Holy crap, I cannot believe we are in November. I think I just said that about October. No workouts to report over the weekend. I was pretty much useless and ate like crap. I did have a fabulous Halloween party. I am evidentally hardcore in the party area as well I am very sore and tired. I hope the soreness loosens up or I may have to postpone my workout until tomorrow. There is a great rotation on figureathlete.com from Rachel Cosgrove called Attack the Fat !!! It's just what I need. I also signed up with Oleysa and should get my stuff tomorrow. I am super excited about that.
Linda (and all)-at fitnessrxmag.com there is a reciped for a protein coffee cake. How weird is that? Actually they have just over 200 recipes, some of them look pretty good. I've never heard of that mag before. Not a bad website.
Linda (and all)-at fitnessrxmag.com there is a reciped for a protein coffee cake. How weird is that? Actually they have just over 200 recipes, some of them look pretty good. I've never heard of that mag before. Not a bad website.
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