Gym Styles


Does anyone use the Gym Style series without a band? I'm not crazy about using a band and wanted to know if you can get a good workout without using one.
I do use the band but durung the workout Cathe says something about using it for a "bonus burn". If you don't like the band but still want a "bonus" maybe just use weights that are lighter for the pulses. Just a thought. In any event I think you can get a good workout without the band. HTH.
I find that it definitely gives the bonus burn that Cathe talks about, but I've used light weights during these segments and gotten a nice little burn. My problem is I need to order and keep a bunch of bands on hand b/c my second green band now has a hole in it. They just don't seem to last that long.
Have you tried putting your bands and or rubber tubing in a pillowcase and shaking them with some baby powder? I had read this somewhere, and it does seem to help prevent the cracking and stickiness that occurs when they get old.

>Have you tried putting your bands and or rubber tubing in a
>pillowcase and shaking them with some baby powder? I had read
>this somewhere, and it does seem to help prevent the cracking
>and stickiness that occurs when they get old.

Hi Sherry, I have to say that I haven't tried that, but they never seem to make it to what I would call old age...tee hee!
Sherri Lynn,
I sometimes use the band and sometimes I dont. When I dont use the band I use 5lb weights and I do exactly what Cathe is doing with the bands but I use the weights and I feel it works good for me-I like to do it both ways for variety. Hopt that helps some.

I don't like using the band either. I use hand weights, and do exactly the same exercise Cathe is doing. I've learned to be more creative and modify workouts to suit my needs. I used to be such a stickler for having to do everything just as they do them in the videos, lol.

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