
Hi Everyone and Happy Wednesday!

I did Drill Max in it's lovely entirety this morning....what a workout!! I am still sore from Monday, but I managed to finish the entire workout. :)

I can't workout tomorrow morning, but at least I will walk the dogs in the morning, so all is not lost.... LOL. I plan on doing B&G on Friday and adding the extra cardio day over the weekend.

I hope everyone has a great day!

Cheryl-DM is a toughie :) Good work, and walking dogs counts as TWO workouts :D At least w/ mine anyway

YEsterday was cardio and I did Cardio Fusion-step combos through the second drill of Drill max and then I lost steam. I finished by walking the dogs to cool down and stretching. total time was 56 min and I burned 890 calories.
I also checked the setting on my HR monitor to make sure everything was correct, b/c my calories burns have been outrageous lately....not that I'm complaining :eek: I think it has to do w/ my weight and caffeine level. I set the high HR up a bit to see if that does anything which I think it may.

Sorry I wasn't around much yesterday, work was nutty.
Theresa - It sounds like your day today was identical to mine yesterday - workout wise....LOL. Yea, my dogs are crazy and need to RUN daily. I only walk them on leash for a short time, but take them off at the park and run/jog myself for about 25-35 min or so every day. Sometimes I take them for longer hikes (like the 3 hour trek last weekend) just to get them really tired and happy (and dirty of course :)).

Work has been crazy for me also and I'm sure I will not get to post again until tomorrow afternoon, or possibly early morning if I get up!

Cheryl - Walking the dogs sounds like a workout in itself. Funny you should mention the brain MRI as my friend was telling me yesterday about the one she had done.

Theresa - I want your calorie burns. Although I have to admit I haven't even been wearing HR monitor.

This morning was legs and STS Disc 20 Triset legs. Have to admit I am starting to feel like Debbie a few weeks ago in that I feel like I need an extended break. My low back hurts, my left hip flexor hurts, my neck is stiff, and of course my shoulder(s). Oh and also my stomach issues. The two things stopping me though are how to do you participate in a Biggest Loser Competition w/o working out and I am thinking the extended break will be coming with the shoulder surgery. :confused: Okay I done whining now. Sorry.
Today was cardio but when I got up my low back was bothering me. All the work we've done in the kitchen has finally taken it's toll on my back. It's been bothering me for a few days but in the mornings it's been fine. Not today. So I decided to take an unplanned rest day. I went back to bed and slept in and I feel good right now. I'm going to take an Aleve and take it easy today. I'm sure I'll be fine tomorrow, I just don't want to change throwing my back out doing side-kicks. KP&C was on tap for today.
Good Morning -

I have Pyramid Lower Body and shorter ss cardio planned for today. Got some extra kb practice in last night (about 25 mins). I've been reading Enter The Kettlebell (and watched the DVD a couple times). It's a great book. I really want to get more involved in kb training. A lot more. I'm still just learning. Pavel's beginner program is very basic. Four practice sessions a week: two for swings, two for tgu's. The time recommendations are short and I'm anxious to do more but also want to get basic form down correctly and not twek my back (or anything else). Sure enjoy it though. I do practice other things a little bit. STILL having trouble not banging my forearm with cleans, even with all the good pointers and instruction.

Theresa - Cardio Fusion was my first real exposure to Cathe's step. Took me a long time to get that first routine down (the one at the beginning with no breakdown). After that, I was hooked. Some of those segments are tough. Even if your hr monitor is off by a couple hundred cals, that's still a great number :D . Hope your day's not so "nutty" today.

Cheryl - I don't have Drill Max :( - Do have CF, and if the cardio segments are any indication, finishing that workout is an accomplishment. Our dog is very high energy too - she needs a walk daily or she gets ... depressed. No, I'm not projecting. I SWEAR she does. Beagle's are very "verbal" and she mopes and complains: sighs and groans -- very pathetic, heart-wrenching noises. So we walk for about 40 min. to an hour a day. Can't count it as a workout though. We probably only cover a couple miles in that time. Besides, it's really more like hanging out with a friend. Hope you can enjoy your "rest day" tomorrow -- at least a little.

Debbie - No matter how good of shape you're in, that kind of work is hard on your body. Don't know you can really be prepared for it. I think you're smart not to push it.

Linda - I don't think that was whining. Sounds like you DO need a break. Those are hard to take -- especially with the push of a competition. Really though, as you've kept posting your workouts, I've been amazed at how you keep plugging along.

Diane Sue - Hi. Posted to you late afternoon y'day - Have a good workout :D

Ok then - Hope you all have a good morning.

It is raining again. We cleared out the trailer last night and dear husband and son covered the top with a tarp and duck tape. May not stay to long though. A roofer came out last night and covered the holes in our roof.
This morning I did Bosu Xplode Load. I think I like this one the least. The instructor stands there and talks forever. He starts out seeming like he is reading his lines. I used a 20# dumbbell on this along with the sling shot and tubing. Workout was 53 minutes and I burned 280 calories. Then I did Tonique Mat Exercises and added 3# ankle weights till she hit the ab segments. I also used 12# dumbbells over the hips for all of the glute raises 18 minutes and 84 calories burned. I finished off with Amy's Hi/Lo Dome w/up, combos and intervals 1 & 2, and c/d stretch. 43 minutes 266 calories. Total calories today was 630 1 hr 54 minutes.
I spent a lot of time in my lower zone today. High zone was 27 minutes..
I need to get myself out the door before the next set of storms come in later this afternoon. It came down pretty hard earlier but not the high winds. I have to find a plug adapter for the trailer. Somehow the one that we had has disappeared:confused: I will be back in awhile to read everyone's posts.
Debbie-remodeling is not an easy task, and that totally counts as work. I always feel that sort of thing in my low back as well. Probably a very wise idea to wait :)

Linda-I am in awe of your steadfast determination to workout despite all your current ailments (and it's not whining). It might not be a bad idea to lighten up at least. Maybe a 4DS kind of thing w/ more stetching and yoga-ish stuff the other days?

cheryl-I take the dogs before or after I workout depending on my mood. I have not really been in the mood to walk them lately, but once we get out the door, I'm fine. Bella walks perfectly, but Zane is still kinda pushy which pisses me off :)

Lori-PLB is a great one, I like that a lot and I think it's b/c it keeps moving. Leg work is not my fave so anything that wraps it up is ok by me. What does the tgu stand for, I can't figure it out? I'm glad you are spending so much time on form, I hear it can mess you up if you don't get it right :)

Diane Sue-did you know that you can youtube that hail storm you had? Crazy weather, but not that far from par. I haven't even previewed Load and I need to watch the Tonique matwork, I may add that in on a day when I don't want any jumping or big movements :p What did you think of the matwork?
Theresa - Me and my abbv's (abbreviations :confused:) Turkish Get Up. TGU looks nothing like that huh? I wouldn't have known either. I've really come to like them, but having a hard time with the concept of locking out my elbow (or any joint). He stresses that and after having it drilled into my head for so long to NEVER lock out a joint, it's hard to remember. As I do them I understand why though, and it feels better/safer. Also discovering that my right side is just a lot stronger and more powerful than my left. I knew that, but not to this extent. Weird, cuz I'm a lefty. Get ups holding the weight in my right hand feel really good. I really feel my lats and the move's more fluid. On the left, I have to concentrate and work quite a bit harder. I suppose that's a good thing. Have read that kb's help even out/rehabilitate imbalances. I'd sure love to go to a workshop. Also, I was super close to ordering the Bosu workouts. I'd decided I would but wanted to sleep on it. Changed my mind. It's too easy for me to get spread across different techniques and equipment and I really want to move into more kb training and focus there. My next present to myself will be Providence. You mentioned that one, right (there you go again ;) )? Oops. Babbled on here :eek:

Diane Sue - You have ANOTHER storm coming in? What a mess. Hope you don't get hit with anything too severe. We've had a lot of rain here but no hail and no wind since the day our roof skipped out on us. There hasn't been enough warm or dry weather to even think about putting a new one on. I'm hoping the patch job we did holds out. If we got a storm like the one you had, we might end up watching part of it in our living room :confused:

~ Lori
Lori-I kicked myself after you said what the abbreviation was....duh :p Providence is GREAT. You can download if for a bit less than the DVD, but the downloads are not chaptered and that annoys me. I'm a lefty too, but I tend to do everything w/ my right but write (wow.....homophones :) However, my left side is stronger but not as precise. I didn't even think about kb's helping imbalances.
I made it to lunch with dh and then the store. Found what I needed at Walmart. I am glad they carry a lot of RV supplies. Now to clean this house. All of this rain and extra things sure slows keeping up inside the house. It is getting dark outside again. I think some of the cover on the trailer came off:confused: Not much I can do at this point.

Theresa, I will have to check out youtube. Although I was here so not sure if I want to look at it again LOL I would think that the Bosu workouts would help with imbalances too. I think that the Tonique Mat work is just ok. I do get a burn and adding some weight today had me really feeling it. The abs portion is very short. I think around 3 minutes. She starts out with mountain climbers, jacks, and high knee runs to warm up. Then it is leg kick backs, knee across kickbacks, the pulses, the hydrant, glute raises(this is where I used the dumbbells) 1 leg raises (all around 30 reps each exercise) Pretty much basic stuff. She does some kickout things for the legs and abs with arms back to hit the triceps. I guess it works. My legs and back side were a little sore before and now I am really feeling them.

Lori, I hear you on getting things done when it is still raining. I hope you don't have any problems with your roof before you can get it fixed. Glad the Jari's workout times are cleared up:D I know I still have a hard time with locking out joints. I really do not want to injure something. I am way off balance when it comes to the windmills. One side is no problem but when I raise my arm up on the right side I cannot get the other one down where it should be(not sure if that makes sense)

Debbie, sorry you are feeling your back. I have been feeling my low back since I did Slo Mo Monday. It really is frustrating. I have been moving a lot of things from the trailer and cleaning up the yard from the storm though and am wondering if that might be part of it too.

Linda, my stomach issues are not gone all the way yet. I felt very nauseated when I hit the core section of that load workout. It is really wierd. I tried to eat more bland food yesterday. Some raspberries and kefir with some Zone cereal. Lots of water. Rice. Today I started well but lunch with dh had me eating a grilled chicken salad w/ bbq sauce mixed into the ranch dressing. The people in the restaurant finally have learned to give me one little containter of salad dressing. They used to bring 3 or 4. Now I have the cramping again:( That is getting really old. Sorry you are feeling achey all over. I understand you not wanting to rest so much because you will be having a forced rest later. Hopefully it all just gets better for you. Could you find some low impact and non weighted workouts and maybe some stretch tapes that you could do?

Cheryl, all of Drill Max is quite the workout. That and walking the dogs really is a workout. Hopefully things aren't too busy at work for you
Okay....I guess I should get back here. Life doesn't seem to be getting any better. I'm on the verge of losing it...or starting to drink, smoke, etc.....but as usual, I'll suck it up and survive each day without much joy! Just as I've been! I know I have my health, etc. yada yada yada. Every last shred of hope of m...y DH's old job coming back disappeared today when their competetor bought them out of bankruptcy.......to shut them down. He is working a job for peanut pay, night shift and we have no life. He is miserable...and I'm miserable. Such is life. I called my Mom to vent and she says........."Life just sucks sometimes!". Oh well......

Onto the workout front. I've been working out daily despite everything. I just started a rotation of Tracy Anderson alternating with Valerie Water's I Want My Bikini Body. I have all 3 versions of IWMBB, so I'l alternate thru those and all of my Tracy workouts. I want to see what this does for me, if anything. If I... don't notice any changes in the right direction (or I get some new DVDs that call my name), I reserve the right to change.

Today was Tracy's Perfect Design II and Goop Arms with 10" of cardio. Burned 520 calories in 1.5 hours. I also did some Kundalini yoga.....but nothing is taking me out of my head!

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