hers is called Yoga for Beauty "Dusk" (it's very detoxifying routine with set up I described above) which I actually love to do in the AM. I've found that I like a lot of the twisting and hip openers, as they are very detoxifying. Your hips hold a lot of tension in your body also...so it's good to get that deep detoxifying stretch in them. Rainbeau has another 1/2 hour practice that is a restorative practice (no downdogs or hard stuff) called Pure Tranquility and it's excellent for an easy stretch day. YOu can purchase her stuff on Amazon.com or CD Unvierse for good prices. Okay, I'll stop babbling. (I started out doing it once a week and then started wanting more - that's a good place to start).

By the way, doesn't anyone want these freebie videos I have? I have this one yoga one? Just checking.
Hi ladies,
I'm here late again. Had a bike ride with a girlfriend after work. We only did 13 miles at an easy spin. The wind was really blowing, but we both needed to spin. Her legs are still really tired from her weekend ride and run. Hope she can do the whole century. She was planning on riding her bike to work again tomorrow. I really encouraged her to rest those legs and not ride! Also, helped DH get the trailer hooked up, filled the water tank, loaded the 4-wheeler, etc. Have more packing to do in the morning.

Susan CM, are the lunges helping? You are so motivated to do those. I'm terrible about working my legs, though I need to soon. I may do a butts and guts rotation next. Still have to decide, I've been such a freebird lately :)

Sandy, way to go on Powerstrike! Seems like you're figuring out what will work for you. I go to bed at 8:30 p.m. and get up about 2:30. That's not much sleep, I know, but I seem to do okay. I work from 6:30 to 4:30, 4 days a week (10 hour days, no lunch). I usually have F, Sat, Sun off, which I love. On the weekends, I get to sleep a bit more. I work at a State prison (California Correctional Center) and have been working here for 15 years. I'm an analyst, mostly inputting info on prison maintenance, producing reports, blah, blah.

Suz, how was your ride tonite? Hope it wasn't as windy as ours. Ours was very, very slow, on purpose as we were just trying to spin, not exert much. I'm pretty excited about the century on Saturday. I know we'll have to go really slow to make the full distance as my girlfriend and I just don't have the long miles in us yet. Hips sore? I get really sore when I go shopping and stand around. I think the yoga will help with that. Did you enjoy the hip openers? The Magically Hips premix is really good too. Is your DH the type that can eat anything and not gain weight? Mine isn't any more, though he's working on eating better, drinking less beer. I love to eat popcorn with him at night, just haven't for a while. He doesn't try to tempt me too much. This weekend's camping trip will have steaks for both of us, red potatoes, salad, veggies, lots of coffee in the evenings and morning. I LOVE CAMPING! Our dogs are sooo excited too. We take sooo much stuff, guns, 4-wheelers, bikes, you name it, we bring it. Cracked me up about the "yoga cult".

Lora, I can honestly say I don't know what the evening primrose oil is for, except that it says it helps promote women's health and helps with PMS. You might do a search and see. I'm glad your boss apologized. I think she's an ass. I would have been furious!!!

Terry, I go to bed at 8:30 and get up at 2:30. I get more sleep on my 3 days off (F, Sat, Sun). Crazy, huh? But I rarely feel wiped out.

Charlotte, I laughed so hard at what you said you'd do if your boss got after you again. You go girl!!! I expect that from you, you feisty one! Hey, your DH has got some muscle. My DH is working out with me, but doesn't quite look like yours yet. My DH has a "jolly belly" as our DS says.

Diane Sue, am I going to need real yoga props for the Shakti DVD? Can I substitute something else? I think sometimes I fly thru the house on a broom! You are one strong, strong woman. I don't think I even have enough weight on my bowflex to accomodate your workouts!

Must sign off now, good night.


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