Eats yesterday:
1-blueberries, cinnamon, 1/4 cup oats microwaved together, 1 scoop myofusion whey stirred in and topped with plain kefir
2-salad with soy crumbles, chipotle ranch dressing and salsa
3-Planters Southbeach nut packet
4-Tony Horton's Bring it gingery vegetable stir fry. I added some shrimp to this
1- nuts and some grapes post workout
2-Clean Eating Magazine Quiche (I have to figure the macros as they say eggs or substitute which would make a huge difference IMO on fat and calories. I used 2 whole eggs and 5 whites.
3-salmon and veggies
4-protein shake
Shoulders and arms
w/up, abs, arm circles
3 sets each circuit
1-1 arm clean and press 15lb 12 reps
dumbbell curls 15lb 12 reps
oh tricep extensions 30lb 10 reps
2-overhead press 15lb 12 reps
hammer curl 20lb 12 reps
tricep kickback 12lb 30 reps
3-lateral raise hammer out down-12lb 10 reps
incline ball bicep curls 20lb 10 reps
triceps extensions lying on ball 15lb 10 reps
4- rear delt fly 15lb 10 reps
biceps 21's 15lb 21 reps
push ups hands in diamond position 10 reps
chest and back
w/up, abs, shoulder circles
repeat each circuit 3 times
1-push ups BW 12 reps
bentover row 30lb 12 reps
2-chest press 20lb 12 reps
1 arm pull over alternating 15lb 12 reps
3-decline ball push up BW 12 reps
ball prone press alternating 10 reps 8lb
4- dumbbell uppercut alternating 12lb 10 reps
bent knee deadlift 30lb dumbbells 10 reps
5-dumbbell flys 17.5 lb 12 reps
prone extensions on ball 12 reps BW
6 - 2 sets
push up and row- 20lb 8 reps
1 arm clean and press