Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 1/17

Today started my new rotation. I'm doing that 8 week rotation that I like to do about twice a year, although I think it's been about a year since I've done it.

It's 3 days of total body training and 3 days of cardio.

Today's workout consisted of 3 sets/5 reps with a 1 minute rest between each set.

Flat Bench Press - 90#
Barbell Row - 85#
Squats - 105#
Stiff Leg Deads - 85#
Barbell Curls - 60#
Close Grip Bench Press - 85#

Had a good workout and everything felt quite easy, I probably could have gone heavier with all the exercises.

Update on our kitties: So things aren't going so well. Things seem to be getting worse instead of better. Granted, we've only had Fuzzy for one week now, but my other two cats just won't accept him. And now they are fighting amongst each other which is really upsetting me. Everytime Fuzzy wants to play with the other two, the start hissing and batting at him. I hope this gets better, not sure what to do. And I don't want to get rid of Fuzzy because I'm already attached to him. :( Today we are going to put him in the room we had him in last week. He has windows to look out of and food and a bed. He'll be fine but this makes me mad that he has to stay alone.

Anyone have more then one cats? Did you go through this when bringing a new cat into the house?
Debbie-good luck with your new rotation. Also, I have had two cats and it took a long time for them to get along. Patience seems to be the key to most things. I wish I had more advice than that. Are they all the same gender? That can make things even more interesting.

YEsterday I did a 30 min interval workout using the ropes gone wild, jump rope, heavy bag, treadmill, and TRX. I did rounds of 30 sec work and 30 sec rest and about 5 sets per piece of equipment. Today I have total body on the docket, I am debating between STS and a kettebell workout.

Morning :)

Quick check in, No workout this morning:( I could not get up!!!! I was too tired from Sunday’s everything, mainly cooking I cooked a huge dinner for my sons even made a cheesecake :eek: This evening, if not tired I plan to do my workout or today will end up my rest day for the week.
Max Interval Plyo yesterday (YAY). Went really well. I am in a hurry this morning, but will try to be back later.

Debbie - I did read your post and went through a very tough adjustment time with one of our cats. I didn't think they'd ever all acclimate, but they did. I'll share what we did later when I have more time. Don't know if our approach will/could work for you but it might at least give you some ideas (and encouragement).

Have a good morning -

Theresa - Well, I'm actually glad to hear that. At least I know it's possible for all of them to get along. It didn't take but about 3 to 4 days for the other two to be best friends, but they were kittens back then, too. I won't give up, I love them all too much. Nice workout yesterday, girl! :eek:

Teddygirl - Sounds like you had a great weekend with your sons!!! I think you deserve this rest day!

Lori - I'd be interested in any advice or ideas you can give me. Looking forward to your post!
I think perhaps it goes easier if at least one is a kitten...or at least, the couple situations I can think of where it ended up working out one was a kitten. My family had a rather aggressive (with other cats) adult male cat for years and then my sister and I each got a kitten. Hers died not long thereafter, but mine lived for several more years (both run over by a car...part of why any cat I have now is an indoor cat). I don't remember that we did anything in particular, just that Coopie would get scolded if he got too mean with the kitten. He would swat at her, but he never hurt her. He did start spending more time outdoors though, getting into fights and what not. Eventually, though, we'd start seeing them both curled up on my mom's bed. It was like Coopie just got tired of arguing about it. When Skittles died, he actually seemed sad, according to my mom.

And then there's my adult cat Hermia and my roommates' cats Dot and Buddy. I think this situation is all about temperment. Buddy is an old, calm cat and gets along well with Hermia, although Hermia occasionally hisses at him and tells him to leave her alone. Dot, however, is an absolute punk. He never leaves her alone and tries to pounce her every chance he gets. He is seriously the most annoying cat. Every evening when I'm taking Hermia her canned food he is like a shark circling in bloody water, jumping up on me, meowing like a banshee, circling around my legs, trying to get Hermia's food for himself. I seriously cannot stand that cat. Because of how he behaves around Hermia, we keep them separate. When she's out of her rooms (through which she has a kitty door), he's put away outdoors in the kitty run or in my roommates' rooms.

Anyway...I hope it gets better with your cats, Debbie. I week isn't that long. I think cats need more time.
Roselyn - Nice workout! You really kill it with cardio! Wish I could do that! :) Well, not could - would. Wish I WOULD do that!

Hermia - I always wondered where you got your screen name from. Thanks for your stories on cats. Anything is a comfort for me right now. I know they will be alright, but I just hate seeing all this turmoil. I think you're right - cats need more time. Especially when it comes to all males.
Today's workout was Amy Bento 10 minute solution Hot Body Bootcamp cardio drills segment,10 min, 74 cal.. Then I did Amy Bento's Total Body Challenge mix that is the longer one(I think it is 2 but can never remember) I omitted the core. I started with 3 sets of pullups with plans to do 8 reps but did 6. I guess I need to work on these more again. I really do not like them:p When I reached the end of Amy's workout I went back to the chapters and did the tricep french press on the incline bench since I felt like I am not getting as much with triceps in my workouts as I am biceps. This workout was 60 min and calories burned was 331. I then did Cardio Kickbox Surge with Amy premix Surge Mix which did not have the stretch so I added it. WOrkout was 38 minutes, calories burned was 338, HR was 139 avg 163 max. I finished off with 10 Minute Solution Hot Body Bootcamp stretch 10 minutes 43 calories. Total workout time was 1 hr 58 minutes and calories burned was 786. I have gained more weight. Stayed away from the scale for quite some time. I was up to 121. Not sure whether to do my usual freak out or attribute it to muscle gain. I am lowering cardio quite a bit. More yoga and stretching. Still burning calories that are similar. Eating is not terrible. Clean most days with some off days. I can see my ab definition and arm definition. I did a thorough look this morning. But the weight thing still sucks me into wanting to really hit the cardio:confused: I don't have time for that much cardio. Really I do believe I am on the right track but it scares me since in a year and a half I will be 60 and maybe is age related.
Yesterday's eats were:
B coffee had to rush to get to church
L CLean Eating Magazine Tai Spicey Pork Soup. I used the rest of the pork tenderloin from yesterday instead of pork chops. There was a little over the 8 oz. I believe it was 10 but I thought that was ok because it just gives me more protein
S clementine and berries with cinnamon, 1/4 cup oats, 1/2 scoop Gaspari vanilla whey
D which was way late (9pm) since I got sidetracked with paper work and taxes was poached salmon on salad greens with lowfat dressing and bbq sauce
I picked up a couple of other things at Walmart this afternoon since I had to go out to Office Depot anyway. Was hoping to stay home.

Debbie, I think if you give the cats time they will adjust. I think that works pretty much the same with most animals. Now if they were being totally abusive and injuring the other cat then it might be a whole different ballgame. I have seen the same with dogs. Most animals tend to be somewhat territorial. Your new rotation has started out well:D

Hermia, I too wondered where you got the screen name. Now I know. I just thought maybe you had that name in reality. I have seen it used before somewhere.

Lori, I am glad you were able to do the Insanity workout. It seems you are back to yourself:) At least I hope you are. I know the new job is an adjustment.

Teddy, I hope you are able to get in your workout later today. If not I know you can make it up.
Diane Sue - I think you are just fine, I wouldn't worry too much about the weight gain. I've gained a few pounds as well but when I look in the mirror I'm ok with what I see. I also cut back on cardio the last year and honestly, it hasn't made that much of a difference. I'm weighing myself every week again because I'd really like to lose about 5# or so, but the scale seems to just stay the same. Oh well! Thanks about the cats, I'm hoping it will be ok in a few weeks. I'm sure they just need time to adjust. They aren't really hurting each other, just hissing and batting. My two that I've had for some time started fighting this morning, though, and that really scared me. I'm not sure where that came from?
Debbie - We have 4 cats -- and a dog :confused: . Our problem was really odd, and I still don't know for sure what happened. About a year and a half ago, we were gone for a few days. When we came back, one of our kitties, Dirt (long story behind the name and I will spare you the details) was totally estranged (and terrified). She hid in the basement and wouldn't even come up to eat. I had to carry her to the dish (up on a high counter so Skyler can't get it), but then, she was too scared to leave that spot. She stayed in the kitchen and started using the (large) food dish as a litter box. It was awful. Something had happened between her and Ms. Turry (mystery) one of our other cats. Turry can be very controlling and agressive and ... mean. She really needs a home where she's the only pet. Obviously, we do not meet that criteria. Dirt was a wreck though, and became very aggressive towards all the other animals -- and most people (even biting and scratching). I think this was fear based behavior. The only person she was ok with, for some reason, was me. It got bad enough that we tried to find her another home but she just couldn't re-acclimate.

We ended up doing something similar to what you are trying. My workout room became her home. I felt really bad about that too, but our only other option was to take her to the Humane Society and she wouldn't have been adoptable. She was THAT bad. After she'd been in there awhile and found places to sleep -- made it a safe home for herself, I started blocking the door so it was open just a crack. It wasn't enough for anyone to get in or out, but it was a small "connetion." She'd come and peak out or other kitties would peak in. Gradually, I started leaving the door open a bit wider - when I was around and could keep an eye on the situation. Skyler was the first animal that started visiting Dirt and Dirt seemed ok with her. Really, I think it was a matter of letting everyone get used to each other's presence without it feeling intrusive. Like Theresa and Hermia said, it was just time and patience and letting them work through boundary issues (with supervision). There were some (pretty ugly) spats. I'd isolate the aggressor for awhile. I don't "know," but they seemed to understand that. Ms. Turry still tries to bully, well, everyone. I think she really is the source of our dissonance when it occurs. I try to give her extra attention when she's getting nasty, BEFORE a blow out. That seems to help. Initially, the other cats got to the point where they all went in Dirt's room -- as it stands, everyone's intermingled nicely again, as if nothing ever happened. In fact, as I was writing this, Dirt came and jumped in my lap and is currently purring very loudly :) I was afraid it would never resolve, but it totally did, so there is hope. Baby steps - and again, I do think in a way they just got tired of being buttheads about it.

I hope this is helpful in some way -- at least to give you some optimism that the situation can improve. I was afraid Dirt had been somehow damaged for life. She is sweet , happy and playful as can be now and I even find her and Turry asleep side by side sometimes. I do still wonder what happened over those few days; it truly is a Ms. Turry (she lives up to her name).

Hermia - I had actually come to think of Hermia as your real name. Isn't that funny? It is a pretty name -- is it from Mythology (why am I thinking that? Hermes, maybe?)? Loved reading your story, thanks for sharing that. Cats are pretty amazing creatures, with personalities as diverse as people. Sounds like your situation is still pretty tough. I am sorry to hear that Dot gives Hermia a hard time. It would be very hard to actually have to live with a bully.

Lori - Wow, great story. It's definitely not that bad at my house, they seem to be able to co-exist when they are all tired or wanting to just veg. Its when Fuzzy wants to start playing that my other two get all wacked out. I know this is just a matter of time to resolve itself. I just hope it doesn't ever get as bad as you described, that's just scary! Thanks for taking the time in typing all that! :)
Debbie - I was happy to - it was awful long :eek: I bet your situation will work itself out. I hope you keep us posted :)

Diane Sue - I saw your post. Excellent workout (as always). This leads me to my next comment (which I am afraid will also be long :confused: So, I'll apologize ahead of time): I’d say that your food plan (eating healthy) and your workouts (challenging and intense) are easily in the upper 90th percentile of even advanced fitness buffs. You are so vigilant and also creative in menu/workout planning. I would add this is probably a conservative statement. I am speaking very sincerely here. So. I’m sure you’ve thought of this, but I will state the obvious anyway: muscle weight or water weight. Your body could still be recovering from the tremendous blow of your being sick for so long and then allergic to antibiotics AND the change in schedule AND difficulty sleeping …,stress. It could be so many things. I’ll bet you’ve thought of this too (but didn’t really ‘WANT’ to really think about it): maybe you work out too hard and your body is slowing down to conserve its resources. That can happen. I don’t know. I think it can be hard for women -- especially the one’s who work out hard -- not to sometimes get into a mode of waging war against a number (weight, HRM or clothes size) that really ends up being a battle against our own bodies. I have definitely gotten into that -- and still do without even knowing it right off. I have worked to improve my relationship with my body -- befriend it, as it were. Still, sometimes, I get off track (not being very honest with myself) and am back at it again. Not for as long and not nearly as severely as I used to. I don’t know if any of this applies to you. I do know this - You said you’re approaching 60. You’ve done a whole lot to help me feel ok about my own (inevitable) aging process and to show me a woman can be strong and beautiful regardless of that one number we really can’t do anything about. An awful lot of women would be very thrilled to look like you at forty (or younger). I believe the adage about beauty being skin deep. Hard though, cuz we sure live in a culture that doesn’t much honor that (at least the media) and almost suggests that aging is a mistake or something we do ‘wrong.' Weird. But -- you have the beauty and strength thing going, on BOTH sides of your skin (inner and outer). Guess I’ve shared my thoughts on this - hope I said nothing to offend you. I just hate to see a number on a scale drive anyone too push themselves so hard -- especially if they’re doing that already.

- Lori
Lori, I got my kitty Hermia's name from A Midsummer Night's Dream (Shakespeare). Shakespeare is one of my areas of focus in my Ph.D. studies.
My name's Ericka. =)

My fiance and I are actually getting our own place soon...just a bit before our wedding. Hermia won't have to share her space any more; she'll be the only kitty! I'm so looking forward to not having to keep her confined to two rooms most of the time.

Poor little Dirt! I would be so sad if my kitty were traumatized like that. =(

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