Here's my burn story:
So I've decided I am just not a fish person. I've tried. And I've tried. And I've tried again.
I made up this recipe yesterday from Oxygen that looked really good. It's Talapia with corn, argula, onion, garlic and lemon juice. Instructions said to put a heat safe skillet (yea right - heat safe) in an oven set at 425 for 10 minutes. So I did. Took the skillet out, followed the directions and baked the fish.
Got the rest of the stuff prepared and then took the fish out. Stupid me, forgetting that the damn skillet was in the oven, grabbed the handle to get the fish out of the pan. HOLY SMOKES!
That hurt like hell. My entire hand was on fire. I quickly went to the sink and got my hand in cold cold water. Pain went away but I'm sure you all know that with burns, its not that easy. As soon as my hand hit air the fire was back.
Got through making dinner by trying not to think about my hand and then I sat down to eat this meal.
Ummmm, yuck comes to mind. I just cannot get past the fish taste (even though talapia is so mild) and the looks of fish. I ate the whole plate full but just did not enjoy it. I think it's safe to say that I'm just not a fish person.
I do like the Parmesan Talapia that WM has, but only because it doesn't taste or look like fish. Go figure....
My hand was on fire all night. I put it on an ice pack while watching TV and that helped alot. Took my shower and my hand was on fire again. Iced it before bed and by the time I went to bed the fire sensation was gone.
This moring I am ok, no blisters to speak of. But when I went to wash my face with hot water, I sure did feel it in my hand again, but it didn't last so thats good. It's still tender right now. It didn't bother me while lifting, which was a good thing.
A few months back my cousin was making three roasts all together in her oven. When she went to take it out of the oven, the sheet that the pans were on gave and the roasts and the juices landed on my cousins arms, stomache and legs. She had 1st degree burns everywhere. Everytime I burn myself I think of her and I just don't understand how she got through that. She was in agony for months. Here I have a small burn on my hand that hurt me all night and she had 1st degree burns all over her body. Good Lord, I bet she didn't sleep for weeks.
Anyways, no more fish for me!