Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 7/12

Today was Meso 2, Week 2, Disc 16, Chest, Shoulders & Triceps. Had a pretty good workout, actually puke status, but my neck started bothering me again. It was feeling pretty good yesterday but I did some painting and I'm wondering if that could have irritated it again. It was sore last night a little bit. Feels ok now, but I sure could feel it get tight while I was working out. I must tense my neck a lot when I workout. I try not too, but I'm thinking I do. I sure hope this goes away soon.

This workout was using Back-Off Sets. I worked hard and really felt it. I was drained at the end.

Incline Bench Press - 55#/12 reps
Incline Bench Press - 55#/12 reps

Incline Bench Press - 85#/12 reps
Incline Bench Press - 85#/10 reps
Incline Bench Press - 85#/8 reps
Incline Bench Press - Back-Off - 55#/15 reps

Incline Flye w/Rotation - 25's/12 reps
Incline Flye w/Rotation - 25's/10 reps
Incline Flye w/Rotation - 25's/8 reps
Incline Flye w/Rotation - Back-Off - 20s/15 reps

Flat Barbell Bench Press - 80#/12 reps
Flat Barbell Bench Press - 80#/10 reps
Flat Barbell Bench Press - 80#/8 reps
Flat Barbell Bench Press - Back- Off - 55#/15 reps

Standing Barbell Front Press - 55#/10 reps
Standing Barbell Front Press - 50#/9 reps
Standing Barbell Front Press - 50#/7 reps
Standing Barbell Front Press - Back-Off- 35#/7 reps
***My neck really bothered me with this one and I started off way too high.

Standing Lateral Raise - 12's/12 reps
Standing Lateral Raise - 12's/10 reps
Standing Lateral Raise - 12's/8 reps
Standing Lateral Raise - Back-Off- 8's/12 reps
***This bothered me too. Traps got really tight here.

Seated Rear Delts - 17's/12 reps
Seated Rear Delts - 17's/10 reps
Seated Rear Delts - 17's/8 reps
Seated Rear Delts - Back-Off - 10's/15 reps

Flat Bench Barbell Tricep Extensions - 50#/12 reps
Flat Bench Barbell Tricep Extensions - 50#/10 reps
Flat Bench Barbell Tricep Extensions - 50#/8 reps
Flat Bench Barbell Tricep Extensions - Back-Off - 35#/12 reps

Side Leaning One-Arm Overhead Ext - 15#/12 reps
Side Leaning One-Arm Overhead Ext - 15#/9 reps
Side Leaning One-Arm Overhead Ext - 15#/8 reps
Double-Arm Overhead Extension - Back-Off - 15#/20 reps
***15's killed here. Really felt them.

One-Arm Kickbacks were next but had to skip them due to time.
Debbie-I could see how that was puke status, nice work :D Sorry the neck is still giving you trouble, I am in the same boat. My right trap area is so sore and tight and it will not relax:( I'm trying to make a massage appt, b/c nothing else has worked.

I was not productive over the weekend again. I have a shorter Turbo Fire on the agenda for today and I will do a longer stretch.
Debbie-I could see how that was puke status, nice work :D Sorry the neck is still giving you trouble, I am in the same boat. My right trap area is so sore and tight and it will not relax:( I'm trying to make a massage appt, b/c nothing else has worked.

I was not productive over the weekend again. I have a shorter Turbo Fire on the agenda for today and I will do a longer stretch.

OUCH! Sorry to hear this, Theresa. I know you were saying something about it hurting you last week. Hope the massage helps.
Hey Everyone,

I cannot believe how busy I have been. It's nuts! I feel like I will never catch up!

Anyway I been doing what I can with the workouts. My newest is KCM 30 Minutes to fitness Bootcamp. I am really impressed on the intensity factor and I really like KCM.

Debbie and Theresa - Sorry to hear you are having both having troubles. I can so relate.
Hi -

My computer seems to be working fine again. My hands are better too - had to skip some lifting last week while they healed though, so I guess I'll just pick up and finish Gym Style this week before deciding what's next. I ended up doing a lot of interval training: 40/20, Cardio Core Circuit and a mix I pulled together. Also did Tracey Stahle's CKC and ... I forget what else. I missed the weights - and this check in. So. Gym Style Legs today.

Debbie - I can't believe your neck's still bugging you :mad: Hope it doesn't develop into anything worse and continues to ease up. I remember the back off sets :eek: That's a tough workout.

Theresa - You too? Hope you can get the appointment. My weekend was like yours - pretty unproductive. Well. Family is important - I don't mean that, but these reunions are notorious for a lot of "porch sitting (taken to the level of extreme sport :p)." The younger members try to pull together and do stuff -- we went kayaking and played frisbee ... stuff like that. But there was still A LOT of ... sitting ... and talking. We rented a big adobe house at this old army base not far from here. This has become a tradition every few years - there are actually 2 porches and people spread out so you do have to walk from one to the other but ... :confused: If the muscle's used (or by necessity, made inactive) in sitting could develop overuse injuries, I'd be in trouble. Hope you can find something that doesn't make your traps hurt worse today :)

Linda - I don't have any KCM. Also would like to add some shorter workouts to my collection. A lot to be said for those. I think the last I heard (before my computer crashed) you'd won the contest/challenge - hope your shoulder (and all else) are holding steady and you're doing ok.

Hi to everyone else. I posted last night - trying to get back into the swing of things.

Hope you're having a good day.

My workout today was Pyramid upper 58 minutes 290 calories, then i did Turbo Fire Upper 20 with the red Cathe tubing, I followed with Cardio Core Circuit functional core premix 7 minutes 42 calories, I followed with MMA Heavy Bag 18 minutes 171 calories Hr avg was 150 max was 169, then I did Turbo Fire Stretch 10 12 minutes 53 calories:0 Total time was 1hr 56 and calories burned was 652.
I did have my weights all typed in but the internet went down when I pushed submit:rolleyes: So, maybe I will come back and do it later. I have 4 of my grandchildren here and a lot of things to get done.

Linda, I love Kelly Coffey's workouts. I rarely have an "I don't want to do it" feeling with hers.

Debbie, thanks for posting about the forums. I hadn't caught that. Sorry about the neck. I am still dealing with my silly foot.

Theresa, I hope you get your massage appointment and it helps.

Lori, I am glad your computer is staying working for you.
Happy Monday!

I have had quite the busy past few days. I managed L&G on Sat. morning at camp and was very sore on Sunday. I also went for a 2 hour swim on Sunday because it was even hot at camp. :eek: This morning was Muscle Max and I'm sore everywhere already.

Debbie - I didn't get the information about the site being down...I hope your neck gets better.

Linda - I hear you on the "busy" lately - whew!! I feel like I have been running a marathon. I hope things slow down a little soon. :)

Lori - Family reunions are always so much fun, although I agree usually not very "active". I try to stay busy serving drinks and food, and usually end up taking the kids for a walk or bike ride. I'm glad your back. :)

Diane Sue - Nice workout as usual!! Please send me some of your energy!!

Theresa - I hope you are feeling better also!! My entire body is sore today and I feel like I'm about 100 today. :eek:

Hi to everyone else and have a great rest of the day.


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