Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 12/28

Hope you all had a great Christmas! Mine was awesome!

I have to say I am really getting sick of this rotation. I think I am going to finish out the week and then start a new rotation with the New Year. I just cannot do one more pushup or pullup. I need something different.

Today was Chest, Shoulders & Triceps. I had an ok workout. After taking Fri., Sat. & Sun. off it was really hard to get up and get started. But I got her done.

I increased either reps or weights as much as possible.

Slow-Motion 3-in-1 Pushups - Wide - 1 set 4/4 count; Standard - 1 sets 4/4 count; Close - 1 sets 4/4 count. Took a few seconds rest and then did 18 fast standard pushups. Did the slow pushups on my knees. Just didn't have it in me this morning to do it all on my toes.

In & Out Shoulder Flyes - 10's/16 reps
***This is a front raise and a lateral raise.

Bench Dips - 35 reps

Plange Pushup - 12/5 on toes
***These are like tricep pushups but your fingers are turned out instead of in.

Pyke Presses - 12/5 reps
***I did these with my toes up on my weight bench and I was in a pyke position doing shoulder presses.

Side-Tri Raises - 10 reps each arm
***This didn't bother my right shoulder to much today. I hate still this exercise.

Floor Flyes - 2 sets/4 reps each side
***This is a pushup using a paper plate. You slide your arm to the left, do a pushup and slide it back in. Do this 4 times and then switch sides. These burned.

Scarecrows - 5's/15 reps
***This is a rotator cuff exercise. Hold weights with elbows up like you are doing an upright row. Hold it and turn the hands up and down. These burned like crazy. Felt it in my traps.

Overhead Tricep Extensions - 30#/12 reps
***Used one weight behind my head.

Two-Twitch Speed Pushups - 3 sets + 4 fast
***Did 4 fast pushups, then 3 slow count pushups.

Y-Presses - 17's/10 reps
***These are overhead presses only you press out to the front more then just straight up and down.

Lying Tricep Extensions - 20's/12 reps
***Went heavier here and it felt great.

One minute rest

Side-to-side Pushups - 12 reps
***Basically you "hop" one leg and one arm out to one side, do a push-up, and then return to center briefly before going out to the other side and doing the same thing. I liked this exercise too.

Pour Flyes - 10's/10 reps
***You do a lateral raise and then turn your hands down like you are pouring something out of a jug. Got a great burn.

Side-Leaning Tricep Extension - 17's/10 reps each side
***Just like it says, you sit on a bench or chair and lean over to one side and do extensions. I did them on my stability ball, love this exercise.

One-Arm Pushups - 10 on knees
***Sloppy as all get out. I just can't do one-arm pushups.

Weighted Circles - 5's/20 reps; 3's/20 reps
***These were for the shoulders and it burned like hell. Did 10 reps forward, 10 reverse, took a few seconds break and did it again.

Throw the Bomb - 12#/12 reps
***This is a cool twist on a standard overhead triceps extension. You do one arm at a time, and with the other arm, you point forward as if you were pointing to a receiver down the field that you were about to throw a football to. Press the dumbbell straight up in the air and be sure to stop when you get to the top! You aren't actually throwing the dumbbell, but rather modifying the move so that you can put a slight hip twist into it. I liked this one.

Clap or Plyo Pushups - 10 reps/on knees w/clap
***Figured I'd try to get a clap out of this, I did well but did them on my knees.

Slow-Mo Throws - 8's/10 reps
***This is very similar to the Scarecrow exercise, only this time you raise your arms straight out in front of you. From the up position, you then rotate at the elbow to bring the dumbbells back to your ears, then rotate forward to the straight arm position. Drop your arms briefly to your sides, and then repeat. Really felt this one.

Front-to-Back Tricep Extensions - 15#/10 reps each side
***This is a one-arem tricep extension only you alternate pressing to the front and back.

One-Arm Balance Pushups - 12 reps
***Do a pushup and then stack your feet and bring one arm up. Repeat to the other side. I love this exercise.

Fly-Row Presses - 8's/11 reps
***This combines 4 different exercises: the Dumbbell Fly, the Upright Row, the Overhead Dumbbell Press, and the Reverse Curl. You do the fly first, then drop your arms back to your sides before doing the upright row. Without coming out of the up position of the row, drop your elbows and push the dumbbells up overhead, then bring them down and do a reverse curl, ending the movement in the starting position for the next repetition.

Dumbbell Cross-Body Blows - 12's/30-8 reps
***I loved this one, it's basically an alternate chest press but you go across your body and turn the palms toward your face, really works the tri's.. I did it laying on the floor. Great burn with this one.
Morning Maniacs -

This morning I did Cathe's Travel Fit. Workout was 58" and I burned 384 calories. This workout was okay for a band workout. I wasn't sure what resistance to use so I used my green and red bands. We shall see if I'm sore tomorrow.

Someone yesterday asked me about the MMA Fusion workout. I did not like the short segment I did which was mostly lunges with a pushing pulling motion with the hands. A roll-back and then over into a pushup and a punch combo. I did not care for the flow and my HR dropped considerably. I only did that one combo though....so this is not a fair assessment.

Have great workouts everyone.

I have a long shift at work today and Wednesday, but I'm happy that this is my first week that I actually get 2 days off!! However, next week is inventory - so it's back to 1 day off again.
GM ladies-
Yesterday was HIIT 30/30. I really liked this workout. Today is weights and I am not excited b/c I am still super sore from Saturday's workout. We had a blizzard here on Christmas eve and our parking lot at work is a death trap. I'm sure our patients will just LOVE it.

debbie-I hear ya on the P90x. I had about a 1.5 month tolerance for the rotation
lora-I haven't even previewed travel fit or the step workouts yet. I kind of looked at mma fusion but not really. glad you are getting two days off, whatever will you do with all that extra time :D
Hey there maniacs! Hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas! I know I did! So I am almost done with this current training plan with Olesya. I have cardio today and legs tomorrow then we leave for Pasadena on Wednesday. Looking forward to a MUCH need break! Olesya is working on my new training plan as we speak and I will start back at it January 4th. Still have 8 more weeks of bulking (yeah!) Need to pack on some more muscle. Thought I'd share my strength gains over the past 9 weeks....
Yesterday my last shoulders/arms/abs workout with this training routine. I am soooo stoked…had a killer workout! In the past 9 weeks these are my gains…
Military Press…from 55# to 75# ( I did 5 sets at 75# today!!!!!)
1 Arm Shoulder Press…from 25# to 35#. My best at 35# was 3 sets but held strong at 32.5#.
Lying Rear Dealt w/twist…15# to 20#. I could do 20# but went down to 17.5 to maintain good form.
Lying Side Lateral…from 15# to 25# (this is such an effective exercise!)
Plate Choppers…35# to 40#
1 Arm Preacher Curls…from 20# to 27.5#…these are tough…6 reps I can do it’s those last 2 that getcha!
Seated Hammer Curls…Went from 25# to 35#…..I DID ALL SETS/REPS AT 35# TODAY!!!!!!!
…doing the happy dance!
DB Overhead Press…30# to 40#
Kickbacks…15# to 22.5#

Pull-ups and Chin-Ups….improved overall with the amount I can do unassisted!
Rack Pulls…went from 180# to 225#! Today I did 2 sets of 225# and rest at 220#!
Barbell Rows…went from 95# to 110#. Did 1 set today at 115#, rest at 110#.
Bench Press…this varied…ranged from 100# (w/out spotter) to 110# (w/spotter)…started at 85#.
Dips…when I first started I could do 6-8 reps but then had to take a break….for the past two weeks I have been able to do all sets/reps!!!!!! (3 sets of 12)

Pull-Overs…went from 30# to 40#.
Push-Ups…(all on toes) 1st set…30 reps, 2nd set…20 reps, 3rd set…15 reps. Added 5-10 reps since October.

Debbie...I did P90x one time in it's entirety and attempted it a second time later but I lasted about a week. :p

Theresa...are you doing a new training routine w/ Olesya? How's the eats? I thought I would have gained weight with a few extra indulgences over the holiday. I gained .8 pounds! Hoping Olesya will feed me a bit more so I can make some more gains!

Hi Lora and to everyone that follows!

Here's a couple pics...

Happy Monday...at least it is for me. I'm still on vacation! :D


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Got my workout done
I started with MMA Boxing 49 minutes 332 calories Max HR was 159, I then did MMA Kickbox Core, and Fusion Core 19 minutes 81 calories, I followed this with MMA bonus heavy bag 19 minutes 148 calories 153 Max HR( I didn't really do more than touch the bag on the lower body stuff) Then I did Travel Fit 51 minutes 255 calories( I think if I wanted to add a little more to the cardio segments I could do better since these were not really a lot of jumping) I used my new Cathe green band for most but did pick up my purple heavy thera-band for some of the shoulder and lower stuff. Total calories was 816 and workout time was 2 hr 18 minutes. I did all of the stretches and the w/up to boxing and travel fit.

Debbie, P90X is definitely heavy on the pull ups and push ups. I think it is better to use with other workouts. Will be interesting to see what you choose to do next.

Sonya, you have made some incredible strength gains. I will have to go look at your pictures. I bet they are great. Enjoy your break:)

Lora, you did better than me on the Travel Fit workout. I am babying my knee. It was a little hard deciding on what band. Cathe uses the same green band throughout though. I thought she mentioned we might want to use the older bands that had more stretch to them. I had a hard time with the new latex free one when I doubled it on those first parts.

Theresa, that blizzard was something else. My dil said she was surprised with the way everything was that people were still coming into the doctor's office.
Diane Sue: I can't believe THAT workout is WITH an injury :D You are amazing

Sonya: Your pics are great.....and way to go on all the strength gains. I have done better on the eats except over the holidays. It was really more to do with the fact that we had a huge snowstorm that I was not expecting to be as bad as it was and I did not do a very good job planning ahead. I had food in the house but none of it was good. I just need to make it through one more week of holiday stuff and I should be good to go. The good news is that all the junk makes me feel bad and I think I got my fill of it. The new workout plan is grueling. I am still sore from Saturday's workout. She added the dreaded hill sprints and I will start those as soon as my TM gets fixed. Did you do HIIT on the treadmill? I was having trouble feeling like I got to full speed in 13 sec...does that make sense?
Lora - I was hoping your work time was dwindling by now. I'm sure it's still busy with returns and all. I went out on Saturday and used up all my gift cards! :eek: And I even swore that I wasn't going out that day. LOL!!!

Theresa - We are getting some major snow right now, I can't believe it hasn't stopped since I got to work. Glad I have 4 wheel drive!!!! :eek:

Sonya - Nice progress, lady!! I am impressed!

Diane Sue - How are you liking STS Cardio? Looks like they are pretty fun from what I've read. Hope you are enjoying them!

Linda - Just want to know if you are going to do P90X in its entirety? I've decided to stop after this week. I can't take any more pushups or pullups. What are your plans??
Linda - Just want to know if you are going to do P90X in its entirety? I've decided to stop after this week. I can't take any more pushups or pullups. What are your plans??

- I took Fri, Sat & Sunday off too. And still faced this mornings workout with dread. Not so much from the break, but because I am bored to tears with the X. I hate to to not finish, but I am really liking your idea of doing something new in January. I cannot fathom doing Plyo X tomorrow or Legs & Back on Friday, I am so done with those two.

- Glad to see you enjoying your Shock Cardio.

Theresa - I just may give 30/30 a try tomorrow.

Sonya - Great progress!

- Enjoy your break before inventory!

Basically my Chest, Shoulders & Triceps was the same as last week EXCEPT I actually went down in weight on a few of the shoulder exercises.
Debbie, I am really enjoying the STS Cardios. There is enough new stuff added that I think they are fun. Tomorrow I will tackle Some of the Step.

Theresa, the workouts didn't seem to affect my knee today. I was careful though and it isn't too bad this evening. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Roselyn, I enjoyed the MMA workouts. I still have not done all of fusion though. I just did the core which I think was my favorite so far. It looked like it had more kicking in it so I decided to hold off a little on it. There are enough different moves added to these and the formats are a little different. Makes them more fun to do:D

Linda, I don't blame you or Debbie for getting bored with P90X. 12 weeks with some of the same workouts over and over does get old. I did it completely through once and the wierd thing is it felt like such a habit that I almost felt at a loss planning something else LOL

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