Dear Cathe,
Last fall I added your Maximum Intensity Strength lower body workout to my routine, twice a week. (I had already been doing the upper body for about a year). After about 2 months though, I started getting bad hamstring pain. I added more hamstring work since your routine seemed heavy on quads, but that did not relieve the pain. So I stopped doing the lower body work altogether, although I still get quite a bit by doing Interval Max and Body Max once a week each.
The pain feels almost like an electrical shock from the glutes to the knee, in both legs. It is most painful in the morning and after other stretches of inactivity. It feels best after doing cardio, but the pain can hit anytime in any standing position. What can I do to get rid of this and start doing lower body strength training again? Even stretching is very painful, although I force myself to do it.
Last fall I added your Maximum Intensity Strength lower body workout to my routine, twice a week. (I had already been doing the upper body for about a year). After about 2 months though, I started getting bad hamstring pain. I added more hamstring work since your routine seemed heavy on quads, but that did not relieve the pain. So I stopped doing the lower body work altogether, although I still get quite a bit by doing Interval Max and Body Max once a week each.
The pain feels almost like an electrical shock from the glutes to the knee, in both legs. It is most painful in the morning and after other stretches of inactivity. It feels best after doing cardio, but the pain can hit anytime in any standing position. What can I do to get rid of this and start doing lower body strength training again? Even stretching is very painful, although I force myself to do it.