Good Afternoon,
Did Disc 15 - Back and biceps in the STS Series. One min. rest after each set. Had a fantastic homemade protein drink afterward.
Lat pulldowns with band
T-Pull with band
Y's with band
Pull Ups Overhand modified
Chinups Med. Grip underhand modified
Chinups underhand modified
One Arm Rows 25 lbs. 12/10/8/TF each side
Barbell Rows 45 lbs. 12/10/8/TF
Deadlifts (barbell) 45 lbs. 12/10/TF
Barbell Curl 40 lbs. 12/10/8/TF
Seated Alternating Curl (dumbells) 20 lbs. in each hand 12/10/8
Preacher Curl on Ball 10 lbs. 8/12/10/TF
Abs from Ab Hits 7 min.
Patti, Thank you for the recipes, I'm going to try them out after this Easter weekend. I especially liked the info for each recipe. Also thank you for the info about Go Wear Fit. I might have to buy one. We'll see.
Dallys, Have a fantastic time biking this weekend. Congratulation for your 1lb. loss. "Eat this, Not That" does sound interesting. Are you an enabler?LOL

There is a lot of people that like the Slim Series. One day I just might get it too. I also make homemade sourdough. What kind of culture do you use" I have a variety of them, ranging from Africa to San Fransisco cultures. I love making them!
Diane Sue, You also have come up in your weight lifting. I'm really impressed! I can't read and be on the Treadmill at the same time. I'm not that coordinated LOL

Debbie, Great Workout! WOW! Did you ever figure out your crochet pattern problem? Hope you have.
Shana Banana, I've never tried wearing a vest while on the treadmill. Will try that out next time. I bet it makes a heck of a difference.
Have a great Easter everyone,