Hello everyone!
It's been a crazy day at work, but I'm off any minute now for the rest of the day (just like you Marietta!). It's 12:30 here.
I did 90 minutes on the trainer this morning on the bike. I kept my HR low and didn't use too much resistance b/c DH said he'd ride with me tomorrow. He's really fast and I ride with him so that he will push me. So I know I have a hard workout scheduled for tomorrow. But after this morning's ride I was drenched!
Charlotte - I know what you mean about being the odd one out at work. I think we're all in the same boat. I am called the Diet Nazi at work. They think it's really funny. They hide the bad food from me when they're eating it (like donuts and cake) but when they have healthy food they come running in like little kids, so proud of themselves.
One of my co-workers from another building called and left me a message this morning telling me I'd be so proud of her b/c she's eating healthy and has lost 15 pounds. The bummer is that she does this ALL the time. She gains really fast and she loses really fast. Not healthy. Almost every Monday she's starting a new "diet". I tried and tried with her to get her to change her "lifestyle" and after about 2 and a half years I gave up. Now I just encourage her on days like today.
I'm glad to hear everyone seems to read the late night posts. I addressed bike questions to Terri and Dallas - in case you haven't seen them. And I should mention after reading Jeanette's post that the fluid trainers are VERY quiet. I can hear Coach Troy loud and clear - whether I want to or not!
I have a meeting this afternoon with some of our animal shelter's board. Last night there was a meeting to try to get them to resign. I feel bad for them - yet at the same time I'm SO thankful I'm not on the board anymore, as all their names have been plastered all over our local paper. This meeting has nothing to do with all the recent hoopla over euthanizing the dogs, but I'm sure it will come up. Should be interesting. I told them I'm glad we're meeting in a dark lounge (in a hotel - I really hate that place) b/c they aren't the people to be seen around town with right now. Of course I was kidding.
Smart choice for them though.
Any big Mother's Day plans? We have both Mom's here, so we're going to take them to lunch.
Debbie - I keep forgetting to read your water post. I'm going there RIGHT NOW!
Have a great afternoon everyone.
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
It's been a crazy day at work, but I'm off any minute now for the rest of the day (just like you Marietta!). It's 12:30 here.
I did 90 minutes on the trainer this morning on the bike. I kept my HR low and didn't use too much resistance b/c DH said he'd ride with me tomorrow. He's really fast and I ride with him so that he will push me. So I know I have a hard workout scheduled for tomorrow. But after this morning's ride I was drenched!
Charlotte - I know what you mean about being the odd one out at work. I think we're all in the same boat. I am called the Diet Nazi at work. They think it's really funny. They hide the bad food from me when they're eating it (like donuts and cake) but when they have healthy food they come running in like little kids, so proud of themselves.
I'm glad to hear everyone seems to read the late night posts. I addressed bike questions to Terri and Dallas - in case you haven't seen them. And I should mention after reading Jeanette's post that the fluid trainers are VERY quiet. I can hear Coach Troy loud and clear - whether I want to or not!
I have a meeting this afternoon with some of our animal shelter's board. Last night there was a meeting to try to get them to resign. I feel bad for them - yet at the same time I'm SO thankful I'm not on the board anymore, as all their names have been plastered all over our local paper. This meeting has nothing to do with all the recent hoopla over euthanizing the dogs, but I'm sure it will come up. Should be interesting. I told them I'm glad we're meeting in a dark lounge (in a hotel - I really hate that place) b/c they aren't the people to be seen around town with right now. Of course I was kidding.
Any big Mother's Day plans? We have both Mom's here, so we're going to take them to lunch.
Debbie - I keep forgetting to read your water post. I'm going there RIGHT NOW!
Have a great afternoon everyone.
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France