Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 5/27

Today was legs and I did STS Meso 2, Disc 14, Triset Legs. Had a great workout. Love the STS leg workouts. I never get tired of them.

I think after next week when this rotation is over I'll take a few extra days off and then I'll start STS over again. I'm itching to do it again. :eek:
Morning Maniacs -

This morning I forged on and did Val's IWMBB 3.0, 2A. Workout was 65" with Cathe stretch and I burned 520 calories. Max HR was 149. I was dragging ass a bit this morning. I couldn't sleep last night (even took 2 Ambien).

Had a really unsettling day at work yesterday. I only had one sale. I'm very stressed about being so slow at work and I had 3 sales "stolen" from right under my nose yesterday. That place just plain sucks. I need to find another job before I stroke out! I hate the backstabbing....sick of it....sorry for the vent. My stomach is turning just thinking of going in today. I work 10:30 to 6:30. There are 2 of us there today and no freakin customers......what a joke.
Debbie-Glad you had a great workout, and it is true that the STS don't seem to get old :D

Lora-You are getting some great calorie burns w/ your new rotation, good work :)

Yesterday DH and I did weights together again.and then I did 3 bursts from the BOSU pack. 3x10-5 supersets This was not as grueling as the 5x5 from Sunday but not bad either. Workout was 53 min and 482 calories. He said he was actually craving the weights, which was nice to hear.

1.sissy squat-bodyweight-probably should add a plate next time.
bb row-50#
2.sumo dl-30#
incline bench-15's
3.arnold press-10's
reverse lunge w/ twist-15 # kb
4.front/side raise combo-8's these burned
lying tricep ext-10's
5.bicep curls-12's
stability ball roll ins
Good Morning Ladies ~

Back from the study. It ended right when I’d finally fallen asleep and was having a dream about Nicolas Cage :confused: :eek: - don't ask :eek:. I won’t get the results until my next Dr’s appointment - other than I wake up a lot and spend most of my night in stage one sleep (very light). Stage 3 is the restorative sleep for your body. Very little time there. Stage 4 is REM sleep (where I hung out with Nic) - that’s where your mind regenerates. I know I get some of that because I remember a lot of my dreams - and have quite a few nightmares (which tend to wake me up). You guys may know this about sleep stages - I sort of did but the sleep tech went into details I don't think I'd been aware of - sleepwalking is actually an REM sleep disorder. Normally at that stage you’re pretty much paralyzed from the neck down ( sleep meds tend to trigger that in me - glad I didn’t do that last night). Lots of little wires hooked up all over - 20, I think. They monitored everything - even with those, I got about 4 hours sleep, which is better than I got the night before - about 'average.' Since some of you struggle with sleep, thought I’d share some of the information - kind of interesting if nothing else. The storm that was supposed to hit went southeast of us. It doesn’t seem quite right to be ’happy’ about that, because other people got it, but I think the intensity had lessened quite a bit. I guess Denver got it pretty bad though. Cardio and back today. I got about 30 minutes of extra kb (swings and get ups) practice in yesterday. I was tired and usually take a 15-20 min. catnap sometime in the afternoon but wasn’t supposed to yesterday. It did keep me awake.

Lora - At least my nightmares are localized in sleep. Sounds like you work in one a lot of days - a "grown up (I use the term advisedly)" version of Mean Girl's :eek: Don't know how you do it. Your workout looked really good today - you kicked (bikini) butt ;) . Glad you have that outlet, at least. I surely hope you have a better day today. Btw - did you see my post to you y'day? Mentioned some vid's that might interest you.

Debbie - STS really is the bomb, huh? Resorting to DS's descriptive's here - but it IS :p ! Glad you had a great workout! I want one of those today. SO GLAD the bloomin' sleep study is behind me :D :D :D

Theresa - If he was craving weights, you're doing something right - WOO HOO :p. Looks like you had a great workout yesterday -- probably not bad to have the second workout a bit less intense. Kick his butt too much too soon and he might get discouraged. Are you guys having fun with it?

Have a good morning everybody!

I am getting ready to go drop my car off in a few minutes. Thought that I would try and get my workout posted.
Started with Xplode Burst 1 hr, Max HR 159, 418 calories. I think this is the hardest of the Xplode workouts. Mindy really works you. My soft med ball gets slippery and I keep having to towel off. I then did Bosu Xplode Burn w/up, circuits 1,2,&3, and stretch, 44 minutes 253 calories, Max Hr 151, I finished with Flexible Warrior 3.0 swim segment 10 minutes 29 calories. Workout time 1 hr 59 minutes, total calories burned 700
Linda - I was thinking about what your doctor said about you pulling your shoulder out of joint. If I remember correctly, didn't that happen a while back? I remember you saying that you did something that felt like your shoulder came out of joint. Maybe I'm thinking of someone else. But anyways, that is really weird. I hope the shots help and that you won't need surgery.

Diane Sue - I also like when I read about someone's workout and remember that I have it and haven't done it in a while. Hope you have Step Sweatfest, it's a fun one. But like I said yesterday, it's only 30 minutes. However, I didn't know this yesterday, but there is another 30 minute workout that is more intricate and is a dancy type section. I haven't even previewed it yet. I hear it's hard to catch onto. Nice workout today! I hate when my stability ball gets slippery. Very dangerous.

Roselyn - Glad you are liking the rotation. I am too. I can't believe there is only one week left. 8 weeks just few by!

Lora - I do think it's time for you to find another job. Why be unhappy forever? It's not worth it. I know it's easier said then done, believe me, I've been looking for a new job coming up on a year now. It's very frustrating. But I do think you need to get the heck out of there.

Theresa - Nice workout yesterday! I'm glad your DH is working out with you, that is really cool.

Lori - Interesting on your sleep study. I know a few people that have gone through that. I hope they can find something to help you with it. Like I said, I couldn't even imagine dealing with that. What's weird about me lately is I've been sleeping really hard, like the dead, and I wake up so damn tired. This morning I fell asleep watching GH before my workout. That has been happening the last week or so. I feel like my body is deficient in something right now. Not sure what.
Lori-I have always wondered how accurate the results of a sleep study are, simply based on the fact that you are out of your element. I do hope they find something helpful. what helps you get to the 3rd stage of sleep? Did they give any tips? I think a sleep study would be more accurate if they brought their stuff to your home and did it. Maybe I should start that :eek:

Diane Sue-ITA w/ the Burst being the hardest....I did a few yesterday and I felt it. The first one w/ the split lunges has my legs screaming and begging for mercy :eek:

Debbie-what's going on (besides the sleep) that you think you are deficient? I meant to ask if you took glutamine or ZMA? I know both of those are suppposed to make a HUGE difference in recovery and things of that nature. I swear I need to go into the supplement business the way I am always pushing stuff on everyone here :rolleyes:
Debbie-what's going on (besides the sleep) that you think you are deficient? I meant to ask if you took glutamine or ZMA? I know both of those are suppposed to make a HUGE difference in recovery and things of that nature. I swear I need to go into the supplement business the way I am always pushing stuff on everyone here :rolleyes:

Nothing other then me being tired all the time is going on right now. I can fall asleep at the drop of a hat. I read my Nook, I fall asleep. I watch TV, I fall asleep. I sit on my couch and within 3 minutes I'm dozing off. I just don't get it. That is not me. Even right now I am so tired I could put my head down and go to sleep. I have the opposite problem Lori has. LOL! Coffee does nothing, zero, zip. I can drink a huge cup of coffee right before I go to bed and I'm out like a light.

I take glutamine only when I get extremely sore, so it's not a daily thing. This is what I take daily:

2 - 1500 mg. Vitamin C
1 - Prenatal vitamin (to get my hair to grow)
2 - Biotin (to get my hair to grow)
6 - BCAA's - 3 before my weight training, 3 after
2 - Glucosimine things you suggested I buy
2 - Glutomine only when I'm sore

Is something I'm taking making me this tired? It's very frustrating. I'm serious, I could sit here right now, close my eyes and just fall asleep. It's weird.
Debbie-it doesn't seem like any of those things would make you extra tired......Are you getting enough carbs? And how long has the sleepy thing been going on? Sometimes it's ttotm related, but if it's longer than that, I am at a loss.............you are taking a multi, so you should be getting enough b vitamins, I hope it fixes itself soon; that would be very frustrating..:confused:
Debbie-it doesn't seem like any of those things would make you extra tired......Are you getting enough carbs? And how long has the sleepy thing been going on? Sometimes it's ttotm related, but if it's longer than that, I am at a loss.............you are taking a multi, so you should be getting enough b vitamins, I hope it fixes itself soon; that would be very frustrating..:confused:

Heck, maybe a few months now. Some weeks its worse then others. I suppose I should go get a check up, but I just had a complete physical in December and all my vitals were excellent. I'm at a loss as well. Maybe I'm just becoming lazy! LOL!
Debbie - I wish I'd asked more questions, but if I understood him, the technician made a specific distinction between sleep stages 1-3 and REM sleep. He said they were totally different in that 1-3 was more about physical rejuvenation and REM was where your brain/mind restored itself. Of course I'm only guessing/inferring, but maybe you're getting enough of one of those but not the other? I wonder if caffeine can interfere with just a part of the sleep cycle. Still, if your gut tells you it's a deficiency, I'd trust that. I sure feel for you. Tiredness during the day is just ... hard. During the day I feel like I could fall asleep propped against a wall. If I take a mini nap, I have to set an alarm clock right by my head. A lot of times I konk out - HARD - during those - disoriented when I wake up but I don't feel "rested." I do think catnaps with hard fast sleep may save my butt. That tired feeling is HORRIBLE and really, what broke me down enough to get the sleep study. I wouldn't wish that on anyone and like Theresa, hope it resolves itself for you - SOON. Tough to be hardcore anything when you're falling asleep on your feet.

Theresa - I wondered about accuracy too. Wires on legs, stomach, arms, neck, nose, head - even the end of a finger. I felt like a Muppet :confused: Plus, they have you on camera and audio. Just knowing that might be super unsettling to some people. I wasn't crazy about it. Your idea is a great one. You'd probably make a mint. The tech said there are so many sleep disorders it's amazing. He has one. A form of sleep apnea. Evidently, they get A LOT of referrals and this isn't a very big town. But if I'd have been home I'd probably have given them a truer night of sleep. Last night didn't feel typical, somehow. I missed Skyler. Beagle's are great sleep (or attempts towards sleep) partners ;) . I'd think if you were used to sleeping with someone, that would factor in, too. Didn't mean to talk about this so much but I know I'm not alone. Sleep is so important and SO MANY people have problems with it - even here in this check-in.

Diane Sue - Great workout today :D. Quite a cal. burn. Wow. I've heard about Mindy - that she's tough and "perky [?]." Are your hamstrings better today? Not sure if it was one or both. Hope you have a good day :D

Lori - I've been wondering if maybe I'm drinking too much coffee a day. I drink one large cup first thing before my workouts, one after lunch and one after dinner. I really don't think that is a lot of coffee. I don't know. Hopefully it will work itself out, usually stuff like this does. Thanks for your thoughts, though.
Hey Everyone!

Geez...you guys (gals) have been busy this morning - LOL. Today I actually made it through IMax 2 Cardio and Weights, AND I'm down another #!! I'm really getting excited and DEFINITELY will stick with this rotation (actually Debbie's first 2 mixed up) for the next 4 weeks. I wish I could do STS again, but I wouldn't feel right borrowing it for so long from my neighbor. Anyway, I will get my own copy sometime this fall. :)

Debbie - I know what you mean about the "chronic fatigue". I get like that at times - moreso in the winter. The coffee definitely isn't helping - I'm sure. I did feel better when I cut back to 1-2 cups only in the morning, although sometimes I still get the exhaustion.

Lori - Thanks for the info on the sleep stages. I know I should go and get checked as well, as I have been a chronic Nyquil addict for many years. I do try to not take it every night, but if I have a busy day ahead and I haven't fallen asleep after 30-40 min in bed, I'm a dead man (woman) walking. When I do get up and take the Nyquil I can get in my 7 hours of uninterrupted shut eye. I hope you get some answers. :) As for the storms - we got 'em in upstate NY last night - BAD. I didn't have roof issues, but we did have a lot of tree limbs down and my power was out AGAIN.....ARGH. I just ran home at lunch to put the AC on for the dogs.

Lora - I think your work sounds very toxic - which can't be helping you mentally or physically. Maybe you should try to find something better? I hope things get better for you soon and I will continue to send good wishes and prayers. :)

Theresa - I'm a bit jealous that your DH likes the weight work. I wish mine would even TRY it, but it's not going to happen. He does a lot of physical activity during the day, so he will not even consider working out with me!!

Ok...I gotta get some work done. I will be back next week on Tues. or Wed. I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!!

Cheryl :cool:
Cheryl - What is Imax 2 Cardio & Weights? Is that a premix you did? If so, I'll have to check it out. Thanks about the sleep stuff. It will work itself out. If not, I'll go get my blood checked again.
Debbie - Cardio and Weights is on the same DVD as IMax 2. It isn't a premix, but a circuit workout - not bad - good music. :D

I have SC 30/20 and 40/20 planned for tomorrow and then L&G for Saturday. I will also have to add an extra cardio day on Sun to make up for my "day off" on Wed.

Have a great weekend!

It has been a very loooong day. Dh had a talk tonight and I really wanted to be there. I totally forgot what it was till he ran in for dinner and I asked. I got the car done, picked up sod and lettuce at dd's(they left on vacation and had a pool put in) took my grandbaby home, came back and placed sod and watered it down. Did household things then dh came in and I made him dinner. Totally did not eat other than a protein drink this morning so was starting to drag. Now I feel guilty because I didn't make it to his talk:(

Debbie, I drink two mugs of coffee in the mornings. According to my pot that is 6 cups?? Probably is a lot of caffeine but I wonder if it isn't something else. I fall asleep anytime I sit down. But when I go to bed I fall asleep for an hour or two and then wake up. So if I come anywhere near sleeping all night I am happy. My dd has that problem and thought she might need iron. I told her not to do that as me and my other dd and some of the rest of the family has too much iron which can lead to fatigue etc.. If really bad it can be life threatening. The only way to get rid of extra iron if there is way to much is to draw out some blood . It would be best to seek medical help before you try anything on your own. Funny thing is I can drink coffee and workout and take a nap right after but when it is bed time if I did that I would be staring at the ceiling. I laid out Step Sweatfest as a reminder to do it again. I think the second part was not that hard to catch on to. Tracey has some fun step workouts.

Lori, I have been so sleepy that I was literally falling asleep doing ab work which can be pretty boring when lying on the floor.

Cheryl, glad you didn't have problems with the storm.

Theresa, the split lunges didn't bother me as much as some of those other moves. Those med ball maddness things were tough. I had a hard time balancing on one leg and passing that ball under (which was pretty wet and sweaty) I lost the ball once today and was chasing it across the room:0
Diane Sue - I've done that with DS before - missed something of his and felt guilty -- got a knot in my gut that took quite awhile to untie. Has happened maybe only once or twice at the most -- had to remind myself that the fact I felt so horrible about it attested to how much I care. Hope you aren't too hard on yourself. Also, I remember you talking about your sleep problems and thinking how similar they sounded to mine in a lot of ways (including nightmares). For what it's worth, I've given up coffee (and other caffeine products) entirely before. Didn't seem to make a lick of difference, except for the boost they (maybe) gave me during the day. Not even sure about that though. I've downed a RED BULL and just felt nappish before. If I learn anything that might be helpful from this, I'll surely pass it on. Btw, right now I feel more awake than I have all day. That happens a lot in the evening no matter how little sleep I got the night before - with or without naps. Maybe I'm really just a big bat with a good costume :confused:


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