Hamstring killer that I love!


I have never seen this in any workout DVD, but maybe Cathe does it and I just haven't seen it yet. Let me know if that is the case because I'm always exciting about discovering new workouts!

Here's the deal:

  • Place one heavy dumbbell on end at the end of a mat. Be careful to balance the weight carefully, and make sure that if it falls it won't land on anything, including you! Care is needed here, and if you have a spotter, even better! I use a 25-30lb weight.
  • Lie on your front with your feet at the same end as the dumbbell. Make sure to wear shoes.
  • Grab the middle of the dumbbell between your feet, holding tight.
  • Lift the dumbbell toward your bum, slowly, and then lower it back to the floor; Keep your foot flexed (toes are not pointed) to isolate the hamstrings and avoid cramping the calves
  • Do as many reps as you can, to fatigue. If you choose, you can lift heavier and take breaks, or lift lighter and change up your rep pattern to work on endurance. I generally do about 50 of the suckers.

Form pointers
  • Do not lift all the way to your bum or lower all the way to the floor. Keep to a limited range of motion and work the mid-range of the movement so you are not resting at any point. Go too high and too low and you are out of the working range.
  • You can change up the rep pattern, using any count you like, you can work the negative or the positive or both, you can use pulses and holds. Change it up each time you do it, and have fun with it.
  • Sometimes I do this exercise along to a DVD workout, changing the DVD exercise to the hamstring curl to utilize the DVD's rep pattern.
  • Remember to stretch, and only do it three times a week on non-consecutive days.

Let me know if you try it - I'd love to hear about your results.
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Thanks for the new exercise. I am going to try, but first with a light weight to make sure I don't hurt myself :D
You won't hurt yourself if you are careful, except for DOMS of course! Unless you drop the DB on your tootsies... Oh, and I recommend doing this BEFORE a Cathe calves workout - my calves tend to cramp up if I try to hamstring curls after her brutal calves workouts. It helps to keep the foot flexed to isolate the hamstrings more.
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I guess Cathe might not do this one because it would be hard to demonstrate and maybe not as easy to control as other exercises.
I used to do this one. I enjoyed it when I couldn't work my hamstrings otherwise, or just wanted something different. My guess is that you don't see it on DVDs b/c the chance for getting hurt is somewhat up there. It seems easy to me and I never worried about it, but there are plenty out there who could do some serious damage with this move.
That sounds tough. This is one my trainer has me do - you need a partner.

Get down on your knees on a mat, but stay upright. Tuck your toes into the floor behind you - so your toes are on the floor, not your shoelaces. Partner sits behind you with your feet between his/her knees and his hands on your ankles. Tell him not to let your feet come off the floor.

You fall forward to your hands, so now you look like you are ready to do a pushup from your knees. Push off slightly with those hands to start to propel yourself back up to upright. You gotta PULL with those hamstrings like you cannot imagine. Fall forward again and try to do 10-12. Keep those hammies and legs straight and don't let your butt collapse.

The first time I did it I discovered I did not have hamstrings -- just giant blobs of goo.
That sounds tough. This is one my trainer has me do - you need a partner.

Get down on your knees on a mat, but stay upright. Tuck your toes into the floor behind you - so your toes are on the floor, not your shoelaces. Partner sits behind you with your feet between his/her knees and his hands on your ankles. Tell him not to let your feet come off the floor.

You fall forward to your hands, so now you look like you are ready to do a pushup from your knees. Push off slightly with those hands to start to propel yourself back up to upright. You gotta PULL with those hamstrings like you cannot imagine. Fall forward again and try to do 10-12. Keep those hammies and legs straight and don't let your butt collapse.

The first time I did it I discovered I did not have hamstrings -- just giant blobs of goo.

I am having some trouble picturing this...
Thanks Karin - that's it exactly. Oh - and I read the description that says for extra work try it wearing an X-vest. YIKES. Last week my trainer had me bring my Cathe vest and use it for ski squats. I hope she doesn't think of it for these!
Thanks Karin - that's it exactly. Oh - and I read the description that says for extra work try it wearing an X-vest. YIKES. Last week my trainer had me bring my Cathe vest and use it for ski squats. I hope she doesn't think of it for these!

No problem Lorrie! Wow, your trainer seems like pure evil :D

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