Handling Hunger and Losing Weight


I am hoping to get some feedback from ladies who have been successful at losing weight safely and slowly. Right now I'm aiming for 1600 calories per day (pretty clean), and working out at least 5 times a week (mostly Cathe's, so you know the intensity). I calculated 1600 to lose weight based on some formulas and my body composition.

So, say at the end of the day, once I've had my allotted calories, I'm still hungry. Should I eat a little something, or is there some hunger you just had to deal with without eating more? I'm not having that starving feeling, just maybe right below moderately hungry.

I am just wondering how hunger and weight loss has worked out for you.

Thanks for any help!
if its just a little hunger i say just stick it out. when dieting, hunger is a natural occurance. now if its starving hunger, belly rumbling, i say eat something and mabe you are not eating enough in the day. at night, if i get a little hungry i often make some decafinated green tea and that takes the edge off or i chew a piece of gum and keep my hands/mind busy so i don't constantly think about it.
I also find drinking a full glass of water and waiting 15 minutes helps. Also, brushing your teeth helps a lot if it isn't true hunger! :)
So, say at the end of the day, once I've had my allotted calories, I'm still hungry. Should I eat a little something, or is there some hunger you just had to deal with without eating more? I'm not having that starving feeling, just maybe right below moderately hungry.

I am just wondering how hunger and weight loss has worked out for you.

Thanks for any help!

By "end of day" do you mean after dinner? I found that my PM "hunger" was boredom...If I am sitting watching TV then I sip any herbal decaf tea... If its not a TV night I just go do something that requires my hands (usually computer!)....99% of time I know its not "real" hunger because it just goes out of my mind...When I'm REALLY hungry thats all I can think about. ... Having said that- a little (4-6 oz) LF/FF yogurt never "makes or breaks" a wt loss journey;)
Hi ladies, thanks for all the responses!

Yes, I mean the end of day hunger after dinner. I think mine is actually hunger, it stays even if I drink more water.
mabe your body is telling you it needs more cals? if thats not the case, is there a better way to divide your cals throughout the day so you can have a 200 cal snack/mini meal after dinner before bed?
Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and looking forward to getting to know you all. My best tip for making food more filling is to add soya bran - especially good with moist foods such as yogurt but also great for adding to recipies so long as you put in a little more liquid as it will soak up a certain amount. Filling and healthy too!
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I too always have a hungry feeling in the evening around 8 pm or so. I eat something like pretzels, low fat micro pop corn, apple slices, low fat chips w/ salsa, etc.

I leave room in my calories for this. If you're hungry you should eat, but just plan for it and make it part of your plan.
I also want to add that if you eat every 2.5 to 3 hours you keep yourself from getting overly hungry and making bad decisions. So eat a little something every few hours and this includes that evening snack. It has worked for me.

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