Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/14

Today's workout was cardio. I did a steady state walk on a high incline. My goal was to stay in my in-zone. Then I did a killer ab workout that I got from M&F Mens magazine.

Cardio stats:
32 minutes
4 minutes below zone
28 minutes in zone
241 calories burned
1.75 miles travelled

Weighted Crunch: 2 sets/15 reps w/10#
Bench Reverse Crunch: 20/15 reps
Double Crunch: 20/20 reps
Planks: 1:10/1:05 minutes.
***Did not do these in quad-set format. Just did each exercise right in a row with minimal rest.

That is all....

Have a great weekend everyone!!!
Hello Everyone :D:D

Quick check in, need bath. I'm going shopping, I've never been to DSW Shoes, going too see what they have. This morning, I did GS Legs;) luv this workout. Offically starting STS tomorrow, I know....I know said it a zillion times, but this week wanted to get my mind set right, and I did, so its on! I will check back later to see what you guys are up to. Be Blessed!:)

Here's me:cool: stats.

BB Squats: 40/40/50/50/60

BD Front Lunges: 1/10/15/15

DB Back Lunges: 10
(only 1 set good enough)

DB Pile Squats: (2x16)10/15/15/20
(also I did 15 pulses)

DB Legs Presses: (2x16) 10/10/15/20

BB Dead Lifts: 50/50

Calves: I did to failure

Floor Work

Debbie: As lways, your workouts amaze me;) Nice work;)
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Morning! I did Power Max this morning- needed some old school step! I burned 581 calories and had a great workout.

Teddy: Good to see you and WTG on GS Legs- my favorite leg workout!

Hi Debbie! I can't wait for nicer weather to get outside with my vest and do some walking.

Have a great day maniacs!
Hey there. It's quiet this morning. Got up and did my fasted cardio....HIIT w/jumprope. Getting ready to head to the gym to work upper body and abs. Going to nephews college graduation (business college) this afternoon.

Check ya all later.
Hello Ladies - today I did an old favorite circuit workout that I have not done in a while.

Lower body
leg extension 50# - 12 reps
front squat 25s - 15 reps
step ups 25s - 12 reps
squat 25s - 15 reps

did 4 rounds

Upper body
bent over row - 25s - 12 reps
front raise - started with 10s and had to drop to 8s - 10 reps
chest flye combo - 15s - 10 reps
incline curls 15s - 10 reps
station dips 10 reps

4 rounds.
I got my workout in and went grocery shopping. This morning I did Amy Bento's Hi/Lo Knockout burning 660 calories, then I did STS ab circuits weights and plates and medicine ball abs. I finished with the first 30 minutes of Lawrence Biscontin's foam roller workout. Total calories burned today was 889.

Yesterdays STS workout went like this:
Back and Biceps
w/up sets 12 reps blue heavy challenge pro band lat pulldowns with the band, t pull with the band, y's with the band
Pull downs overhand Bowflex 190# resistance 12 reps
Pulldowns medium grip 190# 12 reps
Chin ups body weight 12 reps
barbell rows 3 sets 65# 12, 10, 8 reps
1 arm horizontal row dumbbell 35# 12,10, 8 reps each then 24# 14 reps
1 leg deadlift 1 set 35# 12 reps, 2 sets 25# 10 reps, 8 reps(35# hurt my back for some reason)
barbell bicep curls 48# barbell 48# 12,10,8,reps. 36# 16 reps
seated alternating dumbbell curl 21's 12, 10, 8, reps. 13's 20 reps
seated concentration curls 1 set 25# 12 reps; 2 sets 20# 12, 1nd 10 reps.. 1 set 15# db 24 reps

Patty, I used to do Power Max over and over as it was one of my few cardio workouts. I haven't done it for years .

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