HAPPY ENDING TO: 2 be or not 2 be sensitive


A very happy hello to all :),
After all the very kind support I got from so many of you, I couldn't wait to share the latest development.
It turns out I didn't have to SAY anything at all to my daughter, all it took was fitting into a pair of her leggings :)
I was simply folding Sara's laundry and thinking to myself, "wonder how many more pounds before I can wear pants like these?" So I tried them on just to see, and they fit!:) So I go running upstairs (actually squeeling) to show my husband and Sara, and Sara yells, "this is too much! I will not wear the same size pants my 38 year old mother wears~NO WAY!" She goes back in her room, slams the door (normally I would have confronted her for slamming her bedroom door in such a manner, but I was in my own world dancing around in those leggings!)
But about an hour later she comes to me and says," do you think you can help me develop a healthy eating plan? I think I'd like to lose a few pounds, just kinda shape up some?!"
I had to contain the urge to yell, "CAN I? HELL YEAH I CAN HELP YOU GIRLFRIEND!" So I, in a very Mommie way said, "of course sweetheart, we can do it together!"
Couldn't have worked out better if Danielle Steele had written the ending :)
So thank you all for the advice, and I am so glad I didn't nag or browbeat her, and who knew all it took was the visual of seeing your Mom wear your clothes?
Donna :)
Sometimes life is better than fiction. Wonderful news. And congrats on those leggings!

Amen Debra! Donna, tell Sara we'll be cheering for her too!!!

What a wonderful turn of events! Look what your role modeling did already, she knew exactly who to turn to for advice!!!

Happy for you! Katie
RE: WooHoo Donna!!!

Great story. I'm very happy for you, what a relief! And congratulations on the clothes. My daughter, who has less upper body muscles than I have and feels a bit bad about that, takes comfort in the fact that I will at least never be able to wear her pants. She wears a size 2, and I wear a 6. This is fine by me, we have a comfortable truce!
What a great story! Glad everything is working out so well and I'm so happy that your daughter was willing to come to you for help!
Yay Donna! I've never seen so many happy faces on a thread ;-) I'm happy that you could fit into those leggings and that your daughter came to you for help. You are both very lucky to have each other. I know that my mom would've done the same thing for me. It just goes to show the impact a healthy lifestyle has on people. Good luck with everything.
RE: That's wonderful news!

That really is great news. I think you were wise in not nagging her and just letting her make the first move. Watching you lose weight and get healthy has obviously made a big impression on her. Congratulations! Heather
RE: That's wonderful news!

Donna, reading your story was the best part of my day. Way to go, for both you and your daughter!
This is wonderful news. I wish you the best of luck. Remember, change comes slowly. The important thing is to work together toward the goal maintaining as positive a mother-daughter relationship as you can. However, YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy

Thank you all, and I am so looking forward to working out with my daughter and having someone else in the household "on the same page" with me. My husband is blessed with the fastest metabolism in the world, so he eats whatever and whenever, and remains 160lbs.! So I am really looking forward to the company and to finding something we can do together~they grow up so fast!
There's also a sadistic little demon in me that can't wait to introduce her to some of the Cathe cardios~they are SO smug at 17! She thinks it's going to be a piece of cake~Cardio Kicks, here we come!
Thanks again everyone, Donna

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