Hardcore extreme


Active Member
Will this DVD make up for not having more then one workout on one DVD---expecially in the gym style training? I will miss the pre mixes of the past (but I understand why your not doing it) Will there be more then one premix on the DVD or will it be just one workout. I was hoping for at least two, one more cardio based, the other more weight based.
HardCore Extreme will have 3 workouts, one will be weight based. Feel free to make suggestions as we would like everyone’s input before we make our final decision on selections.
I'm hoping there are at least a few premixes - even on the single workout DVDs. I don't think there were problems with the Intensity Series, and they had 6-8 premixes on them. I think the problems arose on the Body Blast Series, when the premixes went up to 20.

As for Hardcore Extreme, it sounds very simular to Terminator. Could there be premixes to shorten the workouts? Kind of like IMAX2 can be broken down to cycles 1-5 or 6-10.


I would love a tough cardiobased circuitworkout with both hi-lo, step (and why not some kickboxing thrown in) and some (not too much) weight work that would keep the heartrate elevated (legs and/or compound stuff)! (Kind of like Circuit Max and the power circuits of body max or CTX, absolutely LOVE all of those!!!)

I'm SOOOO excited about the new series, can't wait to preorder the whole package!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for the great deal you're offering!!!!!

Maria S
I also hope that you will offer at least a few premixes on the single workout DVD's, but I am pre oredering nonetheless.:7 :7

Premixes Please!!
I definately feel there should be at least a few premixes on these, I love the options of the premixes I have w/ Cardio & Weights and IMAX2. Just Enough options. Thank you :)
I would like to see 3 workouts consisting of:
1. All weights
2. All cardio
3. A mix of the two (a circuit workout)

For those with a programmable DVD player, we can make a plethora of other workouts from these three.
>HardCore Extreme will have 3 workouts, one will be weight
>based. Feel free to make suggestions as we would like
>everyone’s input before we make our final decision on

I would like to see---
Total body weight workout, possibly using gym style and muscle max mix. Followed by medicine ball core work with stability ball stretch

Circuit workout-- parts of Low Max mixed with Muscle Max and High step challenge. Followed with stability ball core work, and athletic stretching

Total cardio- Imax 3, Kick Max, cardio from High step challenge followed by traditional/non traditional core work. Stretch with bands.

I know pre mixes are probably out--but I would lke a premix that would combine upper body or lower body weights, for days I need a quick workout.

If not on this workout then on one of them....a premix for legs that's intense and knee friendly with NO squats, lunges or leg presses. This would be a great option for those of us plaqued by knee problems but still want some sexy legs!!! So often the "floor only" workouts are just included as "add ons" not full workouts. I would be GREAT to a have a premix workout that can stand alone that is knee friendly. I havent found one yet out there on the market.

Thanks for listening to our suggestions!
I also like the idea of one weight, one cardio, and one weight/cardio circuit.


I would like to see a 60 min extremely tough cardio workout using the blasts from Imax-3, LowMax, (KickMax) & the high step challenge. I don't have Imax-2 or Bootcamp on DVD, but I hear people are just loving the premixes with the blasts only (Imax2) or the cardio section only from Bootcamp.

Thank you for listening

I'd like to see a mixture of different types of cardio on a single DVD: hi/lo, kickboxing, and step like in the CTX Series so that I can mix and match to create custom cardio workouts. Of all my Cathe workouts, CTX gets used the most often because of this feature.

>I would like to see 3 workouts consisting of:
>1. All weights
>2. All cardio
>3. A mix of the two (a circuit workout)
>For those with a programmable DVD player, we can make a
>plethora of other workouts from these three.

I agree! I love to be able to create my own programmed workouts too! Although I would like to see

1. All weights (Parts of Muscle Max + High Step Circuit)
2. All cardio (parts of IMAX3 + Low Max)
3. Parts of Kick Max + Core Max + Stretch Max combined)

My suggestions for the Hardcore Extreme DVD:
3 premixed workouts as follows:

HARDCORE MUSCLE MIX= weight training sections from Muscle Max and Gym Style Training, with medicine ball core work and athletic based stretching.

EXPLOSION STEP CIRCUIT= cardio and weight sections from High Step Challenge and IMAX3, with stability ball core work and band based stretching.

CARDIO MAX MANIA= cardio sections from Low Max and Kick Max, with traditional/non-traditional core work and stability ball stretching.
Jenna, you've got my vote. Love, love, love Hardcore Muscle Mix, Explosion Step Circuit and Cardio Max Mania!


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