

Today was LIC (most of it). Again, I kinda wimped out on this one, but in all fairness my DVD stops at the third cardio section and will not continue. I sent the DVD back, but ended up with the same problem. So......I just forwarded past that section and continued on with the workout. :confused:
I plan on getting quite a bit of exercise over the weekend - weather permitting. It's also my B-Day ::::::gulp::::::::. I tried to give up B-Day's for lent but my family wouldn't let me. :rolleyes: Anyway, my eating has been terrible for the past few days and my energy level is way low, so I know it's time to go North and get my groove back.

Lora - I read your post from last night. Did you get a high water content contact lens - like Oasys? Sometimes that helps with dry eyes and corneal dystrophy patients. Also, try soaking the lens in rewetting solution (drops) BEFORE putting them in your eyes rather than using the multipurpose solution, because those solutions are very drying and the lens will tend to "soak up" all of the natural tear film. Good luck! :)

Diane Sue - I had to laugh about your comments about "walking that dog the entire time" - LOL. My sister has a Great Dane and when she brought him to camp he wanted to walk about every 15 minutes :D. She said she got more exercise over that weekend than she (and the dog) had in about a year!! I hope you do get another trailer - it's so much fun - as you know. :)

Lori - Did you ever try those peanut butter 'balls'? :D I wanted your opinion before actually making them myself.

Debbie - I hope your "training" at work is going well so you can get some well deserved vacation.

Ok....off to work. I will try to check back later, but if not have a great weekend everyone!!

Good Morning -

Yesterday didn’t turn out at all as I’d expected. Spent most of the day waiting for contractors - and to hear from DS’s coach (he finally called at 9:30 p.m. to have me drop off DS at his house). I still had a work project to finish. Talking to contractor's and dealing with insurance - I don't know. Stuff like that (grown up stuff, as I call it) is EXHAUSTING to me. So. No workout - at all. In retrospect, there were blocks of time where I could have at least squeezed something in but I didn’t KNOW that. Wasn’t too keen on having a roofer or siding co. show up when I was all sweaty and ½ way into something :confused: A little frustrating, but I don’t often have to wait around for other people (thank goodness). So it was a lesson in patience. Yah. We’ll call it that. A lot of important things got accomplished - I found and signed with a company that will do the roof and siding (both of which were completely toasted over the last few storms) - and whatever else - he even said he’d waive my deductible if I let him stake a company sign in my yard. Did I mention I have a striking new lawn ornament :rolleyes: I did get a good deal of work done. DS got packed and spent the night with some of his team members at his coaches house - they left early this morning. I don’t know what to do about my workout - if I should just do yesterday’s today or skip it and do today’s or combine the two somehow . I will wait for an epiphany - it’s probably just a couple more cups of coffee away ;)

Theresa - The peanut butter doo dads did not survive the night. I dropped DS off and tried to hand the plate to his coach and explain about needing to be in a cooler and … no need. A small swarm of pre-teen soccer players descended on them directly. RIP. They were evidently, as you said, very good.

Debbie - Saw your post from yesterday. So glad your ankle recovered so completely and quickly. Wonder if the supplements played a role in that. I have had jobs that sucked the life force right out of me. The worst one when I was 20. I made more money in that one than I have ever made since. But it wasn’t worth it. Helped me clarify what I DIDN’T want though. Sometimes you just don’t have a choice though, and are stuck in something you hate. I had to stay with that job for almost three years and I was miserable. I’m so sorry that’s where you’re at - so many people are "trapped" due to finances (thinking of Lora and her DH, too). Hope something comes through for you SOON.

Cheryl - I WANTED to try one of the peanut butter thingy’s (ok. ANY word I use now sends me into a fit of immature giggles - I'll never grow up :eek:). If I had tried to grab one for myself last night though, I may well have lost my hand :eek: It was like watching a tank of pirhanna's :confused: That’s probably an indication that they are/were pretty darn good.

Roselyn - I saw you got the recipe. Have you tried them yet?

HI to everyone else. Better get to work. Bbl for more personals.

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Morning Maniacs - This morning I overslept a bit. Haven't been hearing my alarm and my DH is working ...so he's not here to wake me up. I did Tonya Larson's Trim & Tone, Upper & Lower with stretch and cool down. Workout was 60" and I burned 400 calories. Have great workouts everyone.

Cheryl - I'm not sure what kind of lens I have. I know I'm limited in what I can wear since I wear bifocal lenses. He just said they are supposed to be more comfortable than my last ones.....but I wore them for a couple hours and then we went into Walmart. When we were walking into the store, there was a huge blast of air and that's all it took.....as my contacts really started to bother me. We had to go straight home from Walmart so I could take my lenses out and they were freakin' super glued to my eyeballs! I could hardly peel them off of my eyes they were so dry.

Sadly ...Lasik surgery is not an option for me as I don't have the cash and probably never will.
Hey Ladies-
Quick check in and I'll try to be back for personals later. Yesterday was a brook benten 30 min audio treadmill workout followed by 30 min flexibility for the inflexible.

Have a great Friday :)
I am feeling really irritable today. Tired of workers and people coming to the door and interrupted workouts and tasks
. Phone rings all of the time too.
Anyway workout this morning was Kelly's 30 minutes to Fitness Premix N.Y.C. two 85 minutes. I burned less calories than previously with this. I lifted heavier than Kelly throughout. Calories burned this time were 369(before it was 517). Phone rang a lot and the grandchildren came in. I even jogged aroung the room to get moving again before I restarted. Then I thought I needed a little more calorie burn than thatr so did the 20 minutes premix from Tracey's Cardio Kickbox Challenge and my HR monitor kept beeping and telling me to check monitor. Calorie burn at 17 minutes "which is wear I stopped the watch" was 51. It was making me annoyed and I was adding extra tuck jumps etc.. So, workout was around 1 hr 45 minutes and calories according to that monitor was 420.
Really I am just plain tired. Shut off my alarm this morning. Reached for mine again later and realized it was DH's alarm on the other side of the bed so dragged myself out.

I have to go to Oklahoma City for forgotten Cool whip
Then I really have to get back to work here.
Today was STS Meso 1, Week 3, Disc 8, Back & Tricpes. Had a great workout.

Lat Pulldowns w/Band - 10 reps
Double Arm Band Rows High Ends - 28 reps
Seasaw Pushups - 10 reps
Dips - 16 reps

Chinups - 12
***I did regular grip Australian Chinups
One Arm Seated Overhead Extensions - 17's/15 reps
T-Pull w/Band - Green band/36 reps
Flat Bench Barbell Tricep Extension - 45#/14 reps different counts
Barbell Rows - 60#/21 reps
Y's w/Band - Green band/36 reps
One Arm Kickbacks - 12#/15 reps
One Arm Horizontal Row - 25#/15 reps
Deadlifts - 35's/8 reps
Close Grip Dumbbell Bench Press - 25's/15 reps
One Arm Press Down w/Band - Green band/36 reps
Chinups - 12 reps
***I did Close Grip Australian Chinups.
Double Arm Seated Overhead Extension - 30#/15 reps
Wide Grip Barbell Rows - 55#/21 reps
Double Arm Rows w/Band - Green band/36 reps
Side Leaning Overhead Extension on SB - 13#/15 reps
***Love this exercise!
Dumbbell Rows - 20's/10 reps
Dumbbell Rows - 15's/10 reps
Dumbbell Rows - 12's/10 reps
***Drop sets here. 10 second rest between each set. Should have started with 25's.
Double Arm Kickbacks - 10's/15 reps
One Arm Kickbacks w/Band - Green band/36 reps
Pullups - 12 reps
***I did Overhand Close Grip Australian Pullups.
Cross Body Extensions - 15#/10 reps
Cross Body Extensions - 12#/10 reps
Cross Body Extensions - 10#/12 reps
***Another drop set, got a great burn here. 10 second rest between each set.
Straight Arm Flyes Prone on High Incline - 10's/15 reps
***This was leaning on an incline bench with your chest on the bench. It hurt so I don't think I was doing it right. My bench has large arms that don't let me do these types of exercises too easily.
Side Lying One Arm Pushups - 16 reps
***I did Seasaw pushups.
Barbell Scapular Retrations - 55#/15 reps
***This is just another name for shoulder shrugs. I love this exercise. Could have gone way heavier.
Supermans - 24 reps

I had to laugh. At the point where Cathe does One Arm Press Down's with the Band she doubles up the band to make it harder. The one guy in the back didn't have it doubled and had so much slack it cracked me up. WTH??? You would think being as muscular as those guys are that they would be showing off with the weights they use. I just don't get it.

Theresa - Yes I want to get Fight Circuit!!! Did you see something about it? Are they taking presale?? Let me know!!! :eek:

Hi to all! I'm running late and have to get going. Hope you all have a great day!
Good morning!

Today I went to that killer yoga class...omg, that class makes me feel like I am so far from being in shape, lol. My mat was just drenched with sweat. She does a lot of plank variations that are really tough and to start off with, we did these ab things. She had us lie on our backs, straighten our legs overhead, and then lower them basically to where your legs would be in boat pose. Then, we were supposed to keep the legs there and raise our torsos into boat pose. That was really hard; I couldn't do it without momentum.

Yesterday I didn't get anything in. I was actually sore from Wednesday's workout, High Step Challenge. Tuesday I did a pretty slow paced yoga class.

Since you guys were talking about people getting stuck in jobs they don't like, that made me think of this article I read the other day. Apparently there's a trend amongst employers to only hire people who currently have jobs. They're basically figuring if you got laid off you must have done something wrong. That annoyed me so much; I can't believe they could be so willfully blind! Everyone knows our country has been having economic problems. *Loads* of people have lost their jobs through no fault of their own. I thought this was just common knowledge. Now people who are out of work might have an even tougher time finding work, which is totally unfair. =(
Hermia- I think I saw that article. I didn't even finish reading it - made me so mad :mad: You got to go to your class :) - Getting some good workouts in there, too. Any plans for this weekend?

Diane Sue - I've was pretty irritable (on and off) yesterday, too. You're pulled in too many directions right now - spread a little thin, maybe? Sometimes I handle that feeling better than others. A good workout I think helps in that, but but it sounds like your workout itself was stressful :( Maybe you should drop your hr monitor IN the Cool Whip :confused: Hope the rest of your day turns around for you :D

Debbie - Good workout - Hope you enjoy your day :) Any other news from Linda?

Theresa - How did you like the audio workout? Josef is quite ... something. He kind of, I don't know, smolders or ... hmmm. Not sure how to put it into words. He's very good at instruction and what he does, too - of course - most important - :eek: - of course. Am I understanding correctly - he has some MMA workouts coming out soon? Do you have a link or website for him?

Lora - Hope your day goes ok today. Do you change to better hours tomorrow? My alarm clock is so loud, it amazes me how often I sleep right through it. I need one that physically reaches over and pokes at me or something :confused: Glad you got a good workout in despite the rough start. :)

I got my granddaughter to help scrub potatoes for baking tomorrow and wrap them in foil:D I did some more baking.

Lori, here is a link to Tracey Staehle's forums thread on the Fight Club Workouts that is Josef's workouts. It is my understanding they should be fillmed mid July. http://www.fitbytracey.com/forums.htm
I usually handle things better but I think being tired is not helping. Actually considered taking the day off today but then thought about all of that food tomorrow and probably Sunday for Father's Day and decided not to rest.
Diane Sue - Thank you for the link, and yah - I know you do (handle things very well). It just "catches up" sometimes. Taking a day off is hard. Being tired is hard. I'm not sure how to balance those out. I have a visitor today - ttotm - NEVER schedule's an appt. ahead. Pretty inconsiderate :confused: I just took a handful of Advil and will give that a bit to take the edge off. DS isn't here and I'm almost caught up on work projects, so I started kicking around the idea of just taking another day off. But there are still so many other things to get done. I'd regret it. So - guess if you (and everyone else who was dragging today) dug in and got it done, I will too. Your stories about your grand daughter are adorable - always make me smile. Glad you have her there as a helper today :D
Just running through to say a quick hello.. I sure do miss everyone. Hopefully I can stop for a few minutes real soon a catch up!!!!
We went this evening and got paperwork to purchase a new Triumph Bike. So will be dealing with that in the am. I may be calling my DIL after all to help. I do have a lot done though. Took some Excedrin and had a 15 min power nap which helped quite a bit. Not altogether but felt much better. I am hoping to get in a good cardio bright and early tomorrow before we have to take off out the door. DH said he would take care of the outside clean up and patio tomorrow.

Linda, so glad to hear from you. I have been concerned about how you are doing.

Lori, I hate ttom. I thought after my hysterectomy when I had cancer that I would not deal with that but I did have the mood swings anyway. My doctor asked me about it. I though it was just me. I still do that once in awhile but really not sure about it being on a regular basis. I think it has been a very long time since I have been as irritable and nasty feeling as I was today so I doubt that is what it is. The workouts usually always help. Just today's was really messed up to add to the mood. Hopefully tomorrow I am right back on track:)
Hermia - Dillards (the company I work for) started only hiring peeps who are employed about a year ago. I think it is very discriminatory! Lately, they have only been hiring women in cosmetics that come from a large dept store like (our competition) Macy's so that they can bring their clientile to the store. I guess it is smart on their part, but it makes it very hard for unemployed peeps to get work. that is wrong!

Lori - yes, I work 9:15-6 tomorrow & Monday and Sunday, I work 11:30 to 6:15....so it will be hard getting out of bed at 4:30 tomorrow morning after working late!! Thanks for caring! You're always so thoughtful!
HI LINDA :D - I was just wondering about you. Was/am really glad to see your post. You've been missed :)

Diane Sue - When those days hit, they hit hard. I think I know what you mean - workouts almost always help me roll with the punches - once in a great while though, its like the workout itself is one of the punches - then I just feel ... foul :confused: Glad that doesn't happen very often. You are due for a great day and workout tomorrow then (yes, because I say so ;) ). Sending extra mojo your way.

Lora - I'm just not even going to say what I think about whoever makes up your schedule (If I WERE going to though, the word sadistic would be in there somewhere). Btw, I was talking to my DS about some of the things you brought up involving scents and memory. We were driving home from soccer practice at the time. When we got home and went inside he said, "Hang on. I want to show you something." He had me close my eyes and when he came back he put something in my face and told me to smell it. I knew immediately what it was. Turns out, he's saved his "blankie (which he used to call 'gucky' :confused: )" for all this time. I can't put its smell into words, but he says, even now, on bad days - he doesn't sleep with it - but will lay it out over his pillow so it's by his face. The scent is "comforting." There's just the tiniest bit of the fragrance I used to wear and a "little boy" smell I could never explain and even maybe ... apple juice or something - some other unnameables blended in there. He's kept it from me because he didn't want me to wash it and "ruin" it (I promissed him that I won't). He NEVER would have told me this (being cool and grown up is WAY too important to him right now), but he really identified with what you'd said about the power of fragrances and scents and ... just felt like sharing, I guess. It meant an awful lot to me. That smell made me teary. All kinds of memories of him when he was just a lil' toot (that's what I use to call him ) came back. Just like you'd said. Really wanted to share this with you because it was just so touching and might not have happened if you hadn't been willing to share about yourself the way you did. It was way cool. Thanks :)

As for my day, I am feeling better now, but was leveled for awhile this afternoon. Cramps went from bad to way worse :confused: I was a little scared actually. I usually get them to some extent - they hurt, but are bearable. This was ... quite something :eek: They FINALLY let up this evening. I felt ok enough that I decided to try 30/30. Made it through that ok and took Skyler for a walk. I owed her an enormous thank you. She layed right by my side against my stomach (a little heating pad) the whole time I was down. It helped. I've done a little house work but am still feeling kinda puny. MUCH better than before though. Amazing how great it can feel just to be "ok" after an afternoon like that. So, like Diane Sue, I am hoping to get in an extra good workout tomorrow.

Good night -


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