Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Mon June 19


Morning Fit Ladies -

This morning I did Amy Bento's All Pump followed by Winsor Pilates Maximum Burn Pilates (20 min).

I really wish Amy's DVDs were just a little longer....60 min versus 40 min for All Pump and 60 min instead of 50 for the other ones. I just saw a post over at VF that she is planning on filming more workouts in Sept ...a Kickbox and Core Circuit (weights? ..can't remember the second one) but the post said they were supposed to be 90 minutes each. That will be nice...especially with premixes. I suppose if I got my lazy butt out of bed a half hour earlier, maybe I could do her workouts x 2 to make them longer, but I just can't seem to snap out of this depressed state I'm in.

I'm not sure about these PIlates DVDs either. I mean Pilates is good for the abs...but I'm not sure about all of the leg/arm stuff. It feels like a waste of time. I have the more advanced versions that are 50 min...but who has 50 min to tack on at the end of their workout? We'll see how the Pilates goes.

Ugh....Monday and my boss worked all weekend and said she'd have lots ready for me. JOY...and I'm there all alone with her this week. Pray for me.

Have great workouts.
Good Morning,
This morning I am doing CTX Power Circuit w/u & cardio, maybe some other cardio and Super Sets, Lower Blast, I want to do abs but think it may have to wait. I have a computer technician coming this morning so don;t know how much time I have.

Lora, I hope your boss is decent today. Don't let her drag you down.

Hi to everyone
Diane Sue
Morning ladies,

Today was CTX chest and tris (2X, pretty much) and then Muscle Max chest and tris. Yesterday, after returning home from our weekend black powder shoot, I did Imax2 and then ME abs.

I'm puffy today, didn't drink too much water on the camping trip (orange juice and vodka doesn't count, does it?) Also forgot to take my vitamins. I really think the B6 helps me with the water weight gain. Anyhow, will try to drink tons at work today to flush.

Diane Sue, hope the computer tech can repair your computer. They always make it look so easy. Enjoy Power Circuit. I like that one. CTX is really near the top on my list of favorite Cathe workouts.

Lora, maybe you can picture your boss in her underwear today. She sounds like a complete pain. Is she still drinking lots of water? Like Diane Sue says, don't let her get you down.

I'll check back later.

This morning I did Gym Style Legs and MIS Abs. Had a great workout, I love GS Legs, that workout is so effective.

Tomorrow is my rest day because I have to deliver Avon. Hope I get the rest of my order today, I'm suppose to.

Have great workouts everyone!
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Yesterday I did not workout and today I am still recovering from all the fun on Saturday night. Won't ever have that much "fun" again...not worth it. I feel pretty spaced out today from all the rest I got yesterday and I slept for about about 9 hours last night too. I didn't eat much yesterday and I am still feeling weak from not enough food cuz I couldn't keep much of anything down, and too much rest so today I will try to get some cleaning done to zap myself back into some kind of routine. Tomorrow I will workout.

Have a great day!

Hello Everyone,

Haven't been able to post much here lately, due to I've been working, working, working. We're trying to close with the company that we merged with, so I've been busy. The computer at home is not working right now, so haven't been able to do anything from there. Sounds like everyone is having good work outs. I did legs at the y with my DH last Thursday and then did 20 mins on the eliptical. Friday and Saturday didn't do anything. :-( Yesterday I did Bootcamp, and man after doing that one I was wore out! It felt good though! Tonight I'm going to the y and doing a kickbox class. Thursday off to the beach!

I've got to run and get back to work! Just wanted everyone to know that I'm still around and have been reading what everyone is up too when I can!

Hope everyone's w/o's are tough ones!

Hello to all that follow!
Happy Monday Maniacs!!

This morning I did CTX Step and Intervals (including the chest workout). Woke up a little late this morning but managed to complete this workout timely. I'll probably run and do BBW (depending on how much time I have after the run).

Had a good weekend....very laid back for the most part. My eating this weekend left a little to be desired...but I won't beat myself up about that.

Lora - I'll have to read yesterday's thread to see how you did at the picnic yesterday. Hope you did okay. Try and have a good day at work...think happy thoughts!!

Diane Sue - Awesome workout planned. What's the matter with your computer?

Netta - Sorry about the puffyness today...hope the water will help to flush you out....Nah, I don't believe the orange juice and vodka counts...LOL!!

Debbie - Did you get your workout room all done (I haven't read yesterdays thread...sorry)? I haven't done GS legs in forever....I need to put that in my mix.

Toasty - I am going to email you later. In the meantime hope you start to feel strong again...you'll be fine once you get some decent food in your system.

Hi to the maniacs that follow...I'll be back

Marietta - My side order of pasta that was supposed to be wheat was white!! I was NOT happy. I had to eat that and some potatos and salad. I also had a small piece of chocolate cake. I never do good when I go over there, but I was really upset about my order being wrong!

I'm not feeling well. I think I just may be super stressed out. It's not been a good morning.

back to the salt mines!
Hi everyone,

I’ve been terrible about checking in lately. Now that I’m just getting back to work, I’m really busy!

Last week my knees really, really hurt. This happened once before when I was doing walking lunges. So, for now, I’m not going to do them. I even stopped leg workouts this past week as well. What’s strange is, my quads are more defined than before. I can actually see the muscles.

Today I did GS-BSB. I’ve been doing the Gym Styles for a month now. I LOVE them! But, I’m thinking it’s time to change things around…maybe do PS for a few weeks.

We went to Queens/Brooklyn over the weekend. My dh had a job to do for a couple of hours Saturday morning, so we took advantage of his company paying for the car rental and hotel. In the afternoon we went to the NY Aquarium. DS6 had a great time. He also went in the pool at the hotel.

Lora, I replied to your email about the Pilates workouts. They look good, but don’t know much about them. Here is the link: http://www.xercize.com/video.html I tried Karen Voights dvd and found it to be really easy. These say, “Advanced”.

Nicole, I put that Firm dvd in my Netflix queue that you mentioned the other day.

Diane Sue, I used to do SS lower body blast a lot. It’s such a quick and effective workout.

Jeanette, I don’t even bring water when I go camping! Hahaha There’s no room in the cooler for it.

Gotta go for now, I’ll be back later.


Susan C.M.
Hi Ladies,

I have not checked in for a few days as my 16 year old dog is very ill. Looks like I will be puting her to sleep later today. I am waiting for Dave to get here. I am very emotional now and not sure how to deal with this. I am going to get a workout in while waiting as I am going nuts! Sorry to be such a downer.

Marietta - I got it painted and cleaned, my dh put in new windows and the only thing left to do is the duct work which my dh said he'd work on through the week. We'll see. He always says that and then doesn't do it. I hate that. And I hate making him do stuff after work because I know he's tired. Soon! I'll get pics out there soon too!
Terri - I'm very sorry about your doggie....I know this has to be very difficult...you'd had your doggie a really long time. I wish I could be there to give you a BIG hug...but for now, this will have to do (((((((((HUGS!!)))))))))))))))))).

Let me know if you need to talk or anything....

Debbie - I know what you mean...my dh does the same thing. You may have to make an exception and get on him to get the work done this week...you can make it up to him next week...(**wink**).

Lora - Sorry about the mishap with your Pasta...at least it's all behind you now. I feel bad about you having such a crappy day...keep venting here if you need to...it has to help.

Oh Terri!!!
I've been right where you are....I KNOW how very, very, very hard it is. I'm so sorry. I'm sure you're making the right decision. I'm glad Dave will be with you during this time. You two can support each other.
:-( :-( :-(

RE: Terri

Terri I am so sorry to hear about your dog!! I know this is really hard on you!! Wish I could come over and be with you doing this sad time!! ((HUGS)) http://www.GlitterMaker.com/created2/114997884470693.gif[/IMG][/URL]
RE: Terri

Hey Everyone,
It has been busy around my house!!

Today I am going to do one of my Firm transfirmer dvds.

Susan what I like about the transfirmer workouts is it gets you in that area that Kathryn refers to as the THUTT (where the thigh meets the butt):7 I will be looking forward to what you think??? Susan I am so WANTING to do a PS rotation. I just need a kick in the butt!!

Lora how are you liking Amy??? I think I may order the kickboxing one or do you think I would be better off ordering a kimberly spreen or that one Cia one you liked??? Tell me which you like best!!

Diane Sue I had to smile..... the other day I was reading a post about SS's and someone mentioned they had it on swap, but then saw that you had done it in one of your rotations and kept it because you look so GOOD!! It's always to nice to hear good things said about a friend :D

Netta way to go.....Coming home and doing Imax..... I think the unpacking would be my workout ;-)

Sandy I have been hit or miss posting here also!! Just try when you can!!

Marietta my eating and workouts were off to, but hey today I can start again!!

Debbie I hope you get all you stuff. I finally tried that one lip stick...... My lip miracle.... I think and I just LOVE it!! It stays on, but does not dry your lips out!! What are your favorite products??

Well I gotta go!!

RE: Terri

Terri - I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. Hugs to you!

Nicole - my favorite Avon products are Perfect Wear lipstick, love that stuff because it stays on; Speed Dry Nail Enamel; Mousse Foundation is the best I've ever tried. There are so many products that I love its hard to list them all.

About Amy workouts, I received an email the other day with a $5 off coupon for my next purchase through her website. Did anyone who ordered from her before get this deal? I may get one of her new workouts with it, like the kickboxing one. I don't care for her all that much but her workouts aren't too bad.
Terri ~ (((((HUGS))))) to you! I know how sad and hard this will be for you! Although we don't have any pets now while growing up we always had a dog. I'm so sorry. :-(

Afternoon Everyone!

It's been busy here too. Yesterday's bbq turned out really nice despite the rain. There was a ton of food. I did OK, but I did have dessert. :9 There was so much of it...everyone brought something. I made my dh take it to work today. Can't keep it around here. ;-)

I've been following along with the rotation, but instead of a rest day yesterday I did a 45 minutes incline walk on the treadmill followed by 30 minutes of BK yoga. My legs were feeling PLB and the treadmill run from the day before. Today's work out was just OK. I should have stuck to the rotation, but did 45 minutes on the treadmill...again and GSL floor work. I really wasn't into the workout. Should have taken that rest day on Sunday. ;-) Oh well.

This is the last week of baseball/softball. So, we'll need to get involved with something else. ha ha! :+ I think my kids do better with a little structure. Keeps the fights at bay...somewhat.

Debbie ~ I've been wanting to get more kickbox DVDs. Please let us know what you think of Amy's. I was going to get Powerstrikes, but I heard that they are only on VCR. That won't work for me.

Lora ~ I feel the same way about the leg/arm stuff with pilates. I dod like the MTV Mix though. In fact, I was thinking of adding that in tonight or tomorrow. My abs were in better shape when I was doing pilates once a week.

Netta ~ At least you had fun this weekend, right?

Sandy ~ the beach sounds wonderful! Have fun!

Charlotte ~ Feeling better yet?

Susan ~ I want to add in the GS w/the current rotation. I miss doing them. I think my workouts would be was too long though. Sounds like you had a fun weekend.

Nicole ~ What's that DVD?! LOL! I want to work the "Thutt" ;-) I'm trying with the Rock Bottom rotation!! :)

Marietta ~ Glad you had a nice easy weekend. Hopefully, that will be our next weekend. No games, parties, etc.!!!!! YES! I can't wait!

Diane Sue ~ Hope your computer gets fixed. What do you think the problem is? Sometimes mine acts up too.

Have a great day!


Hey girl! Yeah, I am starting to feel better. Did 700 crunches (all angles and w/medicine ball too). I don't want to start working upper or lower body until tomorrow cuz I will need lots more energy for that and I don't want to over do it. I want to be good and ready tomorrow for it.


I am so sorry, hon. Please know I am thinking of you. Lost my dog on my birthday a few years ago and I know how hard it must be.


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