Diane Sue: I use the same brand of pasta sauce Debbie does, I think. I don't have any in the cabinet and don't know it until I see it in the store.
But I think that's the one- no added sugar. It seems like all of them add sugar and I can't stand that! That recipe doesn't have my "tweaks" in it- I just cut and pasted it, so yes, I also use fat free cheese. I prefer to get my fats from nuts.
I think Gayle did the nutritional stats on it when she posted it. I usually redo it on My Fitness Pal too so I get a more accurate look because I always change things.
I'll have to try that enzyme blast.
Debbie: Yep, I don't care for CC plain either, but blended it is a whole other story! Glad it gave you an idea.
Ally: I'm sure you look wonderful but I understand swim suit stress. I'm determined NOT to have as much of it this year.
Debbie: Yep, I don't care for CC plain either, but blended it is a whole other story! Glad it gave you an idea.
Ally: I'm sure you look wonderful but I understand swim suit stress. I'm determined NOT to have as much of it this year.