Good Morning - Did Bis, Tri’s and cardio yesterday. Gym Style Legs today, I think. Impressive workouts, you guys
Mine was just ok yesterday. Hopefully a better day today.
Lora - Wanted/needed to respond to your post from yesterday. You go to work, workout, eat and sleep. So, you have a vocation, a hobby, a hubby - and your cats get your maternal energies. What’s “sorry” about that? That’s the backbone of a lot of people’s lives - with variations on the details. You are pretty hard on yourself right now, huh? That’s what I notice - and what I see a lot of women doing to themselves. You’re passionate about things in your life and share that with other people. That stands out about you and a lot of people don’t have that passion. You may not have had time to check in during the time we were all abuzz about fragrances and stuff - even here though, you add to our lives. Oh. Music too (though DS and his buddy were on the computer all evening so I couldn’t check out any other Papa Roach songs). I better not sound like a “cheerleader,” cuz I really, really am not trying to be one. It’s just … I don’t see you the way you described at all. And maybe that’s kind of the point. We’re just … so critical of ourselves. Sometimes I look at myself and see a “sorry case” too. I can make a list that sounds pretty pathetic: I work, take care of my son, a house, workout … walk the beagle. But that’s not who I am and if I think about it, there’s a heck of a lot more that could go on that list. Not when I’m down on myself though. I’m pretty removed from the mainstream - in the fringes in a lot of ways. I never thought I’d have children. I really didn’t. The doc (2 of them) told me I couldn’t (think I mentioned this some point before) and I was ok with that. I had a plan for my future and everything and it didn’t include kids. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that either - at all. It’s just - well - my DS had plans for me too. He won. It’s likely the best thing that’s ever happened to me in my life but I’d never have believed that in my twenties. In a way, I’m blessed being so isolated now. I probably have to deal less with the “perfect woman/mom etc., and so on” standards than most people. What gets me is the people who don’t seem like they want kids but have them anyway - and then neglect them - or well - you know, worse
I respect the decision not to have kids. Not everyone wants to go in that direction. I might have been one of them. I’m grateful the Powers That Be (or whatever you’re inclined to believe) saw fit to override my decision. I’m a pretty unusual case, though. One more thing: your work environment sucks and you work out even though you are about always in pain. You keep at it. Like you said, You "never give up." Don’t know if/how I'd deal with your job situation or the chronic pain. And that’s just it. No matter what we accomplish, I think a lot of women look at themselves and just see what they HAVEN’T done. I’m not criticizing or lecturing - really, I’m not, because I do it too. Sorry this is so long, but I couldn’t leave your comment from yesterday without saying … what I thought
Maybe that's one of the reasons friends are so important. They have a different vantage point - of both our strengths and weaknesses. The best one's will help us to see both a little more realistically.
Diane Sue - You worked your tail off for sure
Sorry the cal burn bummed you. I'm not a big fan of your heart rate monitor. If you think you worked harder than what it's reporting, I'd go with that
Theresa - Woo hoo! Puke Status
What fun
After looking at your workout, I can see why. Good Lord. I'm about up for a workout like that - feel like I need one. These comments really would sound ... odd to a lot of people, you know?
Debbie - I like that one - it's coming up in my rotation here pretty soon. Hope your knee's feeling better. I dropped a rock on my ankle yesterday (I know ...
How the ...??? -- Long story). It's ok, I think, but I sure thought of you there when I was seeing stars.
Have a good morning.