Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/30

Shana - I am sorry, yes I did get it. And will respond soon.;)

Linda - No hurry at all - I won't be able to do it until after STS, which is still a couple of months away. I'm just on week 2 of Meso 2. Just wanted to be sure it had made it to you :)
Hello everyone! Haven't been on for a few days. Been working so much and bf even more so; he did about 70 hours last week! His crazy workschedule cut into our weekend and then he spent a lot of time napping anyway. Can't say I blame him.

Friday I was exhausted. I did Firm Power Yoga and that was all. It did feel like a good stretch, though, which probably means I'm stiff.

Saturday was 4DS chest and back and core from the kickboxing/legs tape.

No workout sunday, and today I haven't yet either, but I will after my evening classes.
Finished earlier today. I think I will be feeling it! It was good though - definitely went to failure. Whew...I better see some great definition popping out :) Think I'll do some ab work tonight so I will have more time tomorrow. It will have to be something that requires no use of the arms!!

Linda - what site did you find the mp3 download on?
Patti, I liked Mesocycle 3. The pace is nice and I like the 8 reps. The moves are pretty basic. Cathe does push/pull so you do chest then back alternating for several sets then switch exercises and do the same. This allows a rest and another bodypart to give the muscle group a 3 minute break.

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