Hardcore Fitness Maniacs August 1


Morning Maniacs -

This morning I chose to do Patricia Moreno's Intensati (cuz I need the positive reinforcement - had a HORRID day yesterday at work with my boss from He**). However, after the upper body cardio segment, she took so much time to set up the moves in the lower body part that my HR dropped too low and I got irritated and popped it out. I then did my 20" Shadow Boxer workout and that's all I had time for. Workout was 50" and I burned 472 calories. Max HR was 158.

I work early today. Yesterday was the first day I've seen my boss since her vacation and she went off on me twice yesterday. In July, I asked to leave early one day in August and come in late the next day (the concert I'm supposed to go to) and I NEVER make requests for the schedule. She didn't give it to me and when I questioned her about it, she went off on me saying all kinds of crap and told me you can't always get what you want. She doesn't have to give you any schedule requests! There was more, but I won't bore you with the details! I'd like to take her out back and Shadowbox her!!! LOL.

Have great workouts everyone. My DH is out in the other room doing Insanity again! He just did it yesterday. I think he's on a mission. Pretty soon, I'll hear him yelling and screaming to get thru it! LOL.

ETA: Re: the DH & Insanity.....the screaming and hollering has begun and he has 23" left. It always cracks me up!
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I slept in last night so I am just getting ready to go workout. Today will be cardio and abs. Probably a longer yoga/stretch session. Last night I added a lavash bread sandwich with turkey, lowfat swiss cheese, sundried tomatoes and onion as a snack because I knew I hadn't eaten enough.

Lora, I looked at the Shadow Boxer Workouts but couldn't seem to get a price without filling out a bunch of information. I hate doing that when I don't have to. I don't know about that contraption. It looks like you would get some good upper body work with it. Sorry you had a bad day at work yesterday. Hope today is much better. LOL on the dh screaming. I have a friend that said when she was doing one of the first ones she was lying on the floor near the end looking at the tv. She is in great shape too.
And to think I almost skipped my workout today. Cardio was on tap and I was just not in the mood for it, but I made myself change into my workout clothes and get busy. I'm glad I did. I had an excellent workout.

I chose Amy's Kickbox Surge. I think this one is my most favorite so far. I did it once before so this time I caught onto the combo's easily. Still having trouble with the back kicks, but I'll get them sooner or later.

This one has 5 combo's and 5 surges. My HR was way up there for most of the workout. It's humid today, though, so I know that makes a difference.

Excellent music on this one too.

1 hr. 2 minutes total
2 minutes below zone
14 minutes in zone
45 minutes above zone :eek:
542 calories burned
Hi there,

I took an unexpected rest day yesterday. I must have been completely exhausted from a super stressful week at work because I overslept. That rarely happens. I ended up just walking to and from work (very short walks!). It was supposed to be cardio yesterday. I'll go for a long walk with hills today.

I did CLX Lean Circuit 3 today. I'm really feeling the Lean Phase in my shoulders, chest and hamstrings. I like it. I'm going to get out of here and go to SF for a long, rambling walk.

I'm still toying with the idea of doing STS as a 6 month rotation. The reason is that CLX is working for me, but especially because you repeat the weeks. It gives me a chance to get the weights just right. I think that STS will work best for me if I repeat each week with the goal of fine-tuning the weights before I move on. I start later this month.

Happy workouts!
My workout is done. Had a call from at&t again about my new account?? Oh, Oh! I called them yesterday about the internet charge that I paid a long time ago. They said I had to close out the old account?? So I did this and they said they would credit my other account. We have a good internet connection and service seems good but billing really is not good. Well, my workout is done. I did Amy's Kickbox Surge 1 hr 14 minutes 617 calories. I used a 10# med ball for abs, then I did my own abs, Bowflex kneeling crunch 160# 4 sets of 30 reps, then I did Bowflex Oblique twists 50# 20 reps 3 sets each side, 3 sets hanging leg raises don at a slow pace 20 reps,crunches on the stability ball using my new Superband with a door attachment 3 sets of 25 reps, Bowflex calf raises 310# 3 sets at different angles. I finished off with Yoga Solutions Post yoga segment 19 minutes. Total calories burned was 811, 40% fat 163 max hr.

Debbie, good workout. I did the abs too so I am sure that is why my calorie burn was higher. I love this workout. One of my other non step favorites of Amy's is Hi/Lo Dome. Just a really fun workout. This is next to Rumble:D

Angelica, I don't think that I could even think about a six month rotation. I am lucky to do a 3 month. I just followed that rotation with other workouts and alternating mesocycles for a bit after my original 3 month rotation because I really did like STS a lot. But I wanted to work with other workouts.
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Hey Ladies-
sorry I have been mia this week, it has been difficult. I am such a creature of habit-I LOVE a routine and a schedule. I had neither of those this week, and therefore fell into a downward spiral. First, I started a new job and do not have any set hours yet-this should soon change. Second, went to see Wicked in the middle of the week and it was a long show (good but long) and didn't get in bed until 11:30 and that is what sent the rest of the week to be shot. I have not worked out since Tuesday, I have not been eating anything good, and I gained 7 pounds.

anyway, my poor me excuse time is over. I went to the grocery store and got good stuff. I have a rotation to start and stick to (it's Cathy's new aug rotation-I like the idea of changing focus every week). I have decided that I cannot jump on and off the wagon. I need to have a permanent eating pattern and save splurges for real "splurges" i.e birthdays, holidays, anniversaries and that's it. I hope my mindset sticks, because I need to be in better shape (weight and bodyfat wise) not where I am currently. Plus I turn 31 next Friday and it ain't gonna get any easier.

Great workouts ladies. I'll talk to ya on Monday. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Theresa, you will get used to the hours for work and a routine. Just give it a little time:) I have to come up with a new rotation. Just finished 4 weeks. Not happy about some things here either but I do no have a choice. I have been helping dh with an Adkins Diet but for some reason everytime I go there I gain weight and my cholestral goes up:confused: Anyway I have to work on lowering the fat and cholestral. I even watch my protein powders as a lot have a lot of cholestral in them Just keep working at it and you can do it.
Hey maniacs!

Just wanted to let you all know I am still alive and kickin! In fact I am training with Olesya again and am actually doing my first figure competition in October!

Olesya had a new website. It's awesome! Check it out...


Hope you are all doing well!
Sonya, so good to have you check in. I would love to have you post some of your training and how the competition goes. I am sure that you will do well. You already look incredible. Thanks for sharing the new website:)
Hi Everyone. My internet was down all day so just now able to get on so I am keeping this short due to the hour.

Did the slanted riser cardio workout that came with my slanted risers, but added lots of intensity. Was fun for a change.

Diane Sue or Lora - Do you have any good slanted riser dvd's?
Linda, I don't have the slanted risers. Would love to get them though. I have a friend that was using a slanted step with some Firm workouts. Sorry I, wish I could help you.

I am currently trying to find exercises to do with my new Superband from Perform Better. I saw a couple on youtube. I did some ab crunches on a stability ball this morning using the superband with a door attachment and a stability ball. (which reminds me that I need to go edit my post about my workout)

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