Hardcore CHeck in April 23 Friday


Since I am up, I thought I would get this started. Very little sleep last night. Got to bed close to eleven, slept 2 hours then dozed and clock watched till 4:30 when the alarm went off. It started thundering and pouring rain somewhere in there.
I tried to put my ipod shuffle on my head and listen to a self hypnosis download to help me sleep(this sometimes helps) but the battery ran down:(
I am doing Tracey's High Intensity Step Mix 2 then headed to take the grandchildren to school and then the airport to pick up dh. I will check back later.
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Morning Maniacs -

Had to get up at 4:30 am. Working the early shift after many nights....ugh. I did Powerfit Plus - Total Body & Powerfit Harmony Push & Pull. I added my own stretch. Workout was 65" with stretch and I burned 430 calories. I used the heaviest band that came with these, however, I could have used mo...re resistance on a couple of exercises. Will double the bands up next time or look into a harder resistance.See More

Diane Sue - sorry about the sleep thing. If I didn't take Ambien, I'd never sleep!
Diane Sue-sorry about the sleep :( What self hypnosis tapes do you use?

Lora-Hope your day goes fast :) (With LOTS of sales)

Yesterday I did MMA Fusion. I was pleasantly suprised by this workout. I did the whole thing. 48 min/32 of that was cardio/the rest was abs and stretch. No HR monitor, but I am sore between my shoulder blades today. I must have REALLY gotten into the punches :p
I just read yesterday's post.

Diane Sue - the intensity of Cardio Max is so/so. You can put more into it and get more out of it. The Jillian segment is the toughest. Lots of jumping. I haven't done Bob's for a while. The kickbox segment is intermediate/advanced at best. I like it for a change though.

Deb - The DH used to work out with me long ago when we first got together. He just recently started working out with me now and then since we've been back together.

Cheryl - so the DH works out with you too? I also kick my DH's butt!! LOL

Theresa - thanks for the good luck with work...sadly it's been really dead. I only had 1 sale and 1 return yesterday ....so it was like a zero day! sucks.
I was suppose to do a kickboxing workout this morning but my neck is finally feeling better and I didn't want to chance it with punches. So I just got on my treadmill and did some HIIT intervals. The treadmill is definitely what is causing me hip flexor pain because a half hour into my sprints my hip flexor was burning. So I did the last 15 minutes with just a fast walk up a 3% incline. This bums me out because I really miss my treadmill and the Cardio Coach workouts. I'm going to foam roll it out this evening.

48 minutes total
5 minutes below zone
15 minutes in zone
27 minutes above zone
365 calories burned
2.6 miles travelled

Taking my mom to the doctors to start getting her right hip replacement procedure scheduled. Hope you all have a great day!
Debbie - Here's a crazy thought regarding your hip flexor. Couple of years ago when you introduced me to Cardio Coach and I was doing them all the time on the treadmill (if you remember) I developed serious pain in my knee. I could barely walk, couldn't step or squat for weeks, then it finally healed and I stayed away from my Cardio Coachs. Then last summer in an effort to lose weight I started doing two works a day and used my Cardio Coarches outside as I didn't want to be stuck inside twice. No problem. Then one day because it was hot or raining I jumped on the treadmill with CC and guess what ...instant knee pain. Apparently there is something weird about my gait on the treadmill that makes me knee hurt that does not happen when I run outside. Don't know if the treadmill itself has something to do with it and it would be different with a different treadmill. Once again the novel! Sorry! :p:p HTH!

I continued testing my shoulder today and did GS Chest & Triceps. The pushups I did on an incline and only did the top half of the move and only did the first 4 sets. I matched Cathe for weight or even went lighter.:eek::eek: I went lighter to make sure I could always maintain complete control of the move. I was surprised how toasted I got. I did all flat bench moves on the floor to limit range of motion and full support. I did do the incline moves n the bench but really made sure that my arms did not break parallel. So now we shall see what happens.
Good Morning ~

I did Cathe's Slow and Heavy Legs yesterday. Added on two exercises from Amy's Slo Mo (Jefferson Squats and Wobble Squats). I like the leg work from Slo Mo, but the moves are very "demanding" on the back (lower in particular). So much so that it can be tough to find/use a weight heavy enough to get into the legs without pooping out your lumbar area. That can be an issue with just regular squats, I think. But these moves especially - some contra-lateral stuff and shifting weight by moving your toes in and out or swinging the weights themselves while in a "static" hold. So, they can be really good exercises - unique - but you really have to be extra aware and careful. I've had some luck adding in weighted vest(s), but I have some neck issues. They don't bother me very often. But, "wearing" extra pounds really makes my neck start to ache and cramp before very long. It was a good leg workout, though. Going into the Amy moves after S & H ... I really felt them, and my back did alright. Ran out of time (and energy too, really) after that. Cramps are being extra "persistent" this month (bless their heart :confused: )

More Slow and Heavy today. Maybe some cardio, too.

Diane Sue - Sorry about your night. Sounds a little too familiar to me (including the rain part). Hope you enjoyed your workout all the same and have a good day with your DH.

Lora - Sorry to hear work's been slow. An early morning after a string of later nights? That's a tough schedule and seems to happen to you pretty often. What's up with the person who makes out the schedule :mad: ? Hope your day goes much better today. Way to kick it with the workout so early.

Debbie - I guess it's good you pinpointed what bothers your hip flexor. Sucks that it's something you enjoy, though. My pop went through hip replacement years ago. He's doing well now with it. I'll keep you and your mom in my prayers.

Theresa - Fusion is my favorite MMA -- especially the second and third combos. Cool that you're sore :D !

Hi to everyone else. Have a good morning!

This morning I did Tracey's High Intensity Step Mix 2. 92 minu, 604 calories Max HR 160. Intensity level 1 22:52 min, level 2 24:27 min, level 3 46:37 min. I read some cool things that my Polar FT 60 HR monitor does. Finally had an hour to sit and read through the manual while waiting at the airport. I can set a workout program as to goal for weight loss, improve fitness, maximize fitness. I do the fitness test it will give me a workout time target and calorie target. It will track my progress and giveme feed back. Also has you take a recovery weekand if you don't it will tell you recovery week needed LOL

Theresa, I order from www.hypnoshop.com . They have all types of selfhypnosis downloads or you can buy the cd's.

Linda, I have had my knees bother me when doing hills during cardio coach workouts on the treadmill. Funny how one area can affect others too.

Lori, I wear a 20# vest sometimes and have not noticed it bothering my neck. You do have to be careful when using heavy weight on some of those moves. I like your choice of exercises.

Lora, thanks for the info on the Biggest Loser Workouts. So, I guess they alternate instructors on the workouts?

Debbie, that is good that you are taking care of your neck. As stated to Linda above, I have had problems doing hills on the treadmill.
Linda - How's your shoulder feeling after your Gym Style "test?" At this point, I'd really just want to know if it was ok too and would prbably be doing the same thing. Fingers crossed - hope it "passes." :D

Diane Sue - Thank you :) . That workout felt pretty good. I considered also including the Hammie Rockers, but was short on time yesterday. I wonder if your 20 lb. vest is like mine? It reminds me of a bullet-proof vest and is very big. Something rather SWAT Team about it :confused: I actually have two of them. They are so bulky you can wear one on top of the other. They are adjustable to some extent. I did this in Meso 3 Squat Rack Legs (+ a backpack with a dumbell in it on some weeks). I think my neck is an issue because I have a herniated disk. I had one doctor recommend surgery, but a couple members in my family are in medicine and advised me not to unless it became unbearable. It's nowhere NEAR unbearable. In fact, it doesn't cause me too many problems but the vest really seems to agitate it. Doing Squat Rack Legs, I actually took one of the vests (and backpack) off during every break to let my neck "rest." It bordered on ridiculous. Those vests aren't easy to put on or remove. Mine scratches me sometimes. Still, they're a helpful tool. Your heart rate monitor sounds amazing. Kinda 'bossy' though ;) . Funny about the rest week. Does it refuse to tell you anything until your week is up :p ??!!! Anyway, very cool.

Linda - How's your shoulder feeling after your Gym Style "test?" At this point, I'd really just want to know if it was ok too and would prbably be doing the same thing. Fingers crossed - hope it "passes." :D

Yeah, when I go back to the doctor and he asks how it feels I want to be able to give a real life answer. Does that make sense? Anyway, the shoulder is not so good. Not so sure if it was the workout or the fact that afterwards I went out and emptied my dumping probably at least 25 5 gallon bucks of water or the side, took down and rolled up the fencing, raked the leaves in the area, dried the pool, dismantled the pool, bagged and hauled all the metal posts to the shed, then drug the pool to another area and flipped it over so the bottom could dry.:p:p:p:p
Thinking I might wait and ask DH to help me fold the pool.:confused:
Lori, your vest sounds like mine. It is a Golds Gym. I saw one like Cathe wears that was 20lb and would like to get it. That sounds terriblly uncomfortable using two vests and a back pack:eek: I have had a stress fracture in my back for awhile now. The doctor said it would take awhile to heal. I think this year I am due for another dexascan. I have never used more than the one vest. I like those hammy rckers:D

Linda, you did an awfully lot. I think you should have let your dh do that. Although I am sure you are like me and when I want to get something done I do it now because I hate waiting for someone else to have the motivation to do it:)
Linda, you did an awfully lot. I think you should have let your dh do that. Although I am sure you are like me and when I want to get something done I do it now because I hate waiting for someone else to have the motivation to do it:)

We are moving the pool to a new location and if I waited for DH to do it, it would be July and I would have a couple of miserable kids looking at me asking when we were gonna open the pool. It is not on his list of things to do at all (probably because he's not home with the kids all day). A matter a fact when I asked him about digging out the new area to level it he kindly volunteered to mark it out for me.:confused:
Linda - Yes ... wanting to give a real life answer does make sense. After reading your last post, I'd say you've officially got that covered :eek: ! Holy cow! A perfectly healthy shoulder might feel something after THAT. Good idea waiting to ask for help ... folding the pool??!!! After reading everything else you did, that made me chuckle.

Diane Sue - I like Cathe's vest, too. She mentions wearing it for added intensity during cardio, which would be nice. The bullet proof vest is too big. It bounces around. I'll bet you pretty much swim in yours. I only used 2 vests (etc.,) because I don't have a squat rack and wanted to test the weight the 1 RM program projected for me. I used dumbbells (45's). I'm thinking though that "wearing" the weight probably made it easier somewhat (closer to my center of gravity) than if I'd had a loaded bar, but I just wanted to TRY, you know? So I did the best I could. It WAS uncomfortable. Daunting to have a sense of what 40+ extra pounds feels like on one's frame. Glad I could take it all off when I was done ;) ! I had no idea you were working out and doing all that you do with a stress fracture in your back. Good grief (- and this, right after reading Linda's post). I'm just shaking my head in awe. Is it painful for you at all? And yes, the Hammie Rockers are great. Really like the way they get in there.
Lori - I have the same problem with those Wobble Squats of Amy's. I have a lot of lower back issues. It's a weakness of mine. My shoulders always hurt when I have a heavy barbell on them also. I have a weighted vest also, but I'm a bit of a LEG WIMP, so I rarely use it. Still not sure if my 'larger' lower half likes heavy weight or lighter weight....but I think I tend to build too much muscle under my layer of fat with heavier work.

Diane Sue - yes, they alternate instructors on this one. Can't remember how the other ones are. I like the latest weight/cardio circuit one with Jillian. Can't remember the name of it, but it's the last one. It's very good.
Hi Lora - Glad I'm not alone. I "like" them (really feel them) and all, but they seem potentially hard on the two areas you mentioned (back and shoulders). Do the Jefferson Squats bug your lower back too? That angling down and to the side but still keeping your back and shoulders in safe alignment isn't easy (for me). I wouldn't associate the word WIMP with you though, in any case. Ever. I'd guess your back problems limit the amount of weight you can use safely. My lower back is fine but it still poops out before my legs. And if it says, "We're done," I try not to argue. In my twenties, I had some problems with my low back and sciatic nerve. That was bad. I (hope) I learned my lesson there. Also hope you had a good (decent at least) day at work.
Linda, we finally shopped around when we had an above ground pool and had someone else do the work leveling. We had the sand etc hauled in. Was not that much. Maybe a thought if you can do it. I do know how you feel though. Sometimes they just don't understand how important something is to you.

Lori, I agree that I do not think the weighted vest feels as hard. But maybe that is because we are not picking up all of that weight. That takes something out of you. I see it was for the 1RM?? I never did all of that. Just figured out my weights the first week.

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