Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Thurs 5-11

I wasn't pushing Turbo Jam on anyone....I was only posting cuz Nicole asked me....(I think it was her).

Dallas - I wish someone would say my arms are big....I'm such an ectomorph on top.
Hi again!

Marietta, we really wished my husbands income would be enough, but it just isn’t. I met with my employer yesterday and that went so-so. He’s claiming he may not be able to pay me what I was making before I left on maternity leave. Oh, the whole thing is very upsetting. On another note, I did some walking lunges today too ~ with 2 pound db’s. What did you use? 20’s? hahaha

Christine, isn’t it nice to get a compliment from a *stranger*?

I’ve recently started to run, because my*my* heartrate didn’t get high enough either doing Step even kickboxing. This is strange. Hey! I should strap on the ol’ Jollies! ;)

Dallas, hmmm, maybe it is the hormones causing my hair loss. The baby is now three months old. I have very thin hair so it better stop!

Hi Nicole, Sabrina and Diane Sue!

Susan C.M.
Very funny Susan!!!

Now Toasty would use 20's....I used 10's. I did want to walk afterwards you know!!

Yeah...just thought I'd ask about the job thing. Reducing your pay would be a good reason to stress out also...still can't rule stress out as a factor for your hair-loss.

Turning heads is a good thing...especially for us 40+. It makes you say...hey! I still got it!!

Good afternoon,
This morning I did Turbo Jam Fat Blaster, then the intensity drills of Kick Max, I followed with Cardio Party 2. Then I did Pure Strength legs no abs w/ str anf KM str.. I am hoping to do some yoga this evening or another stretch tape. I don't think I could pay as much attention as some of you to HR and water etc.. I hardly ever stand on a scale, drink a lot of water, but don't know how much, and don't track my calories often anymore. I used to track calories but it got to be to much of an obsession. I think my best HR monitor is the chest strap that comes with my treadmill. I have used it about 4 times. I just feel like I am either working hard or need to push harder.

Terri, it looks like you had a good long workout planned:)

Dallas, I am glad you are doing better. Which Cardio Party did you purchase? What did you not like about it? The Fat Blaster one is short but is one of my favorites. It is done as 4 intervals, each is a breakdown of the moves at a lower intensity and then the Turbo of the same moves. Punch Kick and Jam is a little less dancey. The few minutes of tubing work tacked on the end seems like kind of a waste. It might be good if someone went on to do the TT tubing workout that is about 30 minutes. Some of the people use weights in this one. I bought some 1# weighted gloves and do some of these with them on. I am still a little concerned about being careful of injuring a shoulder or something. I don't know what weight they are using on these. I was just wondering if it was the intensity of the workouts or you you just did not like Chalene's style.

Marietta, sounds like you did a really good lower body workout. You should really try cardio Coach sometime just to see how it is.

Hi to everyone,
Diane Sue
Diana Sue - the gloves that came with my TJ (that they wear in the workouts) are 1.5 pounds. I wore them once. I got pretty sore. I have to be careful with punching with weights cuz of my neck injury and shoulder injury. I think I may need to work up to them. I'm always careful not to straighten my arm and lock my elbow. I also always throw my punches with my thumb facing up and my knuckles facing the side wall. This takes a lot of undue stress off of the shoulder joints.
Hi All! (It's not as much fun posting here at night...no one is around. :) )

We had a b-day party I forgot about. I had to run out in our monsoon like weather to get a gift. UGH! x( Tomorrow doesn't look much better. If my ds and I don't turn into ducks overnight than the field trip tomorrow will NOT be fun. :p :+ I talked to the teacher today and were going rain or shine. Oh goody! It's to the zoo. I guess we can hang out in the ape house. lol

Marietta ~ You're embarrascking (think Popeye ;-) ) me! :) Thanks Debbie! I have my picturetrail in my profile (a little more low-key for me).;-)

Jeanette and Susan ~ How did your bike rides go? We want to hear details. I asked a question about a bike trainer (see above). Maybe you could help?

Christine ~ I want you to know you made me lol (Bryan comment) in my car driving and doing dishes this evening. My family wants to know what's up?! lol Way to go on the woo wooer! I know, in a weird way, it does make you feel good.

Diane Sue ~ I have no idea which TJ I have, since I only used it for 10 minutes. ha ha Maybe I'll give it another try. Thanks for all the info. Maybe I'd like the new ones better.

Sleep tight everyone. I have to get up at 4:30A, again, to workout.


ETA: Marietta, I like that leg workout. I'll be trying that out soon. OK, maybe not the 200 walking lunges...just yet. }(
I don't know if anyone's still around, but I thought I'd check in. We just finished our girl ride. It was pretty slow but they all had fun. We went about 13.5 miles and I bet it took us an hour and a half! I probably won't make it a habit because it's now almost 9pm and I've just finished unpacking all my stuff! I'm more of a morning exerciser.

Terri - would you be riding on dirt trails or pavement? What kind of riding do you want to do? Do you want to go for speed or more casual rides? Since you mentioned trails, you are probably talking dirt, right? If so, you would want a mountain bike. And I have to say after riding with a friend tonight who got her mountain bike at Wal Mart - don't do that. It's just cheap and she had such a hard time shifting. I bet there are tons of bike shops down there!

Dallas - regarding a trainer - we have a Performance brand (like the cycling catalog). DH says it's a good one and it's a fluid trainer. He said that ours was about $80 and the Cyclops ones are about $300. I think we have 3 different ones and they're all just fine by me. I use the Spinervals workouts when I'm not on the CompuTrainer (which is a whole different deal) and they work great. They really help prepare me for the season. You might want to check on Ebay for something like a trainer. I bet you could get a better deal than new.

Debbie - thanks for the tip on the water post. I'm gonna check it out!

Diane Sue - what a workout! I love your new Avatar. You are in amazing shape. I wanna be just like you. :)

Susan - hang in there. I wish I had some great words of wisdom for you. I think you have a lot of friends here who care about you though. So take care of yourself.

Marietta - I think my problem is that I drink so much water at work everyday and then on the weekends I drink almost none. So my body never gets used to it. It's like starting over every Monday.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Terry, just thought I'd post on the trainer question. Mine was given to me and it's an old wind trainer (don't get one of these). Actually, it's so loud that I have to turn the TV up very loud to hear Coach Troy in Spinervals. Not something I can do while DH is trying to sleep. But the fluid ones are good and the mag ones too. Susan knows much more than I do about these.

Spinning is good, but I'm not that motivated to ride indoors when it's so nice outside. I have a few Spinervals and let me tell you, they make Cathe look easy. The sweat will really be pouring out. You'll also need a fan, some water and a towel. A HRM is very handy, but you can also go on perceived effort.

Yes, if you are going to be riding on dirt trails, then a mountain bike is what you want. If it were me, I wouldn't buy a cheapo bike (like a Walmart bike), but not an expensive one either to start with. My mtn. bike is an entry level model, but doesn't have much in the way of shocks on the front and none on the back (it's not a full suspension) so I get tossed around a bit on rocks and ruts.

If you want to go for speed and ride roads in groups and do charity rides eventually then a road bike is what you'll want. However, I started with a mtn. bike first and have never regretted it, though my first love is road biking. You would want to see if you'll even like cycling.

Some people never get used to the seat or give up before toughening up their butt. That's the main complaint and it's something you have to build up to. Everyone's butt hurts, but some seats are better than others and gel or cushy is really not the way to go. I ride a Terry Butterfly (a very popular model) but this is so individual. In our 5 lady cycling group, 4 of us ride the Terry Butterfly. You'll also want some padded bike shorts (either baggy or the regular cycling shorts), they really make a difference.

Must get going. Hope this helps.


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