Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Thurs June 8

Hi Suz! Glad to see you're back! I asked about you a couple days ago. It is hard to post to everyone sometimes. It doesn't bother me if someone doesn't send me a personal message. I know everyone is busy, and for me myself...I rarely get on the computer at home because I don't have one at the moment, so I have to use my dd's when she's not there. :) Shouldn't it be the opposite way around. HMMMMMMMMMM. Anyway, glad to see you back and 30 miles on a bike...how do you and Netta do it? I guess you've been doing it for a while now!

Marietta - Yeah, you're right key word "YET", cuz I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone better. How great is that to have a fitness center at your job!!! More empolyers should think about that, that's a very good way for employee's to be more productive, as they can release stress in a more positive way by working it out through working out! ;-) Hope that made since.
Sandy - 95 lbs deadlift. Holy cow! You are a Maniac! Excellent workout. Now I need to get on my soapbox for a minute. Please be careful with deadlifts. Back in the late 80's I was doing them with 100 lbs. and pulled a muscle plus I dislocated my hip. It took literally years for me to go back to weight lifting. Since then, I've had nothing but low back problems. Just hearing about deadlifts makes it hurt! So those of you who do them, please be careful. I cringe hearing when people do deadlifts!
Thanks you guys. You're all such sweet maniacs. :) I was WHINING to Netta the other day b/c everyone wanted her to stay but no one mentioned wanting me to stay when I mentioned leaving. She said it was probably b/c no one saw my post - it was a late evening post. I was having a bit of a pity party. I can be so silly sometimes. But since you all have made it clear that it's okay not to always address everyone, that helps a bunch. Just know that I'm always thinking of you all and enjoy EVERYONE'S posts. What a motivational group!

Debbie - a few weeks ago I pulled something in my lower back doing deadlifts. I couldn't even sleep at night it hurt so bad. It's almost better now. Is there a substitution exercise I can do when Cathe is doing those? I did them again the other day with Power Hour, but I was REALLY careful. But it makes me nervous now.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Hey Debbie,

I know I was telling my DH while I was doing them, that that was probably not the smartest thing to do, cuz I went from 75 to 95. That's why I only did 8 reps. I think I will take those lighter from here on out...I was just in my zone and felt I could do it...plus he called me a punk!!! }( Seriously though he was spotting me and helping me with them. Thanks for the concern, and I would also like to know if there is a sub for those, I'm really focusing on getting my butt lifted, and that little bit of fat just below it out of there! x( :)

Suz - Yeah, I didn't see your post either. I am glad to see you back!!!;)
Suz & Sandy - Whenever Cathe does deadlifts I do those hamstring presses on the step. Or I'll do roll-outs with the stability ball. Once I get my new weight bench I'll be able to do the hamstring curls with it so I can't wait for that. Hamstring presses work well, though, and really make my hamstrings sore.

For low back exercises Ijust do superman's. I baby my low back, I probably shouldn't anymore but I do. I'm so fearful of that pain again. Let me tell you, I think I'd rather give birth than go through that again.

Suz - We definitely don't want you to leave. I didn't see your post or you would have heard from me! No one on this check in is aloud to leave! LOL! :)
Back Again!

How do you all feel about Cardio Kicks? I wasn't sure at first, but I like it. Perfect, for the day after not feeling 100% and I burned 356 calories! Yippee! I just didn't do the sequential power kicks. I did speed skaters instead. That kept my heart rate up close to 170! I didn't have to use my rebounder. It's a good thing because my kids were taking turns using it. For CM #1 I added 2# ankle weights. I got that burn again! }(

Suz ~ Glad you decided to stay!! Silly girl! ;-) I think a lot of posts get lost in the shuffle. I'm sorry if I don't answer everyone either. I can't keep up either, but this thread is very motivating. And they know how to spend your money. LOL!! :)

Debbie ~ I usually only do deadlifts w/40 or 45 #'s. I feel it that's for sure. Of course, Cathe's DVDs always have a lot of reps so I feel it balances it out, ya know?

Sandy ~ I didn't use the rebounder this time, but I'm sure it will come in handy for KM. ha ha! or Imax 3. I don't know if you know I'm coming off an ankle injury. I think it's finally OK. However, I'm still taking it easy on some moves.

I tried out my new cross trainers, Ryka Circuit XT with today's workout. I liked them. I do wish they were high tops like my Enlights, but they have the nice springy feel of the Enlights. Works for me. :)

Well, back to my laundry. I have a haircut this afternoon and then we're taking the kids to a pool party. It'll be a late one tonight. Hopefully, not too late. I want to get up early to work out. It's so much easier without all three kids in the workout room. ;-)

Have a good day everyone!


ETA: Nicole, have you used the DDR lately. Our house is on a marathon with it. I can hardly get a turn in these days. LOL! :7 :+ The song from Low Max gets me every time. I tell the kids it's my mommy's turn. ha ha!
Hey Debbie,

When you talk about hamstring presses is that the one that Cathe does on the step up's with weight...I'm sorry if this sounds really stupid...that is the one isn't it. :) I do love doing lying hamstring curls too. I think those walking lunges are helping the area I need help with too!

Dallas - I don't have Cardio Kicks. Congrats on burning 356 calories, that must be a killer w/o! I need to get Coremax! It sounds like something I need for my middle! I'm such a slacker when it comes to abs!!! Got to get better with that. I didn't realize you were coming off of an ankle injury, glad to hear you're on your way back from it. :) I have Kick Max, but not Imax 3 haven't got that brave yet...how do you like it?
Dallas - I love Cardio Kicks. Its my favorite kickboxing workout.

Sandy - Its the one she does in Pyramid Lower body except she does it on the stability ball. You're laying on your back, put one heel on the ball (or step using three risers) and press yourself up. She does this in other workouts using the band or ankle weights. Hope that makes sense.
Good afternoon,
I did the cardio coach 6 with Sean this morning. It was a free demo download so there are pauses between each segment. Nothing bad though. It was a good workout with my treadmill. I then did Pyramid abs using a 15# med ball instead of the stability ball except for the pikes, then I did Ab ripper X a lot of which I use a medicine ball for, I followed with 200 Bowflex resisted crunches and 100 hanging leg raises, Then I did Yoga Shatki using the matrix. I programmed in Rhythmic Vinyasa 1, Dancing warrior 1,2,&3, Core/abs, shoulder opening, and inversion which took a total of about 40 minutes.

Charlotte, I used to drink all kinds of tea but got started on coffee and now drink it more than the tea.

Sandy, I definitely would get Core Max if you don't have it. I use that on a lot. I like the premixes on it real well too. Great workout. I usually don't do deadlifts more than once a week unless I go really light. I injured my low back once and it hurt for a long time. It was doing higher reps though. I just think I lose my form on things like leaner legs and power hour. I learned to go lower and concentrate. Heavy and slower does not seem to bother me. Also try using some of the floor work like on PS with weights and the glute tucks(lifts). Leg curls and tall bench presses (step ups) as already mentioned are good.

Lora, yes I would really appreciate it if you sent me the entire set of stretches.

Marietta, I think you will appreciate the effectiveness of cardio coach once you try it.

Dallas, Cardio Coach 6 was good. I worried about that long challenge but it was great. It was 50 minutes without the final stretch. Tha last challenge Sean really pushes you through 5 intervals to get you to the level 4 exertion and stay there that las minute. I like Cardio Kicks. I like to add the drills at the end onto other Kick Box workouts.

Suz, I don't find it rude at all if you miss someone in answering. We all get busy and find it hard to respond to everyone. I know how it is posting late as well. I think I once made the statement that I thought my posts were missed because I posted late. I understand that sometimes people are busy or at work and pressed for time. I try and go back and check theposts from the day before. Do what you can. Enjoy your ride today:)

What happened to Sabrina? Did I miss something?

Diane Sue

I know exactly what you're talking about now. :D I like those, just haven't done PLB in a while as you can tell. Those I will do! Thanks, see everyone is so helpful on here, I just love you ladies!!!

Diane Sue - Your w/o sounded hard, but good! I do want to get coremax, I'll probably do that when I get back from the beach, heck I might get it now, and take it to the beach with me. ;) I have the PS series, so I'll do that too. Thanks ladies! :7
Hey Guys!!

I did do the elliptical at lunch...I was on it for 45 mintues. Afterwards I did the PLB Stability ball work (from memory)...talk about hamstring/butt killing...woo-hoo!!

Diane Sue - I don't know what ever happened to Sabrina...she used to be quite the regular one around here. I'll bet she is lurking but is laying low for some reason...

Sabrina...come out, come out...wherever you are!!!

I think I'll do a Cardio and Weights type class tonight. Do some combos and throw in some compound weight moves. That should do the trick...

Diane Sue - you mentioned getting more headaches lately and also that you had switched from tea to coffee (but I don't know if that was recent or not). For me, I get more headaches if I have caffeine on a regular basis for any length of time. I'll start getting smaller ones every day until WHAM - a migraine and then another and another. I have to then wean myself off of caffeine for awhile and I start all over. :) It's hard because for those every day headaches, Excedrin Extra Strength works REALLY well, but it has so much caffeine in it so I end up almost addicted to it and I get a headache until I take it (like coffee addicts do if they don't get their coffee - only mine get progressively worse and then I need Imitrex).

I'm sure you're aware of what your triggers are, but just thought I'd throw this out there.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Hi all!

I'm enjoying reading all of your posts. Finally have a little time and I don't have to go to bed early as tomorrow is my day off, though I have much to do.

Had a bike ride this evening and really pushed on the hill climb. It was hot on the climb so that was tough. I timed it and beat my last time by 1 minute and 22 seconds. However on a bike the wind can be an incredible factor. It was a friendly wind today :D Rode with a girlfriend. We split up on the hill climb and when I got to the top I turned around came down to where she was and she joined me on the return. She didn't want to go to the top and we both had a bike club meeting to attend so it worked out well for both of us.

Have a metric ride with a couple of friends on Sunday. Looking forward to it. My century is in 2 weeks but next weekend won't have any riding at all as my DH and I will be going to a black powder shoot, so I need this ride on Sunday.

Suz, I'm so glad you're back. I too was feeling so guilty about not being able to post but these guys all made me feel okay with it and I'm so glad I stayed. Hey, no strings attached, okay? We'll just do the best we can. I don't have internet access at work so have to wait until I get home. How was your ride tonite?

Debbie, I decided I'm going to start your June rotation on Monday. It looks really good, though I may have to whittle it down a little timewise on some of the days. Yep, I know what you mean about the genie hops, but today they weren't too bad.

Marietta, thanks for the encouragement to do this rotation. I used to do Imax2 in full but just lately have not wanted to and have been babying myself, that's all there is to it!!

Charlotte, 12% body fat!! Mine has never been less than 25% on my Tanita (no athlete mode). Some days it can even jump up to 28% and then the next day be down to 25 something. I know when I'm leaner, but would sure like to be more so.

Sandy, your DH must really inspire you to lift heavy. I know I'm somewhat competitive with mine. Like Debbie said, be careful, and I know you will be with the deadlifts. I continually kept hurting my lower back by not putting enough arch in my back. You really want to feel it in the hamstrings. I can actually feel them in my hams without weight at all, but I couldn't when I wasn't using the right form. I like working out with my DH too.

Dallas, know it can get hectic with more than one child in sports and trying to cover all of it. Way to go! I don't have Cardio Kicks but I hear good things about it.

Diane Sue, I'll have to go and download CC#6. Wow, a minute at level 4! I'll be hurtin for certain!

Must go, will check in in the a.m.


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