Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Finally Friday 6-2


Morning Fit Ladies -

I did 15 minutes of Pilates and 10 minutes of Yoga Stress Relief workouts last night instead of trying to go to bed early and when it was time to go to bed, I couldn't sleep again......so I'm running on 3 hours of sleep today. I know this is good for me, but I couldn't sleep. I managed to workout this morning though. I did Gunnar's Core Secrets Head to Toe Extended version which was 45 min and then I did 15 minutes of Turbo Jam Live followed by AM Energizer Yoga Now mini routine.

I'll be fighting to stay awake later at work....I'm sure.

Speaking of work, I got a great compliment yesterday. I don't mean to sound conceited, but I attribute not looking my age to exercise...so I think it applies to this thread. I was sitting with a dept. worker yesterday at lunch. She was 23. I was talking and said "at 47"...blah..blah, and her mouth dropped open and she said that I didn't look any older than 28 or 30. Since she's overweight and recently started working out....I made sure to tell her that I attribute staying young to all of my years of exercise. She was having a hard time sticking with her program, so hopefully this will help her in her efforts of sticking with it.

Have great workouts everyone. HAPPY FRIDAY! TGIF!! It's been a tough one for me with the boss coming back. My shoulders are really hurting from these injections this time. I didn't have this much pain last month. I was pretty uncomfortable with pain yesterday all day at work.

Susan - RE: the Bosu. No - I'm not used to it yet. I still go flying off of it when running on the top of it. It takes a LOT to balance on it. You can feel all of your muscles firing. I can't believe how it works you. It's like automatic functional fitness just balancing on it.

Marietta - RE: Bosu DVDs - I still recommend the CIA workout "Double Cardio" with Sharon Twombly with a 70 min Cardio/Weight workout that's tough and Seasun's Ziegler's Bosu Blast with core work - 70 min. It's $24.95 at Collage and you can always send it back if you don't like it. You can check a clip out at Collage also. I also like the Cardio Fusion Bosu workout with Rob Glick (it's so/so compared to Seasun's) but it's decent. I haven't done any of the other weight/aerobic circuit ones I have yet.

Have great workouts everyone and I'll try to check in later.
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Today DD graduates!!!

Yesterday I did LL and let me tell you...when you do those sit down things and you barely stand back up...killer!!!!!!!!!! I used the same weights Cathe did this time and it was easier, of course. Last time I did it off the smith machine and I think the bar on that is 50#. There are just too many reps in that LL to go too heavy anyways.

Today I get to work ARMS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been getting more rest being home so I am ready! I will workout to Godsmack and go off to voodoo land and try to curl heavier today.

Have a great workout ladies!!

Today is my rest day and Avon delivery day. Getting ready to head out now.

Lora - Congrats on the compliment! Thats awesome! I love when people tell me I don't look any older than 30. Thats a better compliment then anything else.

Charlotte - Yay about DD graduating! Wow, big day for her! Hope you kill those arms today!
Charlotte - I emailed you back last night ....in case you didn't look. You can email me here at work today if you want to.
Hey Everyone:D,

Yesterday was the kids last day of school!! YAY!!! Although my dd6 will start a reading program from 7am-noon starting mon. So I guess I won't be sleeping in:7

I have been doing a Turbo jam rotation....Today I did cardio party 2. Next week I will add 1 body part per day Ala Cathe.

Susan WOW all those walking lunges??? They kill me everytime, and I don't even use weight?? I don't think I could do it after imax!! You go girl!!

Lora congrats on your compliment!! Just remember age is a state of mind!!

Diane Sue the TJ are nice change of pace:D These will tide me over until Cathe new ones come!!

Hello to everyone who follows!!


Happy Friday to Everyone!!!

This morning I'm feeling pretty good! I've lost 2.5lbs, so happy, that something is working for me now. Thanks to all you maniacs out there. :)
Last night I did Step Blast and I even did the Step Blast Challenge, that's a first for me, I didn't get through the 3rd blast routine, but I feel that I did pretty good doing what I did do.

Lora - Isn't it great when someone younger than you thinks you look younger than you are! That's great and I do think that excersise has a lot to do with that too! I pulled out my yoga tapes that I have one that I own is Bryan Kest (cutie) Power Yoga, and the other is the east A.M. Yoga, anyway I'm gonna do one of those Saturday and see how I feel after that about incorporating yoga in my schedule.

Charlotte - Congradulations on your dd's graduation today! That's exciting. I agree about LL sit and stand's they get me everytime, but I love em!

Debbie - Enjoy your rest day!

Nicole - I would love to get the turbo jam's too, they look like a lot of fun, how is the burn with these?

Marietta - I checked out your pics yesterday and you look awesome! Good luck on your run, I'm sure you will do great! :7

Hello to everyone else! Hope everyone has a great Friday! TGIF!!!
I'll be back later to check in with everyone else.
Morning All....TGIF!!!!

Lora ~ Way to go on the compliment!!! I agree, I think exercise is the answer.

Nicole ~ Good to see you around!! I'd like to hear how you're liking the turbo jams, too.

Sandy ~ Way to go on the 2.5 lbs and the Step Blast Challenge!!!!

Charlotte ~ Why do you think I changed my workout from LL to PLB yesterday. I was already dreading those sit and stands. LOL! ;-)

Susan ~ Ha ha on your path! I wish I could go outside for the walking lunges, but my kids are always sleeping (usually ;-)) when I'm working out. My dh put a bar in recently where I did them. :-( I'll have to do them upstairs, I guess.

Marietta ~ It's official!!! We're here cheering you on!!! Umm, I got up at 2:30A yesterday.:-( Like I said, I didn't plan on that, but hey, I got a great workout! ;-)

Debbie ~ Enjoy your rest day!

Well, I'm just doing the treadmill today. I'll probably get an hour in again. I'll have a house full today of kids today. My sil's dad's funeral is today. I wish I hadn't turned the alarm off now. :-( Got to run...literally! ;-)

Hi to everyone who follows! Have great workouts and weekends!

Hi Ladies,

Just popped in to let you all know I am still around. Just been dealing with some stuff and also my business is very busy right now. I hope next weel to be on more often. With the check-in growing it's hard for me to keep up with everybody. Of course I have been working out and I do read here but just haven't posted for a few days. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Going to be in the 90's here!

Hi Terri,

Good to see you're still around. I do that on the weekends, that's when it's hard for me to check in as here lately we've been going and going. It's good to hear that your business is staying busy that's always a good thing! :) Good to hear you're keeping up with your w/o's that's got to be hard with running a business. Hope you have a great weekend too, in the Carolinas I think we're gonna get a break with the heat, it's supposed to be in the 80's with rain, which we really need!
Hi Maniacs!

I took a walk on my treadmill this morning. I'm also going to do some arm work later today.

I'm off work today....I'm going to go try to find an outfit for my run tomorrow...that should motiviate me!!

Lora - Thanks for the BOSU information...think I'll go check it out after I get done posting here. Hope you can stay awake today!! That was an awesome compliment you received...you should be proud!!

Nicole - So good to see you post! What are you up to these days!!

Terri - Glad to hear from you too...glad business is busy...that's always a good thing. It's hot here too!!

Sandy - Good job on your weight-loss and a high-five to you on your Step Blast workout....way to work it!! Thanks for the compliments on the pics.

Toasty - Congrats to your DD on her graduation!! My first will graduate in 3 years...I can visualize the pride and joy I will have when her big day comes. I know you feel the same! Kill those arms!!!!

Dallas - Sounds like you've got a busy day ahead of you...but you are the woman and this is a piece of cake for you.

Debbie - Enjoy your rest day!!

Thanks to all of you for your well wishes on my run tomorrow...I'll try to post at some point tomorrow to let you all know how I do.

Hi Netta, Suz, and Susan!!


Oh Marietta I forgot to send you well wishes for your race tomorrow. You will do fantastic I know!!

Charlotte-Congrats to your DD!

Sandy-Stay cool this weekend.


I'm going to be doing this month's rotation Cathe posted. Hopefully, with going back to work I'll be able to. I'll be making some changes though. Instead of the upper body workouts, I'll stick with spliting the Gym Styles.

So, today I did GS BSB, BBW, 300 walking lunges. Now, I'm toast!

I have a lot to do today and little time to do it. I just got a call from a friend and asked for me to stop by tonight for pizza and most likely beer and games. Ugh! I really want to be *good* for at least a few weeks. It's so darn hard!

Dallas, I must be a *bad* mama....I wait until the baby is asleep to do my lunges. ut-oh! Luckly, they only take a few minutes to do.

Enjoy the race Marietta! You'll do great!

Have a wonderful weekend. Good to hear from you Nicole!

Susan C.M.
Go Marietta Go!!! You'll be awesome!!

Waves a quick hello to everyone! This has been one stressful week. I'm so ready for it to be over. I tell ya. I woke up this morning, got up, made coffee, packed my DD's lunch, then promptly fell asleep on the sofa. So much for the leg work I was planning... Oh well. I'm going to use the elliptical at the gym today. I'll be thinking of Marietta tomorrow as I do my 7 mile run - and I'll be cheer you on girl! So if you suddenly get invigorated, know I'm thinking of you!

Lora - great job motivating your coworker! I think it's awesome that you got such a great compliment and turned it around to promoting a healthy life style. What a role model!

Charlotte - I'll bet it feels good to be home. I'm counting the days! Have fun doing arms!

Debbie - have fun delivering Avon! Happy Friday to you!

Nicole - Happy last day of school to your kids! Mine go for another few weeks yet.

Sandy - way to go on the weight loss!!!

Dallas - so great to see you running again! Have fun on the treadmill!

Terri - has your friend come back so you're only running one business again? I haven't been following as closely as I should. Good luck! And good job at keeping up the workouts!

Susan - I do like the rotation this month, but I'm finishing up my P90X so I'm sticking with that for right now. I think come July after my half, I'll start that rotation. Let me know how it works!

Waves a cheery hello to everyone who follows and agrees with Lora that it's FINALLY Friday?!?
Nicole- You weren't around when I posted about these. I'm pitching these tapes if you want them. Kathy Smith's ..Secret for a Great Lower Body & Upper Body (2 tapes) and Kathy Smith's Peak Fat Burning. Before I pitch them, do you want them? I only want a couple dollars for shipping if you want them.

Christine & Sandy - Also....don't know if you saw this or not. I'm not trying to be a pain in the butt...but I'd really hate to throw them away if someone wants them.

Must get back to work..............I'm sitting here trying to convince myself I should take a rest day tomorrow.....but I don't know if I can!! I may have to do an easy day instead.
I just finished working my arms. I don't know what is up, but I feel queasy for some reason. I did more 2 more sets then usual off the preacher bench and with less weight so I could bring my arm farther down and back up again. Don't know if a virus is going around or not. Remember Debbie saying she felt queasy too after doing a cardio workout a few days ago. Could still be the heat, but it is alittle cooler today, but still quite humid. So anyhow, I worked biceps and triceps. I will just do shoulders with more leg work tomorrow and tonight if I feel better will get in about 500 crunches.

Good afternoon
I did a long Turbo Jam workout today. I started with TJ fat blaster twice no stretch, then TJ cardio Party remix, this was about an hour of cardio total, then I did TJ Booty Sculpt plus abs, and TJ 3T, I followed this with 5 sets of 20 hanging leg raises and 20 wood chops with 25 pounds and the stability ball. I will be leaving this evening to go camping. I am taking my MP3 player like usual and thought I might do one of the Eion Finn yoga workouts while out. I am trying to decide whether to do a altered fat loss rotation of Cathe's or do some of this months it does look good. I am going to be rushed all next week.

Lora, congrats on the compliment. It would be great if you can motivate someone else to workout.

Sandy, good job on the weight loss. I am not Nicole but I think the burn is good on the Turbo Jams. Especially the Maximum results set.

Charlotte, I remember the first time I did Leaner legs. I did it at the poundages Cathe used and thought it was too easy. So I upped the weight to a 50 # barbell and redid the whole thing. Later I was so sore. Congrats on your dd's graduation.

Terri, I am glad to see that you are still around:)

Marietta, good luck on your run tomorrow. I will be gone till Sunday so won't be able to check in so will have wait to find out how you did.

Nicole, if you look at my workouts I have been really using the TJ's a lot. Once I started today I couldn't make myself pull away from the upbeat attitude of her workouts.

Hi Susan, Janette, Suz, Dallas, Debbie
Have a great weekend everyone,
Diane Sue
Diana Sue - How did you like Booty Sculpt? I haven't done that one yet. You're making me want to do some of my TJ ones. Oh no....I may have to start my Cathe rotation next week instead of this week.
Lora, I thought it was a pretty good workout. It did do some upper body along with the lower. They used dumbbells and a dynaband. A lot of lower body reps. The pace for upper was a little slower than 3T. I had a good burn in some of the muscles. I had to hunt down one of my shorter Dynabands. I think I picked a little to high a resistance here. I did make it but it was hard by the time I got to the end of the outer thigh work. She tied it and wrapped it around her ankles. I also used my weighted gloves and jolies while doing the abwork. The only thing that seemed a little odd was the hip moves while doing the lower body work. It was fun though:) I already feel it some in the in the glutes and legs after doing both workouts.
Diane Sue
Sandy I really like the TJ's they have a BIG FUN factor!! I do not feel the burn I do when I do Cathe, but I get a good cardio workout. I wear weighted gloves so my HR stays up the whole time I do these. I will keep you posted when I get done with my rotation.

Diane Sue I can see how these can be addicting. I just LOVE the going with the beat of the music.

Dallas you can read my above post of TJ's. I am happy I listened to Diane Sue.:7

Well Gotta go DH wants to use the computer;-)


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