Hard Core Fitness Maniacs for Mon July 11

Worked bis, tris and shoulders and then did bar workout for legs

eats today:
M1-Kashi blueberry waffle
M2-protein shake
M3-peanut butter muscle bomb
M4-chicken, roasted veggies, salad
Today starts week 3 of Couch to 5K. Had a really good workout. It consisted of two times doing the following:

90 seconds jog, 90 second rest, 3 minute jog, 3 minute rest.

I did it all 4 times. 2 times only took me to 20 minutes.

45 minutes total
8 minutes below zone
21 minutes in zone
19 minutes above zone
2.5 miles travelled
360 calories burned

HR maxed at 155 bpm. I felt really good with all the jogs, but dropped down to 4.2 mph.
Today I did URX-MT Greg Cook High Intensity Metabolic Circuits with Resistance Bands 50 min, 462 calories, avg hr 141-max hr 169. I used 3# sand weights. I then did Lauren Brooks Ultimate Body Sculpt and condiotioning with Kettlebells 3 Lower emphasis 13 min, 120 calories Hr 137 avg-162 max. I followed with Kelly Coffey Split Sessions lower body using 15# dumbbells the first time and 20's the second time through the moves, 25 min 208 calories. I finished off with Shiva Rea's Power Yoga Flow forward bends and hip openers segment 18 min 69 calories. Total time was 1 hr 46 min and calories burned 859.
Lauren Brooks lower emphasis:
1 double windmill 15# kettlebells
2 single dead lift 20# kettlebells
3 double clean, double squat, double back lunge 20# kettlebells
4 double sumo squat/squa thrust 20# kettlebells
5 double windmill 15# kettlebells
6 double alternating back lunge, double alternating forward lunge, double snatch 20# kettlebells(was wishing I had used 15 for the snatches:eek:
7 double clean, double swing, double waiters walk both overhead20lb kettlebells
8 sumo deadlif and renegade row combo 20# kettlebells
Debbie, nice job with the couch. 2.5 miles is good.

Roselyn, I need to be posting my eats. I keep forgetting to log them or get to busy. Most of the time they are decent. I love those peanut butter muscle bombs:D
Today's workout was the timesaver premix from GS back, shoulders, bis, then stability ball abs from Butts and Guts, and then 20 min of yoga on my own.
Today's Eats
Meal 1- fresh pineapple
Meal 2- salad with lowfat chipotle dressing
Meal 3- low sodium deli ham with swiss chees rolls
Meal 4- celery and cucumbers with low fat dip
Meal 5 Muscle and Fitness Hers Creamy Taco Soup(this is the 3rd time I made this and I did a couple of seasoning adjustments) DD and grandson loved it when they stayed for dinner.

Hermia, nice workout. I could not really imagine doing yoga on my own. I bet you could because you have been to so many classes.

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