Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Mon June 19

Good afternoon,
Well I typed this whole big thing and lost it. This morning I did CTX Power Circuits through the lower circuits, Body Max lower circuits, Super Sets Lower Blast and stretch. Tomorrow I plan on doing Super Sets upper once, then GS premixes Chest and Triceps Superset, and Back & Biceps timesaver, then GS shoulders. I wanted to avoid to many deadlifts two days in a row.

Marietta and Dallas, we were having problems with our networking. I could not get on line with my lap top. We also had some adware that we could not get rid of. Things seem to be working now.

Sandy, glad you were able to check in, it sounds like you have been busy.

Susan, I find when I don't workout for a couple of days the definition shows more. I think the muscle tissue loses some of the water it holds from being worked.

Terri, I am sorry to hear about your dog. I will be praying for you. I know this has got to be difficult.

Nicole, I guess I missed that post:) I really like incorporating the SS and PP series into my workouts.

Debbie, I got that deal from Amy as well. I have been considering getting another of her dvd's. I wish I could skip back and forth on the a team bootcamp one. I would like to repeat cardio portions. I have been thinking about the ab and stretch one. I like Avons Perfect wear too. I can extend it even longer using the Mark Kiss Ink or Tattoo lip markers.

Suz, hope you are getting in some good bike rides minus the wind:)

Lora. I hope your day went well.

Diane Sue
Hello Again!

At lunch I ran about 4-miles and then did the BBW stuff. Think that will do it for me today.

Just watching the clock ready to get off work...just not feeling it today.

Hope you all have a wonderful evening!

Netta, good for you getting your workout in after being gone. I never feel that motivated if I have been gone for awhile. I hope you are getting lots of water in. It looks like you got in some good workouts.

Charlotte, I hope you get to feeling back to normal soon.

Marietta, it looks like you did well despite how you feel:) Have a great evening.

Diane Sue
Hi Everyone - I'm home...yay!

Terri - So very sorry to hear about your dog. I went thru that a while back with my dear cat that was 16, but now I have a cat that I adopted (adopted at 6 months) and he is the best cat we ever owned. He has the neatest personality. The odd thing is that he has a lot of the "traits" as the cat we lost. It's like he's Pinky "reincarnated"....only Pinky was dark and Hollywood is like an Albino boy with blonde fur and light eyes, pink nose and pink paws. After the mourning process maybe you can adopt, as they bring SO MUCH JOY into the household. I'll pray for you to get thru this.

Nicole - I hated Kim Spreen's CIA Kickbox Bootcamp. The newer one is okay....name escapes me, but I like Sherri Jacequlyn's Criss Cross Cardio better. Amy's kickbox one won't be filmed until September.

Debbie - I agree...I'm not sure If I like Amy that much. She's okay. I think she probably is better as a live instructor than she comes across on DVD. Maybe she needs some experience to polish herself....or maybe not LOL!!

Dallas - Using the Pilates ring REALLY makes a big difference, only the one I have is too basic. I need some harder ones. I ordered a couple more Winsor ones from Collage over the weekend and I think I'm going to be the guinea pig and try a couple from that link Susan listed above. I emailed them with questions first.

Well, tomorrow I go to the Retina doctor so I can't workout in the AM, as I have to be at work super early and i have some other things to take care of in the morning. I'm struggling with taking a rest day, but it will be forced. Hopefully it will be a good thing and not a bad one.

I have a couple new DVDs expected this week and then I'm pretty sure I'm gonna start a rotation. I'm almost decided on one too. I'm leaning towards split like P90X or Cathe Gym series. I figure I need a change from full body weights and lots of cardio....but if I gain weight in the first 2 weeks, I'll be changing up. (oh ...the DVDs that should be here are Tracey Hess's Body Sizzle - weight workouts - Gotham Box and Tribal Fitness set of 5 DVDs (sort of like Yoga Booty Ballet with a pilates/yoga/ab/and 2 cardio's).

Just wanted to say I bought bras from Victoria's Secret yesterday. I have never had one from there. I always buy the cheaper ones. I'm sick of uncomfortable bras, so I went in and asked for the most comfortable bras they sell. I bought 3 and they are SO comfortable. I can't believe it. They cost $150...but oh well. ONe of them is that Angel's Embrace one. Just thought I'd pass that on.

Also, I'm curious. Does anyone here have a Lush boutique in their city? I wish we'd get one here.
Glad you are close to choosing a rotation. I think a split would be a good choice. I use total body workouts as maintenence or building endurance. No Lush boutique here. Good luck with your retina dr.. I am working on scheduling enhancements on my laser eye surgury. It will be to improve my astigmatism. As far as Victoria Secret Bras, those are some of the most comfortable bras I have bought. They do last a long time as well unless you go for one of the lacey or sheer things.
Diane Sue
Well I got late to doing my workouts, but I did get them done!! I ended up doing TJ fat blaster and then did super charged sculpting since that is a quick one, and I like the leg work in it.

Debbie thanks for the list of your favorites. I am going to try that lipstick next time is goes on sale.

Lora thanks for the tip.... I think I will order Amys. I did not get the 5.00 off coupon though..... So I may wait and order from Collage.

Hey Dallas I am using the Firm dvds from kit 3 and 4... the ones that use the incline.(it's called the transfirmer) They sell it at Target. You know you can never have to many steps...LOL.... I now have 3 :eek:

Well gotta go... My parents are coming tomorrow. I know I mentioned they were coming last week, but a close friend of theres passed away so they stayed for sevices.

Terri I am thinking of you!!! ((HUGS)))

Thanks Nicole! I'll check that out at my Target, but there fitness section really stinks! x(

My dd won her first play-off game!! We took the kids out for ice cream afterwards. I wasn't going to get anything, but my dh ordered for me while I was in the rest room. :eek: It was frozen yogurt w/fresh strawberries. That had to have less calories than ice cream, right? Oh boy, dessert two days in a row. ;-) Anyway, no pilates for me tonight.

Lora ~ How weird...I was at VS today for bras. I had to take my boys. They were not happy, but I promised them it would be a fast one.

Well, time to go to bed!


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