Hardcore Extreme-what do you think?

Three very tough workouts about 70 minutes each. I did Hardcore Extreme 2, this mornig it is nice alternating low max with Imax3 and the blast from kickmax. I am cover with sweat.
I got this three months ago. And only have done half of no#2. But that was tough. I recommend getting this. I will half to put it in my routine soon.

I'm new to the forum, but not new to Cathe. I've been doing her workouts since Step N Motion #1. Love her!!!

I just want to know HOW you can workout in the mornings? I struggle so terribly. I just feel totally drained even thinking about it!!

First thing is you just have to be determined to wake up and do it!! It will be difficult at first, but I'm now at the point where I don't feel right unless I get a morning workout. If you want it bad enough...you'll do it.

This is true!

Do you eat before you work out in the mornings too? I generally have to be up a few hours before I can eat, so if I want to work out in the mornings before getting ready and coming to work, that would mean getting up at 3:00!!! WHEW! Don't see that happening!! LOL
I usually try to get up about 15-30 minutes before a workout and drink a cup of coffee with 1/2 a breakfast bar or banana and peanut butter. Something to sit in my stomach, but not to heavy.

Good luck,
I like Hardcore Extreme, but I don't always have time for that long of a workout in the morning.

I get up at 2:30 am every day and I'm used to it now. If I eat prior to a workout, I eat a small fat free yogurt and a protein drink after weight lifting workouts and then I'm okay for an hour or so until breakfast. I set out all of my equipment at night also and if I have a long workout ahead of me, make sure I don't hit the snooze.
There's quite a bit of repetition among the workouts (lots of IMAX3, Low Max, and the Kick Max high intensity drills). It wasn't a keeper for me.
I have to exercise in the morning, because I am totally tired in the evening and I know there are more interruptions and for something to come up all of a sudden. And I don't eat anything before I work out so far.

I would really love to get used to morning workouts. That would free up my evenings. Especially for outdoor activities in the summer...

I'm going to start tomorrow.

I love the two cardio workouts and I love the use of the KM blasts on this DVD. I have not done the circuit workout that utilizes weigh work from HSC. I am very happy with this purchase. There are some killer combo's on HC Extreme!

Welcome to the forum! Getting up early is tough and my joints really object sometimes (I'm 44) but I remind myself that if I don't get up I will have lost my chance to be alone with Cathe and the crew. Then it's off to the office and family stuff in the evenings. I HATE missing my work out time more than I hate getting up early. Just takes a lot of reminding and habit formation.
Thanks P.

I actually made it up this morning and worked out. I'm 44 too! Been working out since I was 17. People find that hard to believe, but once you been bittin....

My kids sometimes work out with me and they even work out alone if the mood strikes them. I'm hoping they'll take fitness into their lifestyles as well.

I normally NEVER miss an evening workout so we'll see how this progresses.

I told my husband to set the alarm for 5:00 am. He asked, "Why?" I told him that I was planning to get up and workout and he said, "Alrighty then." I think he was actually shocked that I did!!!

Hopefully I'll be able to continue the morning routine. I do feel more awake once I've finished, showered and gotten to work.

Hello I really like this dvd as well!! Diane I have TRIED AM. exercise and it just does'nt work for me. I just don't have the energy first thing in the morning. I have to be up at least a couple of hours before attempting a workout:D Maybe one day I will be able to make the transition, but right now........ NOT:7

Take care,
Hi Nicole

I have attemtped morning workouts before and they didn't seem to work for me either. I have been asking around to find out what different people do before they workout. Some eat, some don't. I did try 1/2 bagel with peanut butter this morning. I usually didn't try eating before so eating helped with me with the feeling sick to my stomach part that always got in my way so that's good. It actually helped with the strength part. Unforntunately, the aerobic part was still a difficult task. I still seemed to get winded easier than I do in the evenings. I think I'm just going to try different combos of food and/or drink and still keep trying.

I've been at this for 27 years so I have to constantly try different things to keep going!!!

Thanks for your input.

Definitely get this DVD. I love it. It is extremely challenging. I sweat buckets every time I do a workout from it. #1 is a killer!!

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