>I don't think there would be a problem with just putting the
>3 workouts on one DVD like SH & PS. I think the problems came
>up with some of the more advanced technology with the Blast
>series. Even with the Intensity Series I don't recall any
>problems. If they come out on 3 separate I still may get the
>series but trade these and get PS instead. Maybe it is old
>but I really prefer all the strength on 1 DVD.
I agree with all you've said. The problems with the DVD's seemed to crop up with the Body Blast series. PS and Slow and Heavy were fine. We don't even need premixes (which were way overdone in BB, IMO), besides, you'd never be able to come up with as many premixes as ways to combine the different segments through programming (either with the DVD players programming function, or the Mix and Match feature). Having the three workouts on one DVD, with good (but not excessive--and by that, I mean that the preparation, the actual move, and the stretch after the move do not have to be separate chapters!) chapters would be a workable compromise, IMO.