I'm so sorry for your loss. I had a similar situation several years ago when we had to put one of our dogs down. Here are some tips that I found in a net search for "grieving pets":
Do Pets Grieve?
Do pets grieve? The answer is yes. Just as people do, pets become attached to each other, even those who do not get along. It is quite normal for a grieving pet to go through the same stages of grief that humans do - they can experience loss of appetite, become anxious or depressed, behave inappropriately and become more vocal. Some grieving pets will sleep in a lost pet's favourite spot or carry around the lost pet's favourite toy. Sometimes grieving pets will search for the lost one and call out to them.
Just as with humans, it takes time for the grieving pet to adjust to the loss of a housemate; however, there are things you can do to help:
- try and keep the grieving pet's routine as normal as possible
- spend extra quality time with the grieving pet
- do not try to modify any behaviour changes that take place
- be patient and understanding with the grieving pet
- in a multi-pet household, the surviving pets will have to determine a new hierarchy; let them work it out
When we had to put one of our dogs down, our vet suggested bringing him home and showing him to our other dog, letting her sniff, etc. This was a way to let her know what was happening and give some closure.
I believe that pets really do grieve the loss of a loved one. My heart goes out to you and your dog. It isn't easy. Please take care.