
Holy crap, I cannot believe we are in November. I think I just said that about October. No workouts to report over the weekend. I was pretty much useless and ate like crap. I did have a fabulous Halloween party. I am evidentally hardcore in the party area as well :D I am very sore and tired. I hope the soreness loosens up or I may have to postpone my workout until tomorrow. There is a great rotation on figureathlete.com from Rachel Cosgrove called Attack the Fat !!! It's just what I need. I also signed up with Oleysa and should get my stuff tomorrow. I am super excited about that.

Linda (and all)-at fitnessrxmag.com there is a reciped for a protein coffee cake. How weird is that? Actually they have just over 200 recipes, some of them look pretty good. I've never heard of that mag before. Not a bad website.

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Today was Meso 3, Week 3, Disc 32, Plyo Legs. Had a pretty good workout but some of the plyo moves I just couldn't do. I'm afraid to hurt my back and knees with some of the movements. I tried my best but quit early on some of them.

Lateral Step Ups - 20#/12 reps each leg
Sit N Stand Up with Jump and Weight in Hand - 8#
Walking Lunges - 15's/12 reps each side
Reach and Tap Corner of Step with weighted Gloves - 1#
Step Up with Hand Weights - 15's/12 reps each side
Butt Kicks Over Step
Close Stance One Leg Squats - 20's/12 reps each side
Rock Climbers on Floor - These were hard for me, I stopped about half way through
Drop Side Lunge onto Step - 25#/12 reps each side
Straddle Down jump Up with Knee Lift - I liked this one
Back Lunge Alternating off Step - 20's/12 reps each side
Explosive Running Man - I liked these too
Deadlifts Wide Stance - 35's/12 reps
Lateral Crossovers on Step with Weight - I liked this one too
Drop Side Lunge on Floor into Leg Abduction - 15#/12 reps each side
Squat thrust and Jump onto box and Step Off - These I didn't like at all. Did about 5 of them.
Alternating Front Lunge - 15's/12 reps each side
Lunge taps on Step with Finger tips touching - I like these.
Alternating Side Lunge - 15#/12 reps each side
Band Hop One leg and Turn corner hop with other leg - Kind of stupid, but I did this one ok
One Legged Deadlifts - 20#/8 reps each side
One Leg Squat Thrust Switch After 15 Seconds - These were impossible for me, I just did regular squat thrusts.
Squats Narrow Stance - 35's/12 reps
Lateral Jumps over Step Platform
Low Lunge/Squat Combo - 12 reps each side
Slow Straddle Jumps

Overall I did well, I thought. I'm not too big with plyo moves so it's a miracle I'm doing these workouts in the first place!

My mom comes home on Friday! :D
running too late to post my workout....however, Theresa, can you post the link to the Rachel Cosgrove workout? thanks in advance
We are back from Grandparents day at our granddaughter's school. We have a locksmith coming in awhile to change out our locks. The grandbaby will be here too. This should be fun

Workout this morning started with Amy's 10 minute Solutions 5 day Get Fit intervals segment, then I did STS disc 28 week 2 meso 3, chest and back using the Bowflex for all exercises. I hate the long rests so did 20 kettlebell swings during each rest, then I did STS weights and plates abs (only the weight segment).
Workout was 91 minutes and I burned 519 calories 50% fat. I figured out that I did 680 25 lb kettlebell swings. I could tell it when were on our way back down the stairs at the school
I really could have used a stretch afterward but there was no time.

Debbie, I had a hard time last time through with those 1 leg squat thrusts. They are so uncomfortable.

Theresa, I have purchased Fitness RX magazine pretty much just for the recipes. They are usually pretty good. I did that rotation of Rachel Cosgroves before. Made a few adjustments but I loved it. There are two parts. Funny, I did phase 2 first and then went back and did phase 1.
Theresa - I had to laugh when I read you were useless and ate like crap this weekend! LOL! Glad you had a great halloween party. Why are you so sore? Do we want to know? LOL!

Diane Sue - Why did you have to get your locks changed? Nice workout! Wow on adding the kettlebells in between the STS stuff. I'm sure you worked up a good sweat. I might do Rumble tomorrow! :eek:
Weights went like this:
All exercises using the Bowflex except the Deadlifts
w/up sets
flat bench press Bowflex- 2 sets 35# each hand 12 reps

flat bench press Bowflex- 40# each hand 7 reps alternated with /
rows on Bowflex- 90# each hand 7 reps
4 sets

chest flys Bowflex-40# each hand 7 reps alternated with/
one arm rows Bowflex-60# 7 reps
4 sets

incline bench press Bowflex- 40# each hand 7 reps alternated with/
barbell deadlifts- 95# 7 reps
4 sets

incline chest flys Bowflex-40# each hadn 7 reps alternated with/
one arm horizontal rows Bowflex-80# 7 reps
Debbie, since we have moved into this house I have had myself pretty much locked out several times with these crappy door knobs and locks. They aren't locked but the latch is stuck. So we are getting them all done including the shed and all keyed the same for the deadbolts and the door knobs. DH may be leaving the country again and I don't want to have to deal with that. I think Rumble is an enjoyable workout and I love that it is not hard to follow.
Morning Maniacs!

Theresa...I am soooo excited you signed up with Olesya! You will loovveee her! She definitely knows her stuff! Maybe you will compete one day too! :)

Debbie...So how do you like STS? Did you get good results?

Meals today:
M1: eggwhites/oatmeal
M2: protein shake/orange
M3: lean ground turkey with low carb tortilla (the turkey mix was left over from a stuffed bellpepper recipe I made last night that Olesya posted on olisciouslife...very tasty!
M4: grapefruit
M6: stuff bellpeppers/w lean turkey
M7: eggwhites/almonds

Worked chest/back and shoulders/arms and abs over the weekend. Did some personal best on a few exercises:

Rack Pulls: 200#
BB bent Row: 100# ...for 2 sets then to 95# to keep good form
Chest Press: 110# ...for 2 sets then back to 105
Military Press: 65#
1 arm press (seated): 30#...these were tough!
Kickbacks: 203

All I know is I have 3 more months of bulking so I am excited to see how much I will grow/improve! I try to increase weight each workout if only for a few sets.
Theresa, I also meant to mention that Rachel Cosgrove has more of a menu plan that she used on Phase two of attack the fat. She ate a lot of fish. I lost weight doing that rotation.

Sonya, way to go on the 110 bench press. Wow on the kickbacks. I will have to check out that stuffed bell pepper recipe. I take have made a good one from Muscle Chow cookbook and subbed ground turkey for the beef.
Lora-here are the links http://figureathlete.tmuscle.com/article/training/attack_the_fat_in_8_weeks_phase_one&cr=(this is phase one)
http://figureathlete.tmuscle.com/article/training/attack_the_fat&cr=(this is phase 2)

http://figureathlete.tmuscle.com/article/most_recent/get_more_metabolic&cr=(ex metabolic workout)

http://figureathlete.tmuscle.com/ar...f_the_treadmill_and_get_metabolic&cr=(another metabolic workout)

Debbie-It was a combination of many things...I had caffeine late, alcoholic beverages, and really get into heavy rock music. It's such an infectious beat, I can't help myself, but I should :D Nice work on STS. I hated the one leg squat thrust too. It was ridiculous.

Sonya-I'm excited as well....I should get my plan today or tomorrow. The worst part was sending in the pics. UGH!!!

Diane Sue-nice workout. I saw her meal plan with all the fish. I wish I enjoyed fish, but I do not like fish at all. And did you tell me it was empire state that has the joint mobility section?
Diane Sue - How frustrating with the locks! Glad you are getting them fixed! I hate being locked out of my house or car.

Sonya - Impressive weights, there! Very nice. I'm loving STS. I have a week and a half to go.

Theresa - LMAO!!! :D
Theresa, yes, it is Empire State that has the joint mobility section. It is on disc 2 with the Man maker segment.
I love fish. Had salmon for lunch with a salad:D
Sonya, way to go on the 110 bench press. Wow on the kickbacks. I will have to check out that stuffed bell pepper recipe. I take have made a good one from Muscle Chow cookbook and subbed ground turkey for the beef.

Diane Sue...I hope you know that was a typo on kickbacks and it should be 20#! :p I bought the MC cookbook as you always posted great meals from it...I will check it out!
Sonya, I wasn't too sure but I was thinking my arms would probably snap:p I printed up some of the recipe's from Olesya's site. I was going to make the stuffed peppers but felt lazy so just chopped the pepper up inot the rest of the ingredients:) I still tasted yummy.

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