Hair Cut/Color on the Cheap.


Everybody told me not to switch from my pricey stylist to a stylist in a cheap-o chain shop but I did and I'm glad. The lady who cut my hair at SATURDAY's gave me a much sexier, tossled cut (I LOVE it!) FOR ABOUT $16 (plus tip). After I left there I went to Sally's Beauty Supply, four doors down, and got lots of great advice from a guy there about exactly how to get the absolute best, longest-lasting red color. He looked at the box of color I was holding and told me that I picked the best they carry (but suggested a stronger red) and steered me to a more appropriate developer. He gave me a laundry list of instructions to give me better results. By the time I got done buying all the stuff at Sally's (and the bottle of developer will last a year, he said) the grand total for supplies and haircut was under $40. I WAS paying $120! I'm doing the color tonight.

All this has me wondering how I can shave my cable bill...

I discovered I can color my own hair by using Natural Instincts! $8.00 as opposed to $55.00 Oh what a wonderful discovery that was!!!

If you ever figure out how to shave that cable bill - I'd love to see a post on that!!!!!:7
I so glad that you're happy with your decision!

The guy that does my hair charged DH and I $46 for 2 cuts and my highlight last week! The lady that I was going to charged me over $80 for just my cut/highlight!!!

Oh, and I get tons more compliments on my hair now then I ever did when she was doing it!
I, on the other hand, had a nightmare experience with a $12 hair cut at MasterCuts. I have long, thick hair (mid back) and I asked for a 1" trim and some layers. The "stylist" spritzed my hair with water and clipped randomly several times, and.... 2 minutes later the haircut was done. And let me say it was the worst haircut I have ever gotten. I went home and found a stylist in my area who took me the next morning and fixed the horrible haircut. I have been going to him ever since. Although I pay $45 for haircuts now, I am not risking "cheap haircuts" anymore.
SirenSongWoman -

Can you tell me what products the man at Sally's told you to use for your red? I've been using the L'Oreal Feria number 67 for a long time noe but am always looking for that perfect shade of red (you know, kind of like how I'm always looking for that perfect mascara/eyeliner that will turn me into the sultry diva I know exists just below the surface - if I could only find the right makeup - haha!)

Susan L.G.
>SirenSongWoman -
>Can you tell me what products the man at Sally's told you to
>use for your red? I've been using the L'Oreal Feria number 67
>for a long time noe but am always looking for that perfect
>shade of red (you know, kind of like how I'm always looking
>for that perfect mascara/eyeliner that will turn me into the
>sultry diva I know exists just below the surface - if I could
>only find the right makeup - haha!)
>Susan L.G.

The color the guy at Sally's recommended for me was Ion brand Intense Red. He said it would be more vibrant than the red I'd picked but not as vibrant as the sample (which was bright) because my natural shade is squirrel brown and it's presently a faded copper. He gave me very specific instructions on what to do while the color is on my hair to make the color as fade-resistant as possible. If you have a Sally's nearby (or a store that sells professional products) go in and ask for advice tailored specifically to you. Those guys are a wealth of information. My guy told me business at Sally's is booming because of the economy. Everyone wants to know how to use professional hair color products these days and cut out the middle man.

FYI on the cut: My new stylist has been cutting hair for 20 years but it's true that new stylists are always a crapshoot, at chain salons, especially. I feel very lucky and I will be going back to this woman, probably more often since I can afford to with a much cheaper cut.
Hi Sirensongwoman
That's so great! Think of all the workouts you can buy with the $$ you're saving! I'll look forward to reading your post about your new color. I'm sure it will look fantastic. I was LOL'g over your "squirrel brown" description of your hair color. I can relate. Of course, if I didn't color my hair these, it would be Jerry Garcia Gray.

From now on, I'm going to be more decisive. Possibly.
I trim my bangs myself and do my own colouring with Clairol. My bangs need to be trimmed about every 2.5 weeks and my colouring needs to be done roughly every 5-6 weeks. Since I don't use a blowdryer on my hair or curling iron it saves my hair from more damage. In addition, I use Suave on my hair. At 99 cents a bottle and it works good with no wax build up.
I can relate. I had been going from stylist to stylist trying to get a hair color I'd like, and eventually decided to try it on my own. I figured, if I don't like it, at least it'll be an $8 bad dye job as opposed to $90 bad dye job. You say "box dye" to some stylists and they practically hiss and start crossing themselves. Well, having no experience dyeing my own hair, I ended up doing a better job than any of the professionals I had went to.
I"m so jealous of you who can color your hair and have it turn out right. I've tried it and end up looking horrible. I've also had the nightmare experience with trying for the cheaper cut. I've been with my hairdresser so long now and she knows me, my hair, my lifestyle, and my preferences that I can't bring myself to cut costs this way as tempted as I somtimes am. Sigh...
Wow those prices are great! Can you tell me what area you live in? I live in Connecticut/Fairfield county and work in a pretty decent salon and our haircuts range from $65-75 and we're not the expensive salon in town. I keep wondering what I would do if I ever quit the business and had to find a less expensive place to do my hair. A professional tip for those of you that color at home is try to have a friend help you apply it to your hair so you make sure all your hair is covered. I have seen many at home color jobs and that is one thing I noticed most people can't reach.

I've had good and bad experiences both with cheap cuts and expensive.
I just have a hard time with the spray bottle too. I've gone in for a cheap cut and came out with a rat tail looking trim when I wanted long layers. I was too nice to freak on the lady and got someone else to fix it. I even paid. (I'm so weak) It was a nightmare!
I've also spent $50 on a haircut in a trendy salon and asked for a TRIM. I got about 5-6 inches of my hair cut off. I'm still recovering from that one. It was a cute cut but WAY too short for my comfort. I had hair down to my mid/lower back and now its starting to get to my mid/upper back again. ugh!
With hair color... they will totally HISS if you say you used box color lol! but the funny thing is if I've colored it at all recently I get my color complimented by the hairdresser. I just say "thanks". I use natural instincts semi-permanent color. I'm sure they use good quality stuff and that is thier livelyhood so I can see how it'd annoy them but I can't afford to have my color done or highlights right now.

Glad you found something that worked well for you. Let us know how the color comes out :)
Stylists want you to go to them because they want your money so they're going to hiss and spit when you tell them you use box hair color. Let's see: $6-$9 for the stuff in a box vs. $50-$80 for salon color? If I could make the stuff in a box last (again, red is a world unto itself and requires extra effort) I'd certainly use it. I don't think most colorists have ever used the box stuff so they see it as the enemy and try to convince you that the quality isn't up to par (depends on the color, I think) and that you're just being cheap or don't really care about the health of your hair. Pantene used to make the absolute best leave-in conditioner and my stylist kept trying to convince me to use a "better" product, saying the stuff I was using was essentially liquid plastic. I asked "Does it wash out with the next shampoo?" "Yes, but..." "So where's the long-term damage? There isn't any? So if it makes my hair look shiney and makes it easier to style, where's the harm?" She was like "Yea, but..." "But WHAT?" But then Pantene discontinued my beloved product and now I AM using the expensive stuff which, compared to the "liquid plastic" just sucks. I work with a girl who uses red from a box and only has to color her hair quarterly. I spend a fortune, half my red is gone by the second shampoo, and I'm having my hair professionally colored three times as often? What bull. I know red is nortoriously tough to hang onto but when I'd talk to other redheads none of them had the issues I had. I did everything right and my color still vanished. I think the guy at Sally's was right about my old salon using the cheaper stuff, not necessarily to keep people like me coming back more often, but because the lady who owns the salon is... thrifty. Well, now I'M thrifty, too. Of all the redheads I know my hair strands are the most fine so I think hair texture has a lot to do with why my hair, in particular, doesn't hold red color as well, but I can't find a single professional to back me up on this. All I know is, way back when I was "blonde" I never had issues with color lasting.

I have to say I recently had to buy a new blow dryer and bought a ceramic type by accident. I bought it because it was the only one I'd ever seen where you could open the trap at the end and clean out the lint (which was such a sensible idea I HAD to pick that one). I'd heard ceramic dryers are much gentler on hair and it's definitely true. The first time I used it I thought I'd over-conditioned my hair, it was so smooth. It's red, it folds up, and I think I spent about $45 at Target

By the way, for the person who asked, I'm in Columbus, Ohio.

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