Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Finally Friday 5-12

Hello everyone!

It's been a crazy day at work, but I'm off any minute now for the rest of the day (just like you Marietta!). It's 12:30 here.

I did 90 minutes on the trainer this morning on the bike. I kept my HR low and didn't use too much resistance b/c DH said he'd ride with me tomorrow. He's really fast and I ride with him so that he will push me. So I know I have a hard workout scheduled for tomorrow. But after this morning's ride I was drenched!

Charlotte - I know what you mean about being the odd one out at work. I think we're all in the same boat. I am called the Diet Nazi at work. They think it's really funny. They hide the bad food from me when they're eating it (like donuts and cake) but when they have healthy food they come running in like little kids, so proud of themselves. :) One of my co-workers from another building called and left me a message this morning telling me I'd be so proud of her b/c she's eating healthy and has lost 15 pounds. The bummer is that she does this ALL the time. She gains really fast and she loses really fast. Not healthy. Almost every Monday she's starting a new "diet". I tried and tried with her to get her to change her "lifestyle" and after about 2 and a half years I gave up. Now I just encourage her on days like today.

I'm glad to hear everyone seems to read the late night posts. I addressed bike questions to Terri and Dallas - in case you haven't seen them. And I should mention after reading Jeanette's post that the fluid trainers are VERY quiet. I can hear Coach Troy loud and clear - whether I want to or not! :eek:

I have a meeting this afternoon with some of our animal shelter's board. Last night there was a meeting to try to get them to resign. I feel bad for them - yet at the same time I'm SO thankful I'm not on the board anymore, as all their names have been plastered all over our local paper. This meeting has nothing to do with all the recent hoopla over euthanizing the dogs, but I'm sure it will come up. Should be interesting. I told them I'm glad we're meeting in a dark lounge (in a hotel - I really hate that place) b/c they aren't the people to be seen around town with right now. Of course I was kidding. :p Smart choice for them though.

Any big Mother's Day plans? We have both Mom's here, so we're going to take them to lunch.

Debbie - I keep forgetting to read your water post. I'm going there RIGHT NOW!

Have a great afternoon everyone.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

I am also the Diet Natzi at work. They all hide their food from me, its histarical. Every day we have cookies or donuts, sometimes cake there. I pass on all of it. The one guy I work with is funny, I'll say something like, "Man, that cake looks so good." and he'll say, "It's not Debbie, its full of lard and fat." LOL! He eats it though, but he doesn't want me blowing all my hard work which I appreciate.

I just bought some Instone Protein Pudding from The Vitamin Shoppe. Sylvester Stallone makes it. Have any of you tried it before? I bought banana and chocolate. I ate the banana a few minutes ago, its ok but has an after-taste so I'm wondering what horrible sweetener he uses. It says "sucralose" on the ingredients. If I'm not mistaken, isn't that some kind of aspartame? I hope not. I hate that stuff but I'm thinking it is. You can't win. This stuff has 20 g. of protein and like 2 g. of carbs I think. No sugar or dairy. So I'll try it for a little while and see how my body likes it. I know my head doesnt' like aspartame so if I start getting bad headaches, I'll have to stop eating it.
Or my co-workers that say they've just had a salad for lunch. This salad, however is loaded with breaded chicken chunks, lots of cheese, ham and lots of dressing. Probably more calories than I consume in a day. Sometimes I get envious about what they get to eat, but then I slap myself and wake up and think how active and fit I am because I don't eat like that (most of the time).

Re: pudding. I made the instant fat free chocolate pudding mixed with fat free cool whip. I ate a TON of it and it was good. Probably should have just had a serving of regular fat kind.

Netta - that's funny cuz I walk thru the cafeteria here a couple times a day (water runs) and see everyone eating their donuts and desserts and I get so jealous. I always have this little voice in my head "why can't i eat like that"...and then I think "well, I can, but do I want to look like them"....but I still am envious. I love donuts but they are on my top 10 forbidden food list.
Hey all - sorry I haven't checked in sooner! Weird day at work! DH is in Dehli and will leave in the AM to his home town (a little town). DD17 (my step daughter) has given me the best Mother's Day gift she could without even realizing it - she's taken to calling me madre - "Mother" in Spanish, just FYI. She can't call me mom as she would betray her real mom, so this is her compromise. I grin ear to ear every time I hear it. Today is my rest day, so I'm resting.

Oh, and I was too embarrassed to post earlier as I *glances are guiltily and says in whisper* ate a donut this morning. Yes, I am hanging my head in shame. I did have a nice salad (only chick peas, squash, lettuce and some low cal dressing - NO breaded chicken or cheese or anything) for lunch.

Lora - there are certain phrases that instructors say that just make my skin crawl - I don't know why either. So I'm there with you on that one.

Charlotte - you had me laughing with your tale of the possums. And I know what you mean about your co-workers. I work with wonderful people, but their eating habits! HOLY COW! I just try to encourage and set a good example. Ya never know who's going to get a wild hair and follow your example.

Debbie - another rest day is probably a wonderful idea for start the Gym Series. I took today off in anticipation of a long run tomorrow and the start of P90X's next weight rotation on Sunday. I need every ounce of energy I can get for this!

Diane Sue - Oh my... You are one sexy lady! That top is fabulous and you look so good in it!

Marietta - don't know if you read my post on the open forum, but THANK YOU! I looked on the web, and discovered exactly what is causing DD17's acne problem. I txt'd her and she agrees that the timing is perfect. She's going to go on a soap and water with a very light moisturizer that she has used before routine to see if that helps. I'm so excited (as is she). Thanks so much for suggesting that.

Susan - I get my hair cut tomorrow - I cannot wait to get my bangs out of my eyes! Good luck with daycare. I know what a struggle that can be.

Jeanette - have fun with your jungle! I love your enthusiasm, especially about cycling. I've done so much cycling in my life. I know exactly what you mean about finding your own rhythm on hills. I love spin class for that reason, I can just settle in a climb!

Suz - wasn't it the vet that recommended the dogs be euthanized? What a decision to have to make, though. It would haunt me, even though I would only say yes if I felt there was no other way. Enjoy the rest of your day! Wish I got off at noon!
Hi again,

Well, the hair dresser was so far behind doing “up dos” for prom night that I had to leave so I could get me son off the bus.

However, I did get home to do SH Back! Yay. I just got back from seeing three girlfriends for a quick “beverage”.

Jeanette, My hair is to the middle of my back right now. I don’t know how I’d look with short hair. For my job, I’m a customer service manager for a company that sell herbal supplements from India. I also do most of the marketing, advertising and TONS of sales.

Christine, how is you mil doing? Your dh has a loooong trip home. Dont worry about one stinking doughnut! There is a little country store that makes these amazing cider doughnuts near me, and I'll finish one before I even get home. Everything in moderation, right?

Suz, I don’t know if there are any plans made for me for Mothers Day. My six year old wants to make our own French Toast for breakfast. I also have a baby that is three and half months old.

Lora, good for you for passing on the temptations in the cafeteria! I used to work in the ER and would frequent the café. Many times. Oh, I wish I knew then, what I know now about nutrition.

Have a great evening everyone!

Susan C.M.
Christine - Does your DH go to India a lot? Is that where he is from? What does he do for a living? Sorry to be so inquisitive tonight. I hope you're not hanging your head in shame over the donut cuz of me.....I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I eat them about once a year or so, or I'll eat the icing off of one now and then. I'm a sugar freak. That's my weakness...big time. (I PM'd you about something also)

I started eating something new with my salads at lunch. I wonder if it increased my calories too much. I always eat a salad with beets, hot peppers, chic peas, mozzarella cheese and low cal dressing and recently, I get a smaller salad and get a side of vegetables to go with my salad. I really like the Italian Green Beans and Vegetable Medley they have in cafe. My DH laughs at me when I talk about how good the vegetables were at lunch. I'm weird, I guess...cuz I LOVE Italian Green Beans and mixed vegetables. I remember when I quit smoking 12 years ago, the first thing that tasted so good to me were vegetables.

I'm off to read some threads and then I've got a pile of DVDs I've got to start previewing. Budokon is up first. I have to see if I might want to do it in the morning.

Am I the only mother here that only has kids with four legs and fur???? I feel a bit left out......LOL.
Christine, don't feel bad about the donut. I planted a seed myself with the pudding mouse thing. I just made some ff cheesecake pudding and when it sets, will add the cool whip. I swear I sabotage myself. I was at an all time low on my weight (in a year's time anyway) and here I go messing it up!

Christine, I'm also with Lora in wondering what your DH does for a living. Does he travel frequently? That's pretty cool about your SD calling you "madre".

Suz, how was the meeting this afternoon? Why are they trying to get the board to resign? Glad your workout was good this morning. Wow, 90 minutes on the bike! You are one very dedicated person! I'm hoping your ride tomorrow is fantastic with your husband. Hope you get a tailwind somewhere along the way. Don't you love when you have a tailwind and all you can hear are your wheels? The weather is warming up here so now we're getting the afternoon wind. That's pretty much a regular thing all thru the winter, something about air from the valley rising and causing the wind (eyes glaze over as I'm hearing this from someone else) to blow...

Susan CM, how short are you cutting it? I would love to have long hair, mine's pretty thick, but when it get's longer, it hangs more and I feel flat. I like it short and puffier. Think my face needs it to be short. What kind of "beverages" did you enjoy? I love to have a glass of wine with my mom. Soon we will be making our own wine from a kit I bought her for Christmas. It's a shiraz. We made a batch of white zin and johannesburg reisling a few years ago.

No big Mother's Day plans that I know of. With the price of gas, I hope my son doesn't drive over from Reno, NV. I have a group bike ride around a beautiful lake about 35 miles from here. Should be a great ride and I think we'll have a few riders. Should be around 47 miles long. We'll all be back home around 1 or so. as we're going to start riding around 9ish.

Lora, we have 2 "girls", a german shorthair and a miniature dachshund and they rule the roost around here. We've always had dogs but something about these 2 have just made DH and I so sickeningly sappy about them. I swear our vacations center around giving the dogs a good time, places they'd enjoy. We usually take them out to the forest or desert (in the spring) for a run once a week and they go everywhere with us. I don't know why I even try to keep the windows in the Jeep clean as there are nose prints everywhere. We also have a son and I have 2 stepkids that I raised from the age of 3 & 4. They are all grown and long gone from home now.

Must go now and get some housework done before DH gets home and thinks I was on the computer all day long... I'll be checking back later.

Susan - I am a firm believer in all things in moderation. I was joking because everyone else was so good today, that I my trangression was glaring today. :) (And it was very good, so I don't regret eating it - the last time I ate a donut I couldn't even tell ya!) No worries... (And Jeanette - the sabotage thing - yeah, I do that all the time. It's almost funny. ;-) - and CONGRATS on being at the lowest weight in a year! WAY TO GO!!! )

MIL is out of the hospital, so that's a good sign. Losing my own mom in January taught me that time is short and future plans when someone is sick may never happen - so I told him just to go to see her so he doesn't regret anything. Who knows - she may just go suddenly. She's 86 years old and not in very good health.

Lora - questions are great - that's how we learn about each other. DH is from India - a little town about 80 miles north of Dehli called (as close as I can spell it) Sararanphur. He moved here about 30 years ago to go to college and has never gone back to live. He's actually a US Citizen now - took the test before I ever met him. His older brother is also here. His sisters and their families live in India. It's an interesting place to visit. DH works for Cisco - his job's is a little tough to explain. He's a relationship manager, but on major accounts that are having big difficulties. He brings in the appropriate people to resolve the issues, and works with the customer and Cisco to find ways to make sure those issues do not happen again. Because he works with global accounts, he gets to visit places around the world. I'm waiting for my DD's to grow up and go to college, so that I can travel with him - but I'm willing to wait - because I want all the time I can with the girls.
Debbie - that's nice that you have a guy at work helping you to behave around all that junk food! I'm sure you would anyway. :)

Christine - don't feel bad about the donut - I just returned from a PIZZA BUFFET!!! That's just asking for trouble. Luckily the pizza is very thin crust, but still. My friend has been bugging me all week to go. So her, DH and I went tonight. I tried not to overdo though and I started with a salad (with non-fat-free ranch). But there WAS that 90 minute workout on the bike this morning...

And that's so cool about your stepdaughter. Wow.

Lora - I have 3 dogs and 3 parrots and that's it. No kids without feathers or furs. We couldn't have kids so we have pets. They're wonderful.

Jeanette - you cracked me up about the eyes glazing over comment. That is SO me. And I can hear something like that 100 times and NEVER get it because I don't listen. The board took the recommendation of the state vet and some local vets so they agreed and made the decision with the new director. It's just not a good situation at all. The meeting got changed but I showed up anyway since I wasn't at work to get the message. I finally called my voice mail when no one showed up and I had one. Darn it! Rescheduled for Monday. I hope you have a GREAT ride on Sunday.

Christine - again - I'm sorry about your mom. How awful. I'm glad DH's mom is out of the hospital.

Susan - that's adorable that your six year old wants to make you French toast. How very sweet.

I'm off to watch Rumor Has It. Has anyone seen it? I hear it's awful but DH was kind enough to rent it anyway. Awww...

Guess what? I DID YOGA this afternoon! Can you believe it? I did the one from The Firm - Power Yoga. It was kinda hard. :) I only did about a half hour since I had to go to my meeting that got cancelled. See how influential you all are?!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Good evening,
This morning I got did I Max3, then did 20 min. of Rock Steady step(I think my problem with this workout is the choreography and the fact that I keep trying to add some intensity to it) I finished with the Core/abs of that workout, then ab ripper X followed by 100 seated resisted BOwflex crunches, 100 kneeling crunches and 50 wood chops on the stability ball, then I did 40 minutes of Yoga X. I will be busy tomorrow and want to get my workout in in the morning. I pick up DH at the airport at 2. THe family is coming over at 6. We are getting together here on Mothers day as well. I won't be cooking then:) I had a nice afternoon with dd Candy and my grandson shopping at Kohls and lunch. This evening my son and I were doing oragami with his two children.

Thanks, everyone for the compliments on my avatar. That was a top that I bought for Cancun. Debbie the brand on the top is Flirt.

Marietta when I talked to DH this afternoon he was in Jordan. He had 23 hours till he would arrive at home.

Lora, I asked about the Live Cardio Party Remix because I did not want to get it if it was not all new material. Thanks for the info.

Jeanette, I don't have a specific Bowflex routine right now. I will have to go back and look. I did one quite some time ago using the Bowflex and some free weights along with Cardio Coach and High intensity cardio. I got some good results. I would have to go back through my workout logs. I also use it with some of my dvd's subbing the Bowflex for the weights. You might check www.homefitnessforum.com It is a Bowflex forum.

I need to finish up around here for tomorrow. Have a great weekend.
Diane Sue

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