Today was Legs and Back (well, it was suppose to be Yoga X but I'm stopping here and wanted to get my leg workout in since I missed it last week) but I did
Legs and Abs since I haven't done either in two weeks and I did back yesterday. Had a great sweaty workout. Now I'm ready for a three day break and then I'll start my new rotation on Monday.
Balance Lunge (BSS) - 15's/25 reps each side
Calf-Raise Squats - 15's/25 reps
Reverse Bench Crunches - 15 reps
Super Skaters - 25 each side
Wall Squats - an eternity at high and low levels, did these on the stability ball. I really felt these today for some odd reason.
Woodchops - 15#/22 reps
Step Back Lunges - 15's/15 reps each side
Alternate Side Lunges - 12's/24 reps alternating
Hanging Knee Raise - 20 reps
Single Leg Wall Squats - 1 minute total, 10 second holds each side alternating, used stability ball.
Deadlift Squats - 20/side (Didn't touch the floor unless I lost my balance)
Bench V-ups - 20 reps
1 minute break
Three-Way Lunge w/kick - 5 each side going side, 45 degree, front, with leg lift or kick.
Sneaky Lunges - 20 each side
Stability Ball Crunch - 21 reps
Chair Salutations - 2 - 30 second chair poses (burned like a mother)
Toe-Roll Iso Lunges - 8's/20 each side
Oblique Dips - 15 a side
Groucho Walk - 4 up, 4 back for 45 seconds
Calf Raises - 20's/did 15 reps slow, 10 reps fast with feet turned out, front and in.
Oblique V's - 15 each side
80-20 Sieber Speed Squats - 30 a side (I liked these)
Hip Raise - 25 reps
That is it for P90X.