Today I worked legs and then did Supreme 90 Cardio Challenge

Eats today
M1-protein pancakes
M2-protein shake
M3-Peanut Butter sandwich, apple
M5-roasted chicken and vegetables
Today was total body and I had an excellent workout. My legs are sore from that kickboxing workout from yesterday which surprises me. Same workout as last Wednesday only in superset fasion.

3 sets/8 reps with 1 minute 30 second rest between each superset.

SS #1
Dumbbell Military Press - 25's (up 3#)
ss w/
Leg Press Station - 220# (up 10#)

SS #2
Incline Dumbbell Press - 37's (up 2#)
ss w/
T-Bar Row - 85# (up 5#)

SS #3
Dumbbell Preacher Curl - 25# (no increase)
ss w/
Lying Barbell Tricep Extensions - 52# (up 2#)

Then I did the Oxygen Ab Work I love so much:

Hanging Knee Raise
Bench V-Ups
Reverse Bench Hip Lifts

***Did 15 reps each exercise, 1 minute rest; 12 reps each exercise, 1 minute rest; 10 reps each exercise. Got a great burn!

I burned my hand yesterday. I'll be back to tell you all about that little adventure.
Today was Supreme 90 Day Cardio Challenge which seemed odd in the rotation since I did it Mon.. 283 cal,35 min no str. I followed with Jari's Extremely Ripped Bootcamp segments 5&6 22 min 163 cal. I finished with budokon strength and balance 34 min, 193 cal. Total time 91 min, 639 cal.. I have to get out and run some errands this morning, I will check back later with eats etc..
Here's my burn story:

So I've decided I am just not a fish person. I've tried. And I've tried. And I've tried again.

I made up this recipe yesterday from Oxygen that looked really good. It's Talapia with corn, argula, onion, garlic and lemon juice. Instructions said to put a heat safe skillet (yea right - heat safe) in an oven set at 425 for 10 minutes. So I did. Took the skillet out, followed the directions and baked the fish.

Got the rest of the stuff prepared and then took the fish out. Stupid me, forgetting that the damn skillet was in the oven, grabbed the handle to get the fish out of the pan. HOLY SMOKES! :eek: That hurt like hell. My entire hand was on fire. I quickly went to the sink and got my hand in cold cold water. Pain went away but I'm sure you all know that with burns, its not that easy. As soon as my hand hit air the fire was back. :(

Got through making dinner by trying not to think about my hand and then I sat down to eat this meal.

Ummmm, yuck comes to mind. I just cannot get past the fish taste (even though talapia is so mild) and the looks of fish. I ate the whole plate full but just did not enjoy it. I think it's safe to say that I'm just not a fish person.

I do like the Parmesan Talapia that WM has, but only because it doesn't taste or look like fish. Go figure....

My hand was on fire all night. I put it on an ice pack while watching TV and that helped alot. Took my shower and my hand was on fire again. Iced it before bed and by the time I went to bed the fire sensation was gone.

This moring I am ok, no blisters to speak of. But when I went to wash my face with hot water, I sure did feel it in my hand again, but it didn't last so thats good. It's still tender right now. It didn't bother me while lifting, which was a good thing.

A few months back my cousin was making three roasts all together in her oven. When she went to take it out of the oven, the sheet that the pans were on gave and the roasts and the juices landed on my cousins arms, stomache and legs. She had 1st degree burns everywhere. Everytime I burn myself I think of her and I just don't understand how she got through that. She was in agony for months. Here I have a small burn on my hand that hurt me all night and she had 1st degree burns all over her body. Good Lord, I bet she didn't sleep for weeks.

Anyways, no more fish for me! :)
Debbie, I am sorry about the burn. Ouch!! I have had several mishaps like that. The worst was when I was a teenager and working in a donut shop. I was using these wooden sticks they had to flip donuts in the fryer. Someone came to the window and I accidentally dropped a stick. Unthinking I reached in and grabbed. I am lucky it wasn't worse than it ended up. I have done things like that to myself so many times, my dil says I need to get AFLAC. I think that tilapia is mild but sometimes it has a sort of earthy taste. Schwans has tortilla encrusted tilapia that I actually look forward to eating. They also carry a very mild fish called Blue Hake that is a favorite of mine. I eat quite a lot of fish but have become picky about it. A lot of those frozen bags of fish that Walmart carries taste fishy and I just have a hard time eating. I sort of remember doing a recipe like that from Oxygen but when I read to put it in the oven I changed it up and put it in my steamer and then made the sauce.
My legs have been sore from Saturday's treadmill hills. But today even after raising weights on my leg workout they aren't sore at all. Nice workout. I keep wondering where everyone is too??

Meals today:
1-( while out) Coconut cashews
2- Cedar Lane green chili, cheese, & ranchero sauce Egg White Omelet I purchased while at Akins Market getting more ezekial tortillas and brown rice tortillas
3-Clean Eating Magazine Chicken Cheese Steak Wrap Panini using ezekial tortilla and salad

Roselyn, it looks like we did the same Supreme 90 workout. I like that one but think by the end of 90 days it will get tiresome. The rotation has had me doing it often over the last week and a half.
Diane Sue - OMG! That must have been terrible! I can only imagine how that felt reaching into hot oil! :eek: I bet that was aweful to go through. Did you get blisters? OMG!!! I think I've tried that encrusted Tilapia before but I stopped buying it because it got so expensive. I still like the parmesan one from WM, I may have that tonight. I can't even stomach the stuff I ate last night.

This is what I ate today and I've been doing well with my eating, just keep forgetting to post here.

M1: Cinnamon Raison Ezekiel & 1 Tbsp PB
M2: Protein shake w/Kiwi and pineapple
M3: 1/2 c. oats w/BSN Whipped Vanilla, 1 tbsp PB and 1 banana
M4: Turkey sandwich w/cranberries; 12 almonds; grapefruit
M5: Greek yogurt, 1 tbsp. sliced almonds
M6: Parmesan Talapia; salad w/light raspberry dressing

Didn't do calories or nutritional values. I need to start that again. I hate when I don't have time to figure this stuff out.
Debbie, I did get quite a few blisters. But scarring was not too bad. The bad thing was I did not head for the cold water. I pretended like I didn't just do it and waited on the customer. Schwan's stuff is pretty expensive. But when it comes to fish, I prefer to buy it there.
Diane Sue - I learned from my cousin that the first thing you do is put your hand or whatever it is you burned under cold water because if you don't, the skin keeps burning, just like it's baking in an oven. I never knew that before. In fact, I had heard that cold water is bad for burns. But now I know better. I'm glad you didn't get too much scarring. How scary!
Ouch, Debbie, take care of your hand and yes where is everyone? I think it has been just us 3 for a couple of days. Cardio tomorrow and I don't know what I am going to do any suggestions? What are some of your reviews on Cathes step moves and athletic step? I am trying to do dvds I have not done in awhile, I have so many, maybe I will weed through them this way.
Roselyn, not Debbie but I really like both Step Moves and Athletic Step. Funny though I burn only a little less calories doing Step Moves and I never feel like I am working as hard as I am when doing Athletic Step. Maybe around 50 difference. Lots more things like straddle jumps on Athletic Step. The times on them are nice too:D
Hi Ladies =)

Debbie, sorry about that burn, and the story about your cousin, that absolutely made me cringe! I cannot imagine experiencing something like that, or seeing it happen to someone else.
I am not a big fan of fish either, but I do make salmon every now and then because DH likes it and it's so good for you. I suppose I am acclimated to its taste, although it kinda makes me feel like I'm eating my kitty's food. Now shrimp, that I definitely cannot do. Major texture issues. yuck. I make it for Mark, though.

Today was a yoga class, 55 min, level 2. Yesterday was Circuit Blast. I think that's such a fun little workout. Tomorrow I might try a power yoga class, but I'll have to be really good and get all my work done before hand as the class is late evening and once I get home I'll have to shower, eat, and go to bed right away.

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