Hard Core Fitness Maniacs for Tues May 3

Today was cardio and I chose Cardio Kickbox Challenge by Tracey Staehle. Had a fun workout. I ran out of time so I didn't do that last combo.

57 minutes total
7 minutes below zone
17 minutes in zone
34 minutes above zone
449 calories burned

I am SO SICK of this rain. It is unbelievable. We are all under water here, all our creeks and ponds are overflowing, our front and back yard is a lake. Will this ever stop?
I felt pretty energetic this morning. Probably because I was so fatigued yesterday and had a couple of short naps and got 7 hrs of sleep last night:) This morning I did Supreme 90 Day Shoulders and arms day 71 stopping at the stretch then chest and back day 68 no w/up, 69 min 428 calories. I then did Urban Rebounding Extreme-MT JB Berns Extremely Metabolic Cardio Blast 51 min 404 calories avg hr 130- max hr 165. I loved this workout. He stayed on the rebounder the whole time other than some dips at the end before the core work. I finished with Tracey Staehle's Yoga Solutions post cardio segment 11 min 32 cal. Total workout time was 2 hr 11 min and calories burned 864.
I am making the quiche from Clean Eating Magazine. I was hungry post workout so had some nuts and grapes. I will come back and post my weights in a bit. I am trying to get Supreme 90 in early this week so I can do a total body workout Fri or Sat with Kelly Coffey's Split sessions. We will see how that goes.

Debbie, I kind of miss that workout:) But I have been really enjoying my Urban Rebounding workouts. Nice work.

Roselyn, good job.
Eats yesterday:
1-blueberries, cinnamon, 1/4 cup oats microwaved together, 1 scoop myofusion whey stirred in and topped with plain kefir
2-salad with soy crumbles, chipotle ranch dressing and salsa
3-Planters Southbeach nut packet
4-Tony Horton's Bring it gingery vegetable stir fry. I added some shrimp to this

1- nuts and some grapes post workout
2-Clean Eating Magazine Quiche (I have to figure the macros as they say eggs or substitute which would make a huge difference IMO on fat and calories. I used 2 whole eggs and 5 whites.
3-salmon and veggies
4-protein shake
Shoulders and arms
w/up, abs, arm circles
3 sets each circuit
1-1 arm clean and press 15lb 12 reps
dumbbell curls 15lb 12 reps
oh tricep extensions 30lb 10 reps
2-overhead press 15lb 12 reps
hammer curl 20lb 12 reps
tricep kickback 12lb 30 reps
3-lateral raise hammer out down-12lb 10 reps
incline ball bicep curls 20lb 10 reps
triceps extensions lying on ball 15lb 10 reps
4- rear delt fly 15lb 10 reps
biceps 21's 15lb 21 reps
push ups hands in diamond position 10 reps

chest and back
w/up, abs, shoulder circles
repeat each circuit 3 times
1-push ups BW 12 reps
bentover row 30lb 12 reps
2-chest press 20lb 12 reps
1 arm pull over alternating 15lb 12 reps
3-decline ball push up BW 12 reps
ball prone press alternating 10 reps 8lb
4- dumbbell uppercut alternating 12lb 10 reps
bent knee deadlift 30lb dumbbells 10 reps
5-dumbbell flys 17.5 lb 12 reps
prone extensions on ball 12 reps BW
6 - 2 sets
push up and row- 20lb 8 reps

1 arm clean and press
lol...is 7 hours of sleep a lot for you, Diane Sue? Personally, I was extra sleep-deprived today as I had to be at work half an hour early, but I took a nap after getting back from yoga...which happened between work and nap. Now that my schedule is changing, I'll be able to take this teacher's classes twice a week, which is great, because his classes are challenging and awesome. Realllly makes you sweat, and I've just been to his 55 minute class. I'm not sure if I'm up to his 85 minute power yoga class!

Yesterday was combo 1-4 of Tracey's High Intensity Step Mix 2 and then a couple abs sections from her Core workout, so appx 10 min of ab work and 30 of cardio.
Hermia, I do best with 7 to 8 hrs of sleep but it does not happen often. Too much going on all of the time. I work my sleep around picking up and taking to school, grandchildren arriving and dh calling. It is 9 1/2 hrs later where he is. So I sleep when I get a chance. Then sometimes I am up late just trying to catch up on finances and household stuff that I have not had time for. I really do try to make time work for me but I could use a few extra hours. Really!!
I like intense sweaty yoga:) I bet that was a great class. Tracey's HISM2 really gets a good calorie burn. I love that one. I really do like her Core Blast too.

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