Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Thurs June 8


Morning Fit Ladies -

I've really got to start getting up a bit earlier! I did Bosu Blast today with Seasun Zieger and I wanted to do the entire 75 minutes, but I slept until 2:30 am....so it didn't happen. I did about 60 minutes of it, including some of the core work at the end. I had a little bit of difficulty doing this one today because my knee and hip are bothering me today for some reason. I've been doing high impact without my rebounder for months now. I can't believe I've been able to do this for so long with no problems, but now maybe I need a small break from the impact.

Marietta - let me know how you like Seasun. I really like her. She is not annoying at all and her demeanor sort of reminds me of Cathe. She's professional and likeable. I wish she did more than just complex aerobic step DVDs! Well, her Straight Up Step is not real complex and has been my favorite now for a while.

Hi to everyone. Has anyone ever heard of Wylde Ivy? They make soaps, lotions and bath stuff. I just discovered them and ordered a few things. I love their stuff. (You ladies all know how much I love my Lush stuff too). I bought some Olive Lotion a shower gel and a solid shampoo and solid conditioner. They are really nice. I used them in the shower this morning. I bought Blackberry Cotton Candy Lotion and Ice Princess Shower gel (vanilla mint....mmmmm for the AM). The hair stuff left my hair nice also! Well, enough about off topic stuff.

Have great workouts everyone and I'll try to check in from work yesterday. I had a bad day yesterday at work. Hopefully, today will be better. I'm still having this mental stuff bothering me that is not work related also. I'll just keep pushing on though!
Great --- after I typed this I went in the basement for laundry and I missed a step on the way back up and fell on the steps. I REALLY hurt my shin bone. It's already black & blue. I coudn't walk on it at first...but now I can bear weight. I hope I didn't crack it. GREAT!!
Good Morning,
I used to be able to jump right out of bed and workout. I usually have to have a few minutes and some coffee in the morning to get going. Now I wonder how I did that. I am off to try the free download of Cardio Coach 6 w/ Sean I mentioned last night and then abs and yoga. I will do the abs from Pyramids, Ab ripper x and my own with the VKR tower and the Bowflex. Then mix up the Shatki Yoga.

Lora, Netta was saying something about hanging your head off of the side of a bed. Does that help a stiff neck and headache? Years ago I had daily headaches and spent a lot of time at the doctors office and even physical therapy. Lately they seem to be back more often.

Netta, your walks with your dogs sound so pleasant. My daughter and her husband just went and checked out the campsite they reserved for our family 4th campout. They just bought a boat so it will be fun. Our campout last weekend did not go well. One spot left and it was out in the open by the road. I also had a migraine so we came home after the first night.

I'll check back later. Have great workouts.

Diane Sue
Good morning Maniacs!

My workout today was Imax2 (intervals 1-5) and then 20 minute Power Yoga with Bryan Kest. I forgot how fun Imax2 is. I always like interval #2 the best. I need to start pushing a bit more on my cardio, making them a little longer. I have no trouble riding a bike for 5 or 6 hours but can't seem to get thru a full DVD of cardio. Hmmm... I plan on a hill climb bike ride tonite before the bike club meeting. After that, I've got to get the rooms ready for the carpet cleaning man for tomorrow morning. Tomorrow will be a busy day (my day off).

Diane Sue, sorry about your camping trip. Sounds about as good as the one we had to abandon on Memorial Day due to snow. Hopefully your next one will be better. My DH and I love getting out once a week with the dogs. I usually bring magazines and a blanket to just relax on and he'll scope out the area for firewood to cut on future trips. Our dogs always have a blast

Lora, hope the shin is okay. So scary falling on stairs. I've printed out Debbie's muscle building and cardio rotation. Seriously considering doing it, though I may have to modify to shorten as I only have about 1 hour to work out in the morning. I'll also be getting more cardio with my bike rides in the evening and on the weekend. I'm closing in on making a decision... Hope things get better for you mentally, any time you want to share, you can PM or email me.

Must go now,

Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Yesterday I worked out on my own using my Arnold Swartzenegger book. I did some moves I haven't done before to switch things up. I worked shoulders and legs. I did 3 sets of 12 Standing Bent Over Dumbbell Laterals with 8# db's. I did 3 sets of 12 Front Db Raises using 10# db's just like Arnold!!! Then I did 3 sets of 12 Reverse Overhead Db Laterals w/ 10# db's (first time with these). Then I just did some push presses with a 35# bar (3 sets of 12). Onto legs.... did 3 sets of 10 squats w/100# so I could go down further and squeeze! }( :p Another 3 sets of 16 for low ends with 50# bar and lots of leg curls with 35# (hamstrings) in 3 sets of 20's. Did Coremax 1 and 2 in the morning.

Today I will work chest/back out of the Arnold book and I also want to go to Fitday.com to make sure I am on track with my food. Think I am eating too much protein and not enough carbs as my energy is not what it use to be, but I took my dusty body fat monitor off the shelf (haven't use it in a month) and just to see...it was 12% this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You got to lay off the whiskey! Don't you know you can't drink and walk down stairs? LOL! Just kidding, ya know! Hope you feel better. I don't want to here anymore about you getting hurt.


I have grown to love Imax 2. Just love it! Really makes you sweat. I am gonna have to get on my bike tomorrow. I miss it.

Diane Sue,

Sounds like you work your abs out really good...it shows. I am not a coffee drinker myself, but I do like my green tea. The caffeine does help though to get us started and some days I feel like I need a dose of it.


My son has taken over the computer during the day now that he is home from school. I sent you an email last night. I will catch up with you again later today.

Lora - You get up at 2:30 a.m. to workout? What time do you have to be at work? Good Lord, woman, that sucks! Sorry to hear about your shin, I hope its ok. Ouch!

Diane Sue - I use to get up and workout right away as well. Can't do that anymore and I wonder why? I have to be up at least 45 minutes before I start working out now. Weird.

Netta - great workout! I love IMAX 2, I did that premix yesterday. I hate interval #3, the genie hops. Not that they are hard, I just hate doing them!

Charlotte - can you describe what the Reverse Overhead Dumbbell Lateral is. Sound cool. Great workout, I've been doing my own thing lately as well and it is shaking up my body. My bi's are finally almost back to normal.

Today is my rest day. I'll check in later!

You just hold the db's in your hand with your palms facing up instead of down. Your arms will be stretched out straight from the sides (like your getting ready to fly);-) Then bring the db's up over your head until they almost touch...again like your flapping your wings. Make sense?

Gooooooooooooooood Morning Maniacs!

Well I just have to share my w/o last night with DH. We started off with squats I did 2 w/u's of 15 reps/with the bar that weighs 45lbs. Then 3 sets as follows- 1st set of 12 reps/55lbs, 2nd set of 11 reps/65lbs, 3rd set of 10 reps/75lbs, 4th set of 8 reps/95lbs!!!
Then here come the walking lunges...ladies let me just say my hats off to you that do these! They are very tough, but Charlotte you're right on, I felt every bit of it in my glutes! I did only 133, but I guess that's not bad for someone just starting out with those. x( :) I did them with 8lb db's, but had to do them for a minute a piece only rested for about 30 seconds, then proceeded again. I'm very happy about that accomplishment!
Next was leg extensions w/u 15 reps/ 10lbs, 1st set of 12/35lbs, 2nd set 11/45lbs, 3rd 10 almost 11 reps/55lbs.
Deadlifts - 15 reps/45lbs, 12 reps/65lbs, 8 reps/95lbs, that one was tough. (I had to show him I ain't no punk!) I did listen to my body too, it was heavy and that's why I had to stop at 8, he was spotting me too.
Lying Hamstring curls - 12 reps/25, 10 reps/35, and 5 reps/40 I didn't do too good on those as I was getting tired! I did it! I showed him I was not PUNK!!! He was very proud of me too. :) I owe it all to you ladies here!!! Thanks so much for the words of encouragement!!!:7

Lora - How do you do it, you just amaze me. I've found though that I do better working out when I get home from work. I've never heard of Wylde Ivy, I'll have to check that out. Hope your shin is okay! OUCH!

Diane Sue - Your abs are awesome, I've got to start focusing more attention there for sure. I still have a soft area there, and it's the hardest to lose. I'm working on it! Would Cathe's coremas be worth investing in?

Netta - The more I do Imax 2 the more I really love it, it's such a great w/o! Leaves me sweating buckets everytime. 5/6 hour bike rides wow, that's a lot of riding, but I bet it's nice to take in the scenery if you have time to do that. :)

Charlotte - You are a maniac! Those w/o's sound killer! I just read how you described the Reverse OH Lateral, I just did it at my desk and I bet that would be an awesome w/o! I'm gonna incorporate that move into my upper body w/o. You go girl!!!

Debbie - Enjoy your rest day! Love the rotation you put out, I may try that after this one I'm doing now!

Marietta - I did it! I made it my own!!!

Hi to everyone that follows!!! I'll be back later, and sorry my post is so long! Have a great day!
Diana Sue - yes – the head hanging off of the bed stretch is one that I learned in PT. I have an extensive set of neck/shoulder stretches that I have to do every morning before work. They take about 20 minutes. That’s one of the reason’s I need to get up so early, although I should do the head hang one more often. I lie on the bed (on my back) and scooch to the end so that your head is hanging off. Let your head dangle and hold for 20 seconds or so and then turn your head gently to each side and hold for 20 seconds. You an also do this sort of modified lying on an exercise ball. The general idea of this is to create a traction in the spine. The other good traction stretch is the yoga stretch where you do a forward bend with hands holding elbows, head cradled in arms and dangle upside down. Any movement that creates traction in the spine helps your disc compression. Disc compression is what causes nerve root problems = pain, etc. If you want (when I have time), I can PM you the entire set of stretches I do that were prescribed by a PT for my neck/shoulder problems.

Charlotte – I’m always rushing around in a hurry. I really need to be more careful before I really hurt myself. Did you see my post the other night? Buckcherry got rescheduled for 7/18. My DH can’t go that day due to his foreman being on vacation. My niece better go with me or I’ll be very VERY upset.

Netta – Thanks for offering to listen regarding my “mental” problems. I may take you up on that some time. Life can get really tough sometimes.

Debbie – Yes, I used to get up at 2:00 am but I’ve been slacking for a while now. I don’t need to be at work until 8:00 but I have to leave the house around 7:00 am for the commute, parking and walking to my office. I also need to do my neck stretches every morning and apply heat before hand, so that takes a good 35 minutes.

I’ll try to check in later…….if my boss isn’t breathing down my neck. She’s not here right now…but I’ve got tons of stuff to do.

ETA: Sandy - you posted while I was - Yes, my favorite bath/body place is www.Lush.com and www.WyldeIvy.com is the new place that I especially like lotions from. My perfume oil's that I collect are www.Blackphoenixalchemylab.com and that's what I sell samples of on E-bay to make spending money. I sell Limited Edition samples. Lush boutiques just started opening in the US a year ago and are slowly spreading across the US, but I shop online. We don't have a store nearby.

Take me wiiiitttthhhhh you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to see buckcherry!!!!!!!!!!!! Not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope your neice goes with you!


You animal!!!!! 95# for deadlifts? Did your forearms feel like they were going to explode??? LOL! GOSH!!!! You go girl with your maniac self!!!!

Well looks like vacation is right on again. Long story? Wanna hear? Sure you do. Well DH did not give me all the information yesterday about what went down, just that this manager of his was ill...mentally, for a bit. This manager of his finds his wife with another man and so the guy freaks out like he is having a nervous breakdown and drinks himself silly. Doesn't show up for work...well, how can he now if he is that hungover? So hubby just doesn't know if the guy is going to work things out with his spouse or if things will get worse so for right now, we are still planning on going on our vacation unless the guy does not show up for work tomorrow.

Hey Ladies,

Busy morning ahead so just a quick check-in for me. I have ctx upperbody and BBW and I also plana on running. Many work things to be done today as well. I will try and check back later.

Lora - Thanks so much for the info, I'm gonna check it out!!! I like the stretches you mentioned too. My PT gave me some excersises to do as well, but those sound interesting. I've done the head hanging off the bed, but have never tried turning my head to either side, and I've done the one where you cradle your head in your arms and let your self hang over. Those feel so good! Hope everything gets better for you soon!!! :)

Charlotte - Yes! My forearms were killing me while doing 95lbs with deadlifts. AHHHHHHHHHHHH You called me an animal-I feel so loved now!!! I really do appreciate everyone's encoragement more than you know. I've never been this pumped to w/o with weights the way I am now!!! :7 So glad to hear your vacation is back on!!!
Good Morning Maniacs!!

Didn't do anything this morning...yep, you read right...but I do have a good reason. I'll be working out at lunch and I'll be teaching a class tonight so I think that's good enough. Plus I'm a little tired since I ran a total of about 9-miles yesterday.

So.....you ladies are the bomb!! Reading about what everyone is accomplishing is great!!

Lora - I do like what I'm seeing so far. I think I'm gonna try to do the step workout in the morning. I haven't had a chance to look at Seasun yet...but I really have no doubt that I'll like it. Thanks for the recommendation. OUCH!!! Sorry about your chin...is it feeling any better yet? All of your lotions sound wonderful...

Diane Sue - I still haven't used my cardio coach. I think it was because I was training for my half and I just didn't have a way to put it into my training especially since I'd never done it before. Now that I'm done...I'm sure I'll be doing it shortly.

Netta - I love IMAX2 also, but my favorite is IMAX3. I understand what you are saying about it being harder than bike riding. I think we all have things we are better at. Just keep pushing and you'll get there. Try to add one more interval to the workout and once that is comfortable add another and then another...and pretty soon you'll be doing the whole thing. You could certainly do Debbie's rotation...doing the weights in the morning and doing your bike rides in the evenings...do it, do it, do it!!!!

Toasty - That sounds like an incredible workout. Are you talking about arnold presses where you rotate the dumbells as you raise them? I've done the reverse overhead lat raises...I probably got it from a Musle and Fitness magazine which Arnold contributes quite a bit to. 12% bodyfat??!! Awesome!!!! You get to go on vacation now....yay!!!! I did get your email...I'll get you back later.

Debbie - Enjoy your rest day!! Those lat raises Toasty described are awesome...

Sandy! - That's what I'm talkin bout!!!! Way to work it!! It's been in you all along....you just didnt' know it!! I am sooooo impressed. Let us know if you are "feeling it" today. First time doing walking lunges and you used 8lbs??!! That's my girl!!

Hi to all the lovely maniacs that follow....seize the day!!

Hi All,

Having trouble with this computer of mine again. GRRR! Today I plan on Cardio Kicks and Core Max segment. I can't remember that workout, so I may incorporate my rebounder.

Nicole ~ We had two games at the same time too last night. My dh is the coach for my dd, so I took my ds to his game. I missed the best game ever for the girls.:( They beat the #1 team too!! :)

Marietta ~ Yes, I think you have all the bases covered...you maniac! ;) I actually feel fine, it was the closing up throat that had me so scared. He prescribed predisone (sp?). I felt a difference after just one dose. In fact, I started cleaning out the garage yesterday (washing down stairs, baseboards, etc. ) after I cleaned out my car. Way over due! Have fun at your class tonight!

Sandy ~ First time w/walking lunges and you used 8#'s!! Holy smokes girl!

Debbie ~ Enjoy your rest day! I'll try adding vanilla to the pancakes..thanks for the tip.

Diane Sue ~ Let me know what you think of that CC. I'm ready now for another one.

Terri ~ Enjoy your workout! Have you done the BBW yet?

Charlotte ~ Glad your vacation is back on!

Lora ~ Ouch! Did you put some ice on it like Diane Sue suggested?

Hi to everyone else! I have to sign off this computer is bugging me. I can't even click on the little smilies today. :(


ETA: Hey, the smilies showed up! I'm confused. lol!

Hi Netta and Susan!
Hello again ladies!

Terri - OUCH, that sounds like a tough w/o you have planned! Good luck with it!

Marietta - It's okay girl, you will make up for it! Like you said you ran 9 miles yesterday...good for you!!! I didn't realize you teach. That's great! How often do you teach a class? You are excellent at motivating people, I get that from reading your posts here. Oh, and yeah, I'm feeling it already, and it hurts soooo good! :)

Dallas - I have a rebounder too, let me know how you incorporate it in your routine. I have problems figuring out how to do some of Cathe's Blasts on it. I've tried and I think I'm doing okay with it, but doesn't really feel right to me. Yes, 8lbs in each hand, I thought maybe that was too light, until I did the first 10 and thought OMG what have I gotten myself into...but ya know what I didn't quit!!! I don't see how some of you do 400 Holy Cow!!! I'll get there! I've said, so now I have to work up to it! x( :7
Hope you start feeling better, which sounds like you're on your way!
Good morning ladies!

Although I haven't been posting, I have been reading. I posted last week that I wasn't going to be posting anymore b/c by the time I get on there are waaaay to many posts to respond to. :( I don't want to be rude and only answer a couple of people here and there. But you all are SO motivating so I keep reading. So Marietta - nope - not on vacation - darn it! :) I've just been super swamped at work and so busy at home too.

Yesterday I did PUB and my chest is really sore today. Hmmm...that's weird. But a good thing. This morning I did - NOTHING. Just like Marietta. I have a girls' ride planned tonight (30 miles if it doesn't rain) and this morning I was going to do yoga but at 4:30 Gizmo had diarrhea in our closet! Luckily he got DH's tennis shoe and none of my shoes. }( So I had to clean that up (yuk!) and then went back to bed. There went my yoga. This is the first morning I haven't worked out in a loooong time. I was tired just getting up and going straight to the shower. It was weird. I didn't want to do anything that would make my legs tired for tonight since they are all fast cyclists. Gotta try to keep up.

As usual you are all still MANIACS in your workouts!!! I'm just so impressed.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Hi Suz!

Great to hear from you. I'm sure if you've been reading then you know what I'm about to say...

<on soapbox>

Please post...if you don't want to address everyone or anyone, that is fine...really! The maniacs that want to can and the maniacs that can't don't have to (no pressure). It's really, really ok!!

(ETA: I will not type these words again...I've probably said it too much as it is).


<off soapbox>

Oh Sandy...there is sooooo much that you don't know about me yet (smile). I've been teaching fitness classes for over 10 years. I teach mostly at my job because we have a fitness center and they hire me to do classes in the evenings. How convenient is that? I teach anywhere from 2-3 classes/week. I love doing it...anything that motivates others makes me happy.

Suz - yes, please keep posting. I usually don't have time to address everyone individually.....and I hope people don't find me rude. I just think it's impossible sometimes. We'd love for you to post when you can and not worry about it!!!

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