Today I did chest and back work, and then a 30 HiiT TF

4 sets, 8 reps

warm up chest press 30#
warm up chest press 32#

Flat bench Chest Press 45#
Barbell rows 45#

chest fly flat bench 20#
one arm row 25#

chest flys flat bench 20#
Deadlifts 75#

chest fly incline 20#
one arm horizontal row 25#

one minute rests between reps

Everyone have a safe New Year's Eve and here's to a Happy, Healthy 2011!!
Today was Shoulders and Traps and I had a really good workout. Wanted to work my abs but didn't. No excuse, just didn't do it. :confused:

1 minute rest between each set.

Dumbbell Military Press - 15's/12 reps - 2 sets (warmup)

Barbell Overhead Press - 57#/8 reps - 3 sets (up 2#)

Upright Rows - 52#/10 reps - 3 sets (up 2 #)

Hammer Hold Front Raises - 13's/12 reps - 3 sets (up 1#)
***Not a big increase here, but 1# for shoulders for me is a lot.

Lateral Raise - 13's/15 reps - 3 sets (up 1#)

Bent Over Lateral Raise - 17's/12 reps - 3 sets (up 2#)

Dumbbell Shrugs - 45's/20 reps - 3 sets

Hey Guys:D

Good news and bad:confused: First good, my son is having my basement painted today, YES! I brought this house a little over a year ago. I couldn't afford to have it done, with all the new home syndrome :rolleyes: Anywho, I just hopped off my treadmill he called and said he will be here in an hour, lots to do and things to put away. Bad news, :confused: As hard as it is for me to say, but starting STS over, I know...I know... I figure this will be a 2 day job, who knows, will fine out once he get here. So I got to run and shower and tty soon.

Happy New Year
We've been hit by a blizzard and COLD (below zero). DS and I have been digging out and trying to stay warm. I barely got my workout in last night. It was late enough (and I was tired); it was very tempting just to wait until today -- but I did Insanity Max Interval Circuit. Developed a horrible stitch in my side about a third of the way through, but I kept going. Felt pretty heroic about that :p and ended up having a very good workout. DS will probably spend New Year's Eve at his dad's, so I'll do shoulders, bi's and tri's (at least). No big plans for me and may even get in some ss cardio or yoga, depending on how late I get started. So, I'll likely be sweating in the New Year and that seems just fine to me.

I hope you all have a great (and safe) New Year's Eve.
Workout today was Jari Love's Lean Machine with the Body Rock weights added on. 90 minutes and 500 calories. I then did Intensity Low Hiit and stretch 17 min 107 calories. Total workout was 1 hr 47 min and 607 calories burned. My granddaughters will be here in awhile. I went out to the store to pick up things to m...ake snack items and to finish off stuff for Sunday's birthday party.
Great workouts, everyone!

Teddy, that's cool of your son to have your basement painted. =)

I probably won't workout today as we're about to go shopping and then this evening will be my sister's new year's party. Yesterday, though, I did through interval 4 of Tracey's Step Sweatfest II and then the abs from the same dvd.

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