Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 6/24

Today was cardio and I did Kick, Punch & Crunch. I skipped the very last kick/punch combo because I ran out of time. Need to get to work a bit earlier today. Had a good workout, haven't done this one in a while.

54 minutes total
10 minutes below zone
18 minutes in zone
29 minutes above zone
423 calories burned
YESTERDAY I HAD A PUKE STATUS WORKOUT (thanks for that term Debbie-love it :D )!!!! I did Tabata total body 8x8 10 sec rest between rounds, and finished w/ a little Treadmill action. For the treadmill, I did 1 min walk, 30 sec jog, 30 sec fast jog, 3 min incline walk, then a round of tabata w/ fast jog 8 rounds of 20 on 10 off, walk a minute, then 2 min incline walk and finished w/ a 3 min cool down. I burned 486 calories in 50 min.

chest-pushups, bench, decline bench, incline bench (2 sets of each exercise)
squats-alternated b/t plie and standard
back-pullup, chinups, neutral grip pull up, overhand row x2, pullover x2
biceps-alternated b/t hammer and standard curls
deadlifts-alternated b/t sumo and standard and wide
shoulders-overhead press x2, front raise w/ rear delt squeeze x2, rear delt flyes x2, lateral raise x2
legs-alternated b/t side raise step ups and bulgarian split squats (2 rounds steps ups and 2 split squats per leg)
triceps-dips x3, skullcrushers x3, overhead ext x1, xbody kickback x2

Debbie-nice little calorie burn you got there today, how's the knee? Mine still aches a bit w/ squats. I hit it on Monday. And LOL on the cussing at the car, I have BEEN THERE :D
Morning Maniacs - Ugh...Back to work after 2 days off! Didn't want to get out of bed. I did Turbo Fire Fire 30". I repeated the last Fire Drill as I was bummed cuz my HR only got up to 165. I did catch it at 176 on the strapped monitor on the first drill and pretty high during the regular cardio portion once....170 or so. I have Play That Funky Music White Boy stuck in my head from this workout. The highest I got my HR on my strapless unit was 165. I'm not sure how long workout was cuz I cooled down longer and added that drill, plus I did the 10" stretch, but it was around 48 minutes or so. I burned 511 calories at the end of the stretch. DH came home from work when I was cooling down and we had a fight about this job stuff......so I'm really stressed right now. It's making my pain worse. I wish this nightmare would end already. I can't take much more.
Workout was Hardcore Extreme Interval Blast Plus legs 1 hr 12 min 503 calories Max HR 169. Average was only 127 :O I usually wear ankle weights on those leg drills but my legs were tired from yesterday. I ran in place while Cathe was talking and stretching during the drills. I somehow feel cheated on the calorie burn. Then I did Xplode Fuse 44 min 177 calories, and finished with Tracey's Yoga Solutions post cycling 13 min 27 calories. Total workout time was 2 hr 9 min and calories burned was 707.
Good Morning - Did Bis, Tri’s and cardio yesterday. Gym Style Legs today, I think. Impressive workouts, you guys :eek: Mine was just ok yesterday. Hopefully a better day today.

Lora - Wanted/needed to respond to your post from yesterday. You go to work, workout, eat and sleep. So, you have a vocation, a hobby, a hubby - and your cats get your maternal energies. What’s “sorry” about that? That’s the backbone of a lot of people’s lives - with variations on the details. You are pretty hard on yourself right now, huh? That’s what I notice - and what I see a lot of women doing to themselves. You’re passionate about things in your life and share that with other people. That stands out about you and a lot of people don’t have that passion. You may not have had time to check in during the time we were all abuzz about fragrances and stuff - even here though, you add to our lives. Oh. Music too (though DS and his buddy were on the computer all evening so I couldn’t check out any other Papa Roach songs). I better not sound like a “cheerleader,” cuz I really, really am not trying to be one. It’s just … I don’t see you the way you described at all. And maybe that’s kind of the point. We’re just … so critical of ourselves. Sometimes I look at myself and see a “sorry case” too. I can make a list that sounds pretty pathetic: I work, take care of my son, a house, workout … walk the beagle. But that’s not who I am and if I think about it, there’s a heck of a lot more that could go on that list. Not when I’m down on myself though. I’m pretty removed from the mainstream - in the fringes in a lot of ways. I never thought I’d have children. I really didn’t. The doc (2 of them) told me I couldn’t (think I mentioned this some point before) and I was ok with that. I had a plan for my future and everything and it didn’t include kids. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that either - at all. It’s just - well - my DS had plans for me too. He won. It’s likely the best thing that’s ever happened to me in my life but I’d never have believed that in my twenties. In a way, I’m blessed being so isolated now. I probably have to deal less with the “perfect woman/mom etc., and so on” standards than most people. What gets me is the people who don’t seem like they want kids but have them anyway - and then neglect them - or well - you know, worse :confused: I respect the decision not to have kids. Not everyone wants to go in that direction. I might have been one of them. I’m grateful the Powers That Be (or whatever you’re inclined to believe) saw fit to override my decision. I’m a pretty unusual case, though. One more thing: your work environment sucks and you work out even though you are about always in pain. You keep at it. Like you said, You "never give up." Don’t know if/how I'd deal with your job situation or the chronic pain. And that’s just it. No matter what we accomplish, I think a lot of women look at themselves and just see what they HAVEN’T done. I’m not criticizing or lecturing - really, I’m not, because I do it too. Sorry this is so long, but I couldn’t leave your comment from yesterday without saying … what I thought ;) Maybe that's one of the reasons friends are so important. They have a different vantage point - of both our strengths and weaknesses. The best one's will help us to see both a little more realistically.

Diane Sue - You worked your tail off for sure :eek: Sorry the cal burn bummed you. I'm not a big fan of your heart rate monitor. If you think you worked harder than what it's reporting, I'd go with that ;)

Theresa - Woo hoo! Puke Status :eek: What fun :p After looking at your workout, I can see why. Good Lord. I'm about up for a workout like that - feel like I need one. These comments really would sound ... odd to a lot of people, you know?

Debbie - I like that one - it's coming up in my rotation here pretty soon. Hope your knee's feeling better. I dropped a rock on my ankle yesterday (I know ... :confused: How the ...??? -- Long story). It's ok, I think, but I sure thought of you there when I was seeing stars.

Have a good morning.


Theresa - Nice job on the puke status workout! Love those! I haven't had one of those since I did P90X! :eek: I took Aleve last night and woke up with no pain in my knee. But I'm sure that will be short lived. :confused:

Lori - Excellent post to Lora. You made a lot of good points. Can I ask if your married? I don't recall you ever mentioning a dh.

Lora - I want to tell you what I've been thinking about your situation but I'm not sure you want to hear it or that you might get mad at what I'll say. It's not mean, just an observation. So I won't say anything unless you give me the ok to do so. Also, I haven't had kids and I don't regret it one bit. Some of us just don't have that maternal instinct. I know I'm one of them.

Diane - Nice workout girl! You did a lot for having tired legs. :eek:
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Debbie - Glad your knee is feeling better :D Your nomad pain seems to have visited my ankle :confused: I don't really think it's injured though - bruises can just smart. Thank you, btw and nope - not married (I was in my twenties for a few years). Not a "signifigant other" for quite some time either (not too keen on that term but it gets the job done). Most of my interaction is via computer or with children, so I just don't meet any new people, really. Well - the pizza guy started calling me ... to see how I was doing :eek: (but he kind of fell into the "children" category I mentioned). Mostly, that was just a bit ... weird :confused: Other than that though, my social life/connections are pretty ... quiet. Me and DS, a Beagle and FOUR cats (we did not mean to have that many - they just ... happened).
Hi Ladies!

Sorry to be so late....busy morning at work today! The boss brought in a Mexican Fiesta for us today :mad:. I have been really trying to NOT put back on those #'s I have dropped, but alas.....

Anyway, I did Body Max 2 Cardio (62 min) this morning. It is REALLY hot and humid here and I was drenched with sweat when done. I also did (THANKS THERESA AND DEBBIE) 20 min interval running on the DREAD-mill in the basement. I have a Nordic Track Flex deck ($2000) treadmill, but I still hate it. :mad: I felt "inspired" to work a little harder so I could try to keep up with the "maniacs", but when I was finished I realized that I probably should have started a little at a time. I felt nauseous and dizzy and thought I got hit by a truck.....had to sit down for 15 min....will not try that again soon. LOL

I was reading the posts from last night and earlier today. I don't have children either and met my DH in 2006. We got married in 2008 and I still think it's somewhat of a miracle I ever got married at all. I spent 14 years in college and by the time I was done most of the men I knew were married and had kids, and the other ones I met had more problems than a Chinese math book (no offence intended). I met DH by chance.....I decided to do a DJ gig at a local bar (since I DJ'd a little in college), and I NEEDED to get out and do SOMETHING other than medicine 24/7. My DH is 54 and one of the funniest, sweetest and kindest people I ever met in my life. I have 2 dogs and 2 cats and live in constant "flip this house" (as we have discussed in previous posts), but hell......it's a life....it's my life and it's ok. I also lost a job that I loved and worked at for 15 years (right through college) in 2009 and had to work at a TERRIBLE job for 11 months. I understand what you mean, Lora, about having a hard time getting up in the morning. I got a new job in November 2009, after praying my head off for 11 solid months!! Life it not easy.....that's all I can say.

Ok....enough rambling.........gotta get back to work. I have a meeting until 9:30 pm tonight - YUK. I have B&G planned for tomorrow morning - if I can get up!! I also will not be able to post tomorrow as I have an all day seminar, after which I will be leaving for camp. Have a great day and a great weekend!!

Lori - It sounds like you are at peace with your life and that is great!! I have two kitties and they sure do keep me company. :)

Cheryl - Thanks for sharing! It's good to get to know all of you so personally. And you are right, life is hard. We just have to make it the best we can.
Cheryl-I hope you have a nice relaxing weekend :) And glad to insprire "dread"-mill action. And I agree, thanks for sharing details about yourself. I'm glad you met someone and I think waiting is better so you can let the badger out for a few years (sow your oats....you know :p)

Lori-thanks. The workout didn't really start like that, I was very ho-hum about what to do but DH didn't want to lift weights and I really LOVE that tabata routine. I hate sitting around between sets (which is probably why I didn't last long w/ Meso 3 :eek:). And it just kind of took on a life of it's own....sort of like when Forrest Gump started running except I stayed in state :D

Lora-getting in a fight w/ DH is no way to start the day :( I hope it gets better quick.

Diane Sue-I don't care what you say, I think that is a great burn.
Really late check in....

Tried checking in last night but couldn't get the site to work, anyway...

Yesterday was suppose to be legs but I still have serious leg DOMS from Monday and my low back is tight, so I did Turbo Jam Cardio Party Mix 2. It was fun.

And this morning still major soreness and not up for heavy lifting or major impact so I did Travel Fit and it was perfect.

DS is calling, gotta go....
Linda - I haven't done Travel Fit in awhile. Thanks for reminding me :)

Forrest (aka Theresa) - Life is a box of Tabata :p . I know I'm having a good round if I'm toasted by the second interval :eek: You have inspired me. I'm going to have to get out my Gym Boss over the next couple days.

Debbie - I am much more at peace than I used to be. There are still some rough spots but at least I'm aware of them. Kitties are great. Animals are. They get right into your heart with all the intensity of a human relationship a lot of the time. Even though it's just me and DS, it FEELS like we have a very big family here. Although "normal" human families probably do not shed as much as ours :confused: Still, it's a good thing :)

Cheryl (and everyone) - I too, appreciate what you shared. I really value you guys (all of you). You're a part of my daily life and over time, I've gotten a sense of/for you beyond just what you did for your workout on a given day. I followed this check-in for a long time before I joined (over a year). I was hesitant - didn't want to butt in or ... I don't know, lurking was easier in a way. I was drawn to the Hardcore check-in at first because everyone worked so hard and had such different approaches to their workouts - but I really came to like every single one of the ladies in this group. It's the little things - daily things that give you a sense of someone - they add up. The bigger pieces of information are bonuses and help fill out the pictures I've been slowly putting together in my mind/heart of each of you. And I appreciate that. It takes time to think through and write out a post. I'm always aware of that and the parts of yourself you let us in on mean a lot. You're my friends. And it seems like the more you all open up, the more that becomes so - a very cool thing.

Anyway. Another busy day. I only just got to my workout around 9 p.m. tonight. I just did the standing work for Gym Style legs, although I did "warm up" or pre-exhaust (better put) with 5 sets of heavier squat work. I was thinking of doing the floorwork later yet tonight, but I need to fold laundry. My opinion of both of these things isn't particularly high at the moment, but I have 2 very full baskets of clean clothes and more fluffing and tumbling as we speak. So ... tomorrow. Please hold me to that. I am trying not to skip over floorwork so much as I used to - I can be bad about that.

Hope you all have a good night.


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